Saturday, October 31, 2009

Da Official 101th Post/ DENVAH (Li/In)

Hola Monsuirs!!! I'm doing this from Denver, on the last day of October, aka Halloween, aka my dadio's bday. So now i TOTALLY dont regret for going to Denver for halloween. we had SO MUCH FRWAKIN fubn.

*sri for teh wall of text, cuz itrs gonna be a relaly long post*


So my family woke up at 10ish and went to Igor and Ira's teeny house. I mean, their house is truelky teeny. And so they ahve this 19 year old daughter who they tink is wild. In quotes, but im too tired to do quotes (its like, 1 am) yeah. she leaves and comes and comes as she wants to, doesnt pay attentiuon to her parents, and theyre (igor adn Ira) are prdy amd and so then my mom started talking about 'The Secret for Teenagers'. My mom said that I need to read that book. I still correct her that I'm not a teenager (im 12 for malos sake) and that i prefer to be called a podrostok (russian for teenager- whih means the same thing). I feel so stupi9d sometimes. And then they started praising me.

And then later we went to my grandpa's house, who is about 70 ish, and we ate and taked and just WERE with him and we had a grand ol time, and then we left, and then i started txting trili, who patiently listened to my desperate pleads to urinate (i was waiting for my parents in teh car while they were grocery shopping). and then we got home i went to urinate, and then i decided to go outside to talk to trili, and we did, and strangely when we are at skl, im da happy one and shes the philosophical one, and then at home im teh philosophical one and shes happy. all of a sudden i started rating about how movies change the way we act and how TLK and the new movie "where the wild things are" are so epic (i havnt even seen wtwta) but theres this artist that i highly respect on dA clled TomPreston (remember that pic of link with teh master sword and the massword is saying "whats wrong" and links all loik, "this si akward", remmber????) and then if u dont rmember, its this eprson:: {url} well in this journal he says that::
It’s one of the most emotionally charged “kids” movies i’ve seen in a long time

There are no whiz-bang effects, or fart jokes, or anything else you would expect in a hollywood produced kids movie (which is good in my opinion).

As someone who firmly believes that kids can enjoy slow movies like this, I really wish more films were being made like it for kids. I hate the “Disney” line of thinking where you have to have SOMETHING happen every single minute (a joke, song, etc) or kids will get bored with it. That’s just promoting A.D.D not doing anything to restrain it...
Ok these are just exerts. Read the whole thing, itll be worth it. And I ahve to agree. That's proobly why ther's a huge difference b/w TLK1 and TLK2. TLK was an epic movie, dark adn uninviting. That's why Timon and Pumbaa are in it! To add some spice, to make it funnier, more appealing to younger kids, but the story is still coplicated enouph for older audiences. TLK2 was much more centered around fun, being happy, and then all of a sudden you have Timopn adn Pumbaa, who added only dumbness to the movie. their jokes are out-of-place, out of time, just plain horrible. And another reason why TLK2 sucked is that the villoian made no sense. In TLK1 the villian had a god reason to be bad, they mnade descruction, they were a huge deal. Theyt affected teh protagonist. That's why so many toehr things were succesful:: Majora in Majora's Mask, the Adderhead in The Ink Trilogy, the vampire troop in Twilight, ecasue they cause descruction. They afect the others. Zira in TLK2 was a fake. She just stayed outside teh boundaries, just threateneing but nawt doing anything but teh end. *eye roll*

And then after talking with trili on tehy phone, we went shopping at Cherry Creek mall. Yes dudes, we went shopping at teh mall. But we came too late cuz tehre was lyk, no candy left. After a while we got a fair amount of candy (even though i never even wore teh costume, we left it in az) and then we headed to a resteraunt to celerbreate my dads birthday. It was an amazing resteraunt. Its a Brazillian Grill called Rodizio's Grill and its amazinf. Its a carnivours heaven. there's these waiters and waitresses who come in and go around ur table and u can take a slice of what tehry offereing. I found the fried pinapple and carammeled ham teh best *liscks lips* and then we ate untilo we couldnt eat no mmore. some more of my dads friends joined us, artur and lera, who were both life-of-da-party. Artur and Igor made a bet that if Igor cud taste teh difference b/w $20 wine and $150 wine he could keep the wine, ad n if he lost, he had to pay for teh wine adn buy Artur a hamster. Dudes, these are 40-year-old men. But it was hilarious. As IU'm typing this on my dad's laptop theyure laughing over tea. Yes, we russians get wizzy on tea, not alchahol. Don't get me started on alchahol.

And then so we were al,l so full none of the adults cud actualy drive a car, so they went for a walk in downtown denver. oh gawd, it was worse than lass vegas last year. teh whole town was outside, smoking, walking around, in COSTUMES. It as so weird! My mom and I were talking about how weird it was. My mom and I talk about very meaningful things. When we walked by a nighclub, Artur went to check it out since teh door was open, and they invited him in, but we somehow had the strength to drag him out. The downtown was beautiful. There were old historical buildings, lights stretched out, music polaying, three-lane-traffic, people laughing, and teh smell of smoke. When we walked by another bar I could barely breathe. Sll teh smoke made me semi-choke. That was the worst part. And the fact that my legs hurt like crazy. Ah well.

