Saturday, October 31, 2009

Da Official 101th Post/ DENVAH (Li/In)

Hola Monsuirs!!! I'm doing this from Denver, on the last day of October, aka Halloween, aka my dadio's bday. So now i TOTALLY dont regret for going to Denver for halloween. we had SO MUCH FRWAKIN fubn.

*sri for teh wall of text, cuz itrs gonna be a relaly long post*


So my family woke up at 10ish and went to Igor and Ira's teeny house. I mean, their house is truelky teeny. And so they ahve this 19 year old daughter who they tink is wild. In quotes, but im too tired to do quotes (its like, 1 am) yeah. she leaves and comes and comes as she wants to, doesnt pay attentiuon to her parents, and theyre (igor adn Ira) are prdy amd and so then my mom started talking about 'The Secret for Teenagers'. My mom said that I need to read that book. I still correct her that I'm not a teenager (im 12 for malos sake) and that i prefer to be called a podrostok (russian for teenager- whih means the same thing). I feel so stupi9d sometimes. And then they started praising me.

And then later we went to my grandpa's house, who is about 70 ish, and we ate and taked and just WERE with him and we had a grand ol time, and then we left, and then i started txting trili, who patiently listened to my desperate pleads to urinate (i was waiting for my parents in teh car while they were grocery shopping). and then we got home i went to urinate, and then i decided to go outside to talk to trili, and we did, and strangely when we are at skl, im da happy one and shes the philosophical one, and then at home im teh philosophical one and shes happy. all of a sudden i started rating about how movies change the way we act and how TLK and the new movie "where the wild things are" are so epic (i havnt even seen wtwta) but theres this artist that i highly respect on dA clled TomPreston (remember that pic of link with teh master sword and the massword is saying "whats wrong" and links all loik, "this si akward", remmber????) and then if u dont rmember, its this eprson:: {url} well in this journal he says that::
It’s one of the most emotionally charged “kids” movies i’ve seen in a long time

There are no whiz-bang effects, or fart jokes, or anything else you would expect in a hollywood produced kids movie (which is good in my opinion).

As someone who firmly believes that kids can enjoy slow movies like this, I really wish more films were being made like it for kids. I hate the “Disney” line of thinking where you have to have SOMETHING happen every single minute (a joke, song, etc) or kids will get bored with it. That’s just promoting A.D.D not doing anything to restrain it...
Ok these are just exerts. Read the whole thing, itll be worth it. And I ahve to agree. That's proobly why ther's a huge difference b/w TLK1 and TLK2. TLK was an epic movie, dark adn uninviting. That's why Timon and Pumbaa are in it! To add some spice, to make it funnier, more appealing to younger kids, but the story is still coplicated enouph for older audiences. TLK2 was much more centered around fun, being happy, and then all of a sudden you have Timopn adn Pumbaa, who added only dumbness to the movie. their jokes are out-of-place, out of time, just plain horrible. And another reason why TLK2 sucked is that the villoian made no sense. In TLK1 the villian had a god reason to be bad, they mnade descruction, they were a huge deal. Theyt affected teh protagonist. That's why so many toehr things were succesful:: Majora in Majora's Mask, the Adderhead in The Ink Trilogy, the vampire troop in Twilight, ecasue they cause descruction. They afect the others. Zira in TLK2 was a fake. She just stayed outside teh boundaries, just threateneing but nawt doing anything but teh end. *eye roll*

And then after talking with trili on tehy phone, we went shopping at Cherry Creek mall. Yes dudes, we went shopping at teh mall. But we came too late cuz tehre was lyk, no candy left. After a while we got a fair amount of candy (even though i never even wore teh costume, we left it in az) and then we headed to a resteraunt to celerbreate my dads birthday. It was an amazing resteraunt. Its a Brazillian Grill called Rodizio's Grill and its amazinf. Its a carnivours heaven. there's these waiters and waitresses who come in and go around ur table and u can take a slice of what tehry offereing. I found the fried pinapple and carammeled ham teh best *liscks lips* and then we ate untilo we couldnt eat no mmore. some more of my dads friends joined us, artur and lera, who were both life-of-da-party. Artur and Igor made a bet that if Igor cud taste teh difference b/w $20 wine and $150 wine he could keep the wine, ad n if he lost, he had to pay for teh wine adn buy Artur a hamster. Dudes, these are 40-year-old men. But it was hilarious. As IU'm typing this on my dad's laptop theyure laughing over tea. Yes, we russians get wizzy on tea, not alchahol. Don't get me started on alchahol.

And then so we were al,l so full none of the adults cud actualy drive a car, so they went for a walk in downtown denver. oh gawd, it was worse than lass vegas last year. teh whole town was outside, smoking, walking around, in COSTUMES. It as so weird! My mom and I were talking about how weird it was. My mom and I talk about very meaningful things. When we walked by a nighclub, Artur went to check it out since teh door was open, and they invited him in, but we somehow had the strength to drag him out. The downtown was beautiful. There were old historical buildings, lights stretched out, music polaying, three-lane-traffic, people laughing, and teh smell of smoke. When we walked by another bar I could barely breathe. Sll teh smoke made me semi-choke. That was the worst part. And the fact that my legs hurt like crazy. Ah well.

Then we headed home, ansd now the adults are siting talking, and I'm typing. I'm sri I cant show any pics, I tried, adn failed. Sooo....... I loved my Halloween. But now its 1:30 am. *yawn* but it was fun. i loved tghis halloween.

-------------------*the wall of text ends*----------------

I cant believe tomorrows november first! time fliesd so fast! A year ago I was sitting in a hotel in vegas (the Wynn to be presise) reading New Moon. This year I'm sitting in my uncle Lenya's house in Denver, loving my Halowween. I thought only a little time passed. But tis been a whole YEAR. I cant believe it! This is whyn I love blogging. U can always look back, remmber how u acted, what happened, and even recollect somethings that u didnt know off the top of your head. hm.

today in the grill, i had this crazy blogging idea. we shud make like, a club of basis bloggers, have a symbol, have meetings, or just something. liek club. we have thjis little community, were all good friends, we shud make mit offical. i dunno whjy im on teh officialness, but i love it. but we can only do this is everyone is in. i mean like, the poeple i need to reply "yes" for this to happen::


We are the BASIS 7th Graders who blog. We're all friends. We make epic jokes, we make good times, we present news of a 7th Graders' life to the world.

We should make this official.

We could have a badge, a group on Google Groups, a ton more stuff (I would put a ton more ut I think it'll scare you all away).

But we need to make a good name.

I'm thinking "The BASIS Bloggers".

Wadya think?

Gimme some answers! coment! notice how i stopped useing caps! ow my neck is itchy! its 1:26 am!




  1. yay, i lyk that idea *<(:0) and no, trili, i lyk ur jokes :D