Then we headed home, ansd now the adults are siting talking, and I'm typing. I'm sri I cant show any pics, I tried, adn failed. Sooo....... I loved my Halloween. But now its 1:30 am. *yawn* but it was fun. i loved tghis halloween.

-------------------*the wall of text ends*----------------

I cant believe tomorrows november first! time fliesd so fast! A year ago I was sitting in a hotel in vegas (the Wynn to be presise) reading New Moon. This year I'm sitting in my uncle Lenya's house in Denver, loving my Halowween. I thought only a little time passed. But tis been a whole YEAR. I cant believe it! This is whyn I love blogging. U can always look back, remmber how u acted, what happened, and even recollect somethings that u didnt know off the top of your head. hm.

today in the grill, i had this crazy blogging idea. we shud make like, a club of basis bloggers, have a symbol, have meetings, or just something. liek club. we have thjis little community, were all good friends, we shud make mit offical. i dunno whjy im on teh officialness, but i love it. but we can only do this is everyone is in. i mean like, the poeple i need to reply "yes" for this to happen::


We are the BASIS 7th Graders who blog. We're all friends. We make epic jokes, we make good times, we present news of a 7th Graders' life to the world.

We should make this official.

We could have a badge, a group on Google Groups, a ton more stuff (I would put a ton more ut I think it'll scare you all away).

But we need to make a good name.

I'm thinking "The BASIS Bloggers".

Wadya think?

Gimme some answers! coment! notice how i stopped useing caps! ow my neck is itchy! its 1:26 am!



Friday, October 30, 2009




I will now be making little sighns after da post name, so u know what kind of post it is. tehre will be a couple different typoes of posts::
  • Info: Where I talk about things I have seen, normally a new obsession. (In)
  • Zelda: Um... Do I need to explain??? (Z)
  • Liefs: This is a mispelling of "life" that I did a couple months ago and now its a synomym for life, wherer I talk about things like its a journal entry. (Li)
  • Pessimist: Where I act suicidal on a post (these days it happens alot) These posts will eb the ones I wonht let u comment. (PP)
So You guys know what's a post gonna be lyk before I post it ^^.

And now for teh lief section/PP

As most of u know, on Tuesday I lost my pink bag for my pencils, and I was literally going crazy, crying in class, and feeling suicidal becasue of it. I got a huge lecture at home about being careful with your stuff, and after that I *attembptedf* to do chemistry hw but I couldnt without my calkculator. and at the time, alice and i were texting, adn she kept on telling me nawt to kill myuself. well, i guess thres a little truth in that. it was pretty stupid to feel so bad out of a pencil case. (but it was a PRETTY pencil case that Babushka sent me from Russia!!! It has memories in it!) and then in the mornging I was hoping that someone who was dumb enouph to steal from me also brought it to skl so that I cud wallop them with my witnesses, if of course they claim it is theirs. Cuz I ahve my friends, who have al seen it and commented on it (thnx!) i have my grandparetnts who sent it to me, I have myself who has memorized every part of the bag. And then, actuallyy, Sejal came over to me when I came to skl, holding my bag over hr head like a trophy! I gave her *many* thanks and offered a pic. AAAAAAnd I have still to draw it.

But ow on YT I found something so cute I have to put it up here::

That's the full version!!

And ehre is teh dancing version, made by Thunda.


NEW FAV SONG!!!!!!!!!!!


And I alos have to say, I am just a bit too loving to TLK (the lion king-m gotta add that to the dictionary) and now alice wants to be called "simba" andn i ahve to admit, tlk is a beuatiful movie. i feeeeel it. amazing. watch it again on yt. again. its different when u watch it now when compared when u were little. u actua;lly understand the epicnes of teh movie. dudes, yes, i just said it, TLK IS OFFICIALLY ON TEH EPIC LIST.

And meh friendios said that there was a Zelda gadget for blogs on teh gadgets list. im gonna go find it.

AAAAnd Im kinda out of my obsessionw ith TLK. Its kinda likea no-obsession epriod. But I'm fine with that. Earlier in teh year I coldnt survive without an obsession. Now I have so many things to be happy about! I have awesome friends, I'm coming back onto YT, Im reading manga, life feels liek mangsa, I have great songs to replay in my ehad (tlk and tp-trailker theme) .






HERES A LOITTLE SOMETHING for being such amazing followers.......

what I have done so far for the BxS AMV. Its nawt much, but it tooik me not so long of a time. I'm outn of ideas on what to draw for the AMV! Anyone who has read Warrior Cats teh Second Arc (The New Prophecy) PLease help!!!!!!!



So eyah. Goodbye meh peeps! DO TEH FURRY DOTA!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Movies- Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

Hve any of you seen this movie, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.....

Well, I basically grew up with it. Its just that these days Oha, GingaJinketsuKoushi, and just about every other animator from 16+ has at least one dedication thing to the Lion King, as quoting from Oha from her pic of Simba and Nala,
"But it's just happened that I've found some pictures of The Lion King on my PC, and suddenly I got SO MANY memories and feelings in my heart. No matter what happened, the Lion King is always will be such a HUGE part of our childhood, the kids of 90s."
So I just started feelin sad again. I mean, with OoT its the same thing. I know we've all watched TLK. Each and every one of us. But back then it was "revolutionary" (like OoT) and that's why it was remembered in their lives. But tell me comrades, what was revolutionary in our lives? (Ok teh Wii- it will forever be remmebered in my heart, but probobly not in yours). Well, thanks to YT, I sortakindaalmostish know.


This is- WAS the latest project of one of teh WC animators (Warior cats). Watch if u dare, but it'll give you never before seen spoilers (to you- I ahve read this part over millions of times). And I ahve to say, this perosn can't draw. They said it themselves that they're an AKN (allikatnya) type, who doesnt draw a sketch or any guidelines before the final pic. Yes, they ame storyboards, but theres no sketch. And so, the music, as we should all remember, is from TLK. And when I try and recreate this vid in my head, for some reason after teh pounding with teh dogs, the TLK music gets replaced by Spirit music, for some strange reason. As I found out today, it turns out it was teh same composer, Hans Zimmer. This person is amazing. Yes, he did do both the soundtracks, as well as soundtracks for about 20-30 other movies, and the music was partly responsible for why both Spirit and TLK are very well loved.

And as an example of this, listen to teh main theme of Spirit::

Some Lion King music::

Behold, comrades, get hold od true magic. All those times that Olya rambled on about msuic being food for the soul I never beleived her. Well, b/c of TP I did (listen to Calm and Hope).

Behold, the true magic of teh world. I just wish I was younger when I saw TLK, and when I lived in the 90s era. It seemed like, teh ebst time to live! Internet was getting started, PCs were still in fashion, the 3D boom exploded, Oot, The 2nd Golden Age of Disney. I wish. But you can't reverse time. Sadly. I wish.

Ah well. Wishing does no good. I guess I just ahve to re-see the movies.......

*goes to watch tehm on YT*

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Goodbye YT??? (And Warriors Schuffs)

I amde a vid on YT a couple days ago, about how I was torn between leaving YT (or taking as break) and continuing the stuff I do on it. So I have to post some things here, and I need you guys to comment. I NEED you to comment.

And so, I feel like to show you guys I wanted to do it, but lots more things got in teh way (ehmehcouphzeldabloggionwolfsraincouphelem) so to prove that I wanted to continue after I finished Prologue Part 2 of TNP was thast I made a coupole character sheets.

here they are::

Here's Leafpaw/pool from TNP. I'm quite amazed that I actually finished this pic, cuz normally I ahte coloruing pics. I HATE coloring animations cuz u have to basically color teh same thing over and over again wand when u use the paint tool on PS it just screws up. It exhibits my new style (being outrageous with fur- look at the back adn tail) adn i used Muska olya's kitty) as a reference. I just noticed with muska that cats have that hair oh their back that stands up when they sit, and i used that in this pic. Also, teh background brush is nawt mine ( teh tree thing- i didnt draw it) and the words are from this song that i know called : "You're Never Alone" which exhibits Leafpool and her sis Squirrelpaw perfectly. Theyc an like, use telepathy, so when Squirrelpaw leaves, she knows wahts happening with ehr.

And this pic I made someime in May after I heard "Fairytale". This pic was supposed to be used as a concept art for the AMV I ewas thinking of making (look at my very first post). I'm still torn with teh AMV, it wud be so awesome to make it! As you can see, I didn't color this one, mostly b/c at teh time I wa lazy. And also, if u saw Prologue Part 2, Brambleclaw has a very dark fur color, adn in this pic I nmade him darker (his tabby stripes are black) adn so I tried coloring it, but you can't really see Brambley anymore. So I want to know from u dudes if I shud make him lighter or ease up his desighns.

And then, yesterday in His while Brist waws ranting about Obama I was sitting, chewing on teh gum that LinkLuvah gave me and I started drawing in my Phys/French notebook, adn I drew Squirrelpaw. I totally screwed up, but I saw how much my style has changed, when you compare teh above pic with this::

I KNOW tyeh quiality is horrible, it just is. And its also siloueted cuz we moved all teh firniture in meh bro's room so now the light falls on my back instead of on my face (from teh window). And tehn Nikhil said that my cats were good in math. For completely no reason. But I still don;t like how I made squirrel. I forgot, is she longhaired or shorthaired? Her tail is ahbriosly poofy but what about teh rest? It took me so much no to draw long fur on her... I was luterally biting my toungue.

And here is the other half. She is so sassy! I think I captured her attidude well but the one of the left something's wrong with her face. The one of the right looks dememted too but it looks muh better in real life. Gotta hate my webbie.

So............. yeah.

That's about all I have to say.......

-------------------1hour passed b/c kirill took over da comp-----------------


So when K took over, I decided to draw something. I ahd fairytale stuck in my ehad, adn then, considering all the things in teh psot before this, I decided to draw a part of the so-called AMV.

Now, for those who havn't seent eh first post here's an exerpt::
-Years ago when I was younger

thunderclan camp, bramble and squirrel random walking chores, looks.

-I kinda’ liked a girl I knew.

squirrelpaw pics

-She was mine, and we were sweethearts,


-That was then, but then it’s true

whiet out, sky, blamble sad face

-I’m in love with a fairytale

more squirrelpaw pics

-Even though it hurts.

run cycle

-‘Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind;

brmalbe face run cycle

-I’m already cursed

shows tigerstar, hawkfrost, tawnypelt, firestar

Now what I drew waws the "I'm already cursed" part. I drew all those ppl/cats adn I REALLy want to show u how it turned out. *webbies it* Here it is::

I know teh quiality is horrible, but at least its better than teh toher ones. I finally know now how to adjust teh focus of teh webbie. T-T. I know its horrible, it looks much better in real life, but its still amazing. Some zoom-ups::

This is the baddie of the first arc of teh series, Tigerclaw, who ahppens to be teh father of teh amin cahrt of teh second arc, The New Prophecy. I love how I drew him. Evil eyes,cxonfident pose, fangs showing (youc an't see them here) and blood on his claws. Epic. And of course, don't forget teh fluffy kitty tail. And I made him tuffed ears!!! And teh scar on teh nose... etc. Well, I basically remember everything in him as I shud've. I. Love. Him. Or his drawing. Or pic. Watevs.

This is Firestar, the former part-time apprentice to Tigerclaw, who killed the killer of Tigerclaw after he himself was killed (he has gots nine lives- all leaders do). His face looks good, but weird. He, even though he's the good person in teh series, he's also one of those who "cursed" brambley cuz firestar brough it upon himself to mentor brambley so that he doesnt turn out like his father. i triewd to reference this with teh scene in "A Dangerous Path" where Firestar tells Bramblepaw adn Tawnypaw who their father was (tawny's his sis).

He's Tawny, and she looks bland adn everything, but sh's really awesome. Especially in teh first adn second book of TNP. Here her face looks epic. I eman rally. You can't see much, but jst trust me; it looks epic. The legs need work too. She's one of those who "cursed" cuz she lives ina rival clan (shadow clan while bramble is a thunderclan cat) and b/c she ran away to jin shadowclan under her fathers rule, only b/c she was sick adn tired of being looked at as if she was a traitor. And in teh books shes a toirtoiseshall (calico) but i didnt feel like looking up exactly what she looked like so yeah.

Then of cuorse, Hawkfrost, Brmabley's half-brother, who just ahppens to love the prospect of conquering teh clans, adn who envies brambley cuz "at least your father knew you!" yeah well, as teh last book in teh second arc states, .... um... i wud rather have u dudes actually read teh books. cuz im telling too amny plot spoilers already. but ill say that hawkfrost is really awesome. and so is mothwing, his sis. shes prdy awesome too. But his face looks feminine. I have no idea why. I tried amking teh chin more outward...

So you can see what I've been working on. And in that aprt, they'll kinda be overlapping each toerh... just panning from left-right or visaversa on a red bg. im gona go draw what i eman.

------------goes drawing----------

I didn't relaly focus on drawing, I just wanted to show where it'll pan. The coolored arrows show that. But now I want to start the storyboard. Cuz I just want to.


anyways, im open for chat, just chat me. :)



Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sad, Intellectual, misunderstood, depressed, etc...

I just had this huge fight with some of my best friends over gmail chat. Av posted a quetion directed at me adn then she made a series of marks that got me really mad for no reason. I can't stand when people start to txt me or chat with me with replies of just "good" or a ton of marks. It just pisses me off. And I totally exploded in front of my friends (four of them were there- including Av). Then Baz/Trili went "wow" and so did Alex/bbjbj and yuiki/Bluey.

I'm so sorry, everyone. I had to explode. It just annoys me when people don't talk of things that matter, give short answers without giving an opening to a conversation. It just annoys me.

After that, Baz/Trili said "Zelda isn't something of importance" onto which I exploded a bit more. I went invisible and excluded myself from teh chat. I couln't take any more of this. I then wrote an apology note to Av. I knew she was invisible. I just knew. As one excellent book once told me, "You have nothing to lose if you apologise, adn everyhting to lose if you don't." I'm a person who honestly admits her mistakes. You all know that with very frequent apology letters.

And then, today I had "Take A Look Through My Eyes" stuck in my head. Only Alya would know why it had asuch a paining effect on me. She had to yet move to San Antonio when we were both obsessed head to toe in Warrior Cats. If you've never read it, I highly recommend the series. Ask me for a book. I'm happy to loan. We found AlliKatNya on YouTube adn she was making an animated series of it. We watched it, memorized each song, every movement, every pan of teh animated camera, every line adn verse.... etc... And it was both teh worst adn the happiest time of my life. It was in November, I remember teh cold, and it was fifth grade. Me and Alya were attached to Warriors of teh Forest by teh hip. And that song was one of teh songs used in it.

It pained me becuase.. I miss my childhood. That's why I may eb sad. Maybe that's why I'm acting like a little kid, being all happy, singing songs badly, and being sad because I'm missing Halloween for the second year. My mom decided to amke my dad a present by going to Denver for Halloween (meh dad's bday) to visit our cousins. I was happy at first, since one of teh cousins was a gamer fellow like me, only a year older. But then mom found out that they were leaving for a cruise the same time that we were gonna be in Denver. And this time I don't even have my YP-T10 to comfort me (last time I was in Denver I never let go of my T10 (its an mp3player)). And last eyar we were in Las Vegas as yet another of my dad's bday requests. Let me say that I do nawt want to be in Las Vegas for another good 10 years.

So here's my huge depressd thing. Now the only thing to accompany me to Denver is my phone, which is old and crappy. I don't even use that word. Crappy. What a stupid horrible word.

Another realization that came to me was that life isn't an adventure. Whenever you set out to do something, there isnt' epic music playing, or the camera sidescrolling, or anything (ex: when you leave Outset Island in WW, when link goes to Termina Field in MM and is banged on teh head by Tatl, teh new fairy, for being so "cool", like Tristen in teh movie Stardust when he goes out of the wall, searching for that falled star.). You just set out. And people who are normal just don't have adventures. And as I've also learned, those who don't want adventures get them. So that basically means in about 15 years all my friends will be some sorts of famous people doing amazing discoveries while I sit and mop floors at McDonalds. Yay for me.

Dangit the tears are comin. I wish we human beings never had tears. Then no one would know how you feel at a certain moment. but then, it would be better to have no feelings. You won't feel any positive, but at least teh negative won't be ther to pester you either.

I wonder if this would quialify as an English essay. Good views on life, he would say. Oh just HAFTD Mr.Clark. "Rest in peace, will ya?" -link, Majora's Mask.

Sometimes life strucks you happy (before French class beofre break on Wednesday- Xtizzle and Bluey are witnesses) adn sometimes it makes you just plain mad. Stupid life. Stupid philosophical me.

But fat stupid failiure.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Banned.... Again

As some of you may or may nawt know i am banned from teh comp, but if I play Spore with my bro, my parnrts ignore the fact. Good for me.

And so we just had guests and my parents are watching Russian TV so I ahve a good 5-10 mins to blog.

Because of this, I have broken my record of nawt posting. But I don't know how long so bleh.

AAAAAAAAAND I'm bored all the time. I can't believe it! I ahve the Wii and everything else but the comp at my disposal and im BORED. I can't believe how attached I am to this piece of junk comp. I want a new one........ (mebe a Vista) but I think I'll hang on to this on a little more.

So I've been playing some Wii-games I havnt played in a long time. Dang, I got 3rd place in MarioKart on the Mushroom Cup! (well, i get 1st all teh time so anything lower is horrrible) and I found out how to use Coin Launchers in SSBB. Annnnnnnnnnnd I relized my love for this song called "Encounter" from Metal Gear Solid and I DANCED to it. Like, remember at teh Spring Dance last year how everyone danced to "HotnCold"? It was like that. It was exhilirating. I LOVED IT. I am proobly the only person to say this, but I really want to be seen on tape dancing inf front on the plasma screen like a maniac. I did that to "Tetris Type A" and "Song of Storms" and some other ones.

To understadnd these vids you need to pu ur soind on (I ahve to say this cuz i sent trili a tp music vid adn she was like "staring at the logo with nothing happening is kinda boring" and i went hdhdhdhd)

Here's Encounter. Its nawt that epic when u listne to it on the comp but once u come to my house, hold the Wiimotre and Nunchuck in your hands, stare st teh huge plasma, and listen to the glorious song, adn just DANCE. I love it so much! But don't let teh weird pic of Snake (da fihter dude in teh vid). He's weird. I openly admit it. But I love Snake's Cardboard Box!!! ^^

Yet another song I ttlaly dance to. I love it so much!!! There's the epic voices, the drums int eh abck, teh violins going doink, and then the epic ELECTRIC GUITAR!!! And then there's teh part when the xylophone is heard....... So touching. And there's the piano adn electric guitar having a duet........ I love it so much! my bro adn I actually sing this all teh time. No rally. He's the soprano adn I'm teh tenor. ^^

Da most epic song of all time. I literally go crazy when I hear this one the plasma. I..... DANCE. DACE LIKE THRES NO TOMORROW. ITS THAT EPIC. KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I even bet it was done with a real ocarina. And those trumpet weird sonds in teh bg make it all seem.. so.... '90s. But then, Oot was in 1998 so I guess it all fits together that way. And then its Ganon's theme/..... and then The Seranade of Water, made better in TP as Rutela's Theme.


----------------In the morning-------------------

Ok I'm back and I know I've been missing out on Zelda News so I went to ZW and ZI but there's nothuing THAT interesting..... only how Zeld games have to be harder. Um... I'm totlaly with you. TP, although it was fun, was too freakin easy. All you need for evidence in that startment tis that you don't really....... die. I mean, the only time I died is when I started the game. In the forest temple. And the other place I died (alot) was in the room in hyrule Castlw with teh two Darknuts. In late summer I kept dying over adn over. A couple days ago I went abck adn I said "i'm gonna go defeat those darknuts" adn I did. With a few epic backslices, Shield attacks, and Helm Splitters. Backslice is meh fav. I LOVE backslicing. my brother is a Helm Splitter Person. ^^ now I'm gonna go, restock my weapons, adn try to go through teh Cave of Ordeals in the GFerudo Desert (nawt Valley, Desert) and so eya. I always died there after three floors (about 30-35ish rooms) I remember those rooms with teh redeads adn the poe! I HATE POES. YOU GUYS ALWAYS HEAR ME TALKING ABOUT POES SO I HVE TO SHOW YOU A PIC OF THEM.


These dudes are only seen with Wolf Senses and only Wolf Link can attack them. And the "chink, chink" they made with their lanters and their scary laugh FREAKS ME TO TEH BONE. *shivers* If you want a bigger scare.... look at the Poes of Arbiter's Grounds.

And here's a Poe of Arbiter's Grounds, the fourth Dungeon of the game, right after the Water Temple Incident (I'm so nawt gonna tell you what it is!) At least there are only four of these ews walking around. But they still freak me out. Especiallyw hen one dies. Wolf Link rips its heart out (gross, but tehres no blood) and then it like, deflates like a balloon. Gross. And I love it when WL misssses when he's doing the grasp to the heart when you're fighting a normal poe. His nose gets stuck in teh ground!

And so, eager for news, I went to WMB (want midna back) if you ahvnt played the whole game of tp, DONT GO THERE. The whole site is dedicated to bringing Mdna abck in the next game. Ya wanna know why? Go and ise rhetoric to pursuade ur bro to do his hw in another room so that you can have teh Wii and finally finish teh Forest Temple.

Well, in WMB, I was reading more and more on how ppl miss Midna, how a touching characer she was, how different she was from all the other sidekicks in the series, how she changed in the story.

And soo..... I went on YT, saw tje video of the changing plotline, and I was just going though more random TP vids until I returned to this series some dude is making "Zelda Wii News" and I ahve to sdmit, most of this is pretty darn accurate. Some things I would disagree with, but most of it is accurate. I mean, he was totally right in the description of the fan's reactions in 2008 adn 2009. Watch teh vid here:: (and please skip the intro... its just ssbb stuff)



His analysis on ST is amazing. I mean totally. I mean, ST...... its the same as PH. There's the huge console games, then there's teh handhelds. I'm betting that the handhelds are getting alot less love than they need.

And then there's this....... thing.

Yes. You guys know who teh guy sitting in teh chair is, fumbling with an N64 remote. Its the Mator from Power Puff Girls. We all watched that show when we were kids, everyone openly admit it. It was on Cartoon Network... remember the opening? "sugar, spice, adn everything nice". I openly admit I still ahve the box from the shoes I had when I was little, depictin ghte power puff girls. if u want to shoometime, i can show u.

I know the quality of the vid is horrible. I saw another one earlier this year, but I tried to find it, but it wudnt show up.

The stuff int eh green was:: "You gust lots five lives" and then "You just killed your own fairy".

Now dudes, this is how much impact Zelda makes on teh universe! MUAHAHAHAHAHAH~!

And tehn...... there's this other........ thing I've found.

This was in SSBM for teh GCN and Bluey has this game (I ahve to lend ehr SSBB sometime but I think she has too many games to play already!) and so thre are some taunts that a character can do, such as pose or do a movement. And so that's what they did in teh game (the actions) but teh sounds came from TLoZ the TV SERIES in the early '90s. Yes, that's Link saying "scuse me princess" and teh "kiss me?". It freaks me out.... I wud much rather be playing the games in which Link oly doews wird things and nawt weird sayings. For exaple for weird things... If you use teh Command Melody in WW and you take the body of someone else, you can look at urself (link) adn see how hes meditating. he loks so epically intense!!!!!!!!

anyways..... ontomore news.......


Anyways, I know you've all heard of Spore. Ever seen this poster?

I hope that most of you did... or see something like this. Well, this is a game where you go through evolution. You start out as a cell, trying to survive in water. You obtain new parts, go through dying, getting eaten, eating urself, making babies..... until you grow so much you decide to grow legs. You venture out on land, and there you go though much more evolution until your brain gets smart enouph to form a tribe. Then when u conquer or allie all the tribes you form a civilization and then you ahfve to conquer the planert an then u ahve to conquer the galaxy. so far im on galaxy adn its HARD. I'm stuck cuz i want to find other civilizations and make allies but tis nawt working\

Friday, October 9, 2009

Quiz: Which Tokyo Mew Mew Character Are You?

Ok so you all know that many other ppl have been doing quizzes and stuff and I've had an idea for this one for a while but I've never done it so now I feel much obliged to do it. Enjoy! Along with a very interesting surprise at the end!

  1. If you were in a desperate need for a taxi, how would you greet the next car that comes next to you?
    a) Jump on the windshield of the car and yell at the taxi driver until he stops and lets you on.
    b) Stand quietly and elegantly on the sidewalk like a queen and hail the next driver with you handkerchief.
    c) Call frantically for a couple seconds, then sit down and sigh despairingly.
    d) Jump from car to car like a monkey until one of them is so freaked out he stops from shock and lets you in.
    e) Walk across the path of the next car like a model and seduce the next driver into letting you drive with breaking the law so you can get to your event on time.

  2. If you were a waitress at a sweetshop, how would you give you your guests their Christmas Tart?
    a) By smiling cheerfully and setting it down in a clumsy-elegant manner.
    b) By curtsying like a fine lady and handing it to them with your head bowed and leg outstretched.
    c) By sweetly smiling and handing it to tehm with a cute adn airy manner.
    d) By doing a circus act with the plate and the Christmas tart adn then magaically making it land on the table without cracking - and ending wiht e huge TADAH with confettii at teh end.
    e) Walk up to them stoically and hand them the tar coldly while saying- 'your Christmas tart' ina totally monotone voice.

  3. What would be your reaction if you heard a deep threatening voice out of nowhere when you were walking out alone in teh middle of the night?
    a) You would whirl around and do a couple clumsy karate moves in teh air while a huge sweat drop forms on your head and your eyes widen to the size of your face.
    b) You grab hold of your purse, ready to wack any foreigners with the bag.
    c) You stop, adn naivly ask "who's there?" into teh darkness while breathing unevenly.
    d) By bring out your flamethrower and pointing at teh location of where you think you heard the voice while yelling in a very weird launguage, similar to a monkey's.
    e) You continue walking, only you take out your phone and call your phone and call your manager to pick you up on your private helicopter.

  4. What kind of books do you read the most?
    a) Action and romance.
    b) The history of France and ballet.
    c) Travel and books with thoughts of exotic places.
    d) You can't read. Well you can, but you refer to practice juggling your brothers and sisters.
    e) The newest tabloid from the Vouge.

  5. If you could have anytype of superpower, what would it be?
    a) The power to have guys swoon at your feet.
    b) The power to have everyone obey you.
    c) The power to teleport to places you hacn't even been in.
    d) The power to... fly.
    e) The power to go invisible.

So yeah. That's it. So teh answers::


A =


B =


C =


D =


E =


So eyah. Enjoy teh mew-mew-ness!!!

And as for that surprise I was talking about.......



Thursday, October 8, 2009

Link Has Gots Cruuuuuushed.......

So yeah. Lin has gotten a major crush n teh Greatest VideoGame Hero contest, adn by cheating, Gordon Freeman won. By 40,000 votes, only b/c the creators of Half-Life came in onto their site and told everyone to vote for Dorkon. But dudes, you may think that hey, you've been doing the same thing.

True, but toally nawt.

These were THE CREATORS. I am A LOYAL FAN. Big difference. Anyways link totally lost, but he made it into teh fabled four. Now at least Dorkon will get a big whoopin from Mario. I eman, those who even arent gamers know Mario. I eman really.

And Nintendo has nothing to prove. They know that this is just a fansite (gamespot) and tehy know that they are the greatest anyways. They don't need some popularity contest to prove that.

But it wud of been nice to see Link VS Mario, wouldn't it? Except now its Mario VS Gordon Freeman T-T.

Ok so I bet u guys are already annoyed (duh) but I need to keep ranting.



View the toal failure of link on::

And teh cheating of Gordon Freeman::

Total cheatment.

But these guyes are so stupid. Its an INTERNET POLL.

But it wudve been nice to see link win. :D

Especially "its him!!!!!!!!!!! oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh..........." *drops hearts*

Yeah.. being a TP fangirl XD

So yeah. So bored.....

And you all failed me. I sent you an email, a text, and I posted on my blog about my rhetoric assignment, but ojnly 4 of you replied. That's just plain SAD ppl, just plain sad.......


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rhetorical Questions

So I have this assignment for school for rhetoric/ public speaking class. And for it the prompt is :

Teachers' salaries should depend on student performance (academically).

And we (the students) have to create a survey from 5-10 questions that asks about this topic.

Now, I need everyone who reads this to comment, even if it was anonymous (although I need your grade/profession at the end). Also please give me this by Thursday afternoon. I need this for my grade.

Now for those infamous questions...:
  1. Do you think that student performance is a suitable way of measuring teachers' salaries?
  2. Do you believe age (or grades) can affect the academic performance? Time of day? Region?
  3. How do you think students will be affected by this statement?
  4. Do you think the academic performance of the students' would change with this statement? How?
  5. Should students should know that how they work in class would affect their teacher financially?
Thank you for reading this and hopefully answering the questions, even though they do nawt sound anything like something I would write normally. Everything is capitalized :D

So yes. I will resume posting normally once this assignment is over. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to rant again, as a normal post.


Ok so during lunch Musey told me that she searched "zelda ranting" on google and meh blog turned up first. and i totally went crazya t lunch. i ean, i was in a spazz. alice came over and she was all like "woah darya calm down" adn i told ehr teh news adn sthen she was jumping around crazsily and then ms. calihan yelled at us and so we did it "silently" doing the nya over adn over and over again (yeah were sortakindalmostish ready to be put inot a mental institute- nawt to be offensive). and then i brought meh horoscope booka dn av was all over it. i let her take it home for tonight :). and bluey adn linklovah (elise da new girl) wrote zelda-related things for tehi ENGLISH assignment! elise did teh part int eh oot manga where link meets epona in kakarico and then bluey did a twilight princess adaptation in where link comes into his house adn a ton of bokoblins attack him (nodnodnod). i could read blueys after skl, i was in such a spazz that she had to read it to me. and even then i was in such a spazz. and in teh morning in da caf we were doing "master sword imitations" cuz inevery game you get eh master sword adn we were doing imitaions. so toon link (ww) he just stood there adn pointed the sword up while older link (tp) toally did this epic pose, hand behind back, sword up, feet spead apart, adn we were so opic! (epic adn awsome mixed toagehr). anyways img oona go adn check if the zelda rnaint ghting on ggl was true.*checks*




id better go adn emial this to everyone i know, should i?

so yeah.

abientot! with a green hat over the "o"!!!


Sunday, October 4, 2009


<br><br><br>PLEASE TAKE ACTION@!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


oh no dudes.

link is losing to gfordon freeman by 400 votes!!! this is badddddddddd.

dudes, we ahve got to get link againts mario, nawt grordon against mario. this is so freakin bad.

we can still win meh friends, we can still win!!!

if you know enouph pl adn tell the name of this blog to everybody we may add upp to 400 ppl!!

now this is bad.

omg the votes are at 31804- 31488

theyre so bad.

omggps we ahve gots to help; link win!

loz for-eva!!!


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mad At Life adn VideoGamez


I am mad at life these days, mostly because I wantr to do those same things that ppl do in movies, videogaems, books, anything, where they understand what they did wrong, grow up, help ppl, and i want to do the same.

one problem; do those things even exist?

ive been reading lots of z articles on zi adn zu about childhood, faith, adn how its all mixed in. adn now im still having these little fights with myself-
  • Kids are supposed to let go of the tree to grow up; what in teh world do i have to let go of?
  • Where is this stupid tree?????????? How do I know the time it is to let go?
  • How can you have faith if you're never taught it? How can u show faith if there's nothing to believe in?
  • How can u help people if the circumstances and your true nature don't allow it?
  • Do people really think of others as their friends?
  • What is the right thing? How do you know its teh right thing?
  • What is the true face face underneath peoples' masks?
  • How is it, to accept change when it never comes?
Stupid Majora's Mask. It gives you so much insight on the world, but tehn when you actually ahve teh information sink in, tehres this huge battle focusing on life.

The Tree of Immortality. A huge playpen. Once you wonder what's outside teh paypen, you decide to venture out and explore waht is beyond it. You let go of teh Tree.

That's all very well in a world made of pixels. What about teh real world? What do we real poeple ahve to let go of? To do waht is so-called growing up???

------------------------15 mins later---------------------------

Ok I'm done ranting. I'm working on my new Blogger template- the main theme is Black Comic. The one right now is Blue Leaves. See? i'm not the only one who is bad at naming things.

Ah...... WW Music is so calming. Especially with teh HQ of Zreo. I've been listening since "Outset Island" adn now I'm on "Graaandma". Dudes, did you know that these Zreo People make too many reduxes of the same song? I mean, there's like, 2 "Outset Island"s adn one Soundscape, which is pretty cool, and there's teh same for "The Great Sea". But there are no reduxes for TP!!!! How could they do it for the most realistic game of teh series adn teh latest console game??? Evilz.....

Well Now I ahve to at least trya dn finish coloring teh header. T-T. Photoshop is actualy working well with me today. :)

Also, my Mom got a new computer and she has Adobe Photoshop CS 4 and she doesn't even use it while I'm teh one whose drawing all th time adn I ahve a crappy CS. My dad offered to install teh 4 but I gues I can wait. After all, I still need to install my enw Bamboo tablet. I eamn, it costs eanr 1000 dollars and I still havnt installed it but I'm still suing my 2 year old F610? Crazy, dontsha think?

Anyways, "Pirate Ship" is playing adn I ened to finish shading teh header.





And if you want to read those articles I was talking about, click on these::

These two articles is whewre I get my so-called philosophical ideas from. Very good articles, unless you know what teh games are about you won't understand anything, but they can really ger u thinking. Like "let go of teh tree" matephor. But really, in this day and in this world, we don't rally ahve much to let go of..................







HES ON 52% AGAINST 48%!!!!!




HEY MUST!!!!!!!!!!!