Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Omg so i know that this is 2 posts in one day, which is alot, but i ahve to say this. Ok so you dudes know teh ocarina, a handheld wind instrument made popular The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time? And you may of also ehjard that I, as well as a few od meh friends, want an ocarina for teh winter holidays (sri dudes i ahve no idea what religeon u have so i cant say christmas or hanukah or anything!) so theyre gona pay attention in rhetoric until december so that they can persuade their parents to get them one. and they ahve also asked me where they can get some. i havet o say, with teh help of teh zelda cooenmulity (yeah hahah) i ahve found this site that sells them called


And the prices on teh Ocarinas are faily big, they are toally worth.
But you can also buy bundles or even normal un-zelda-replica-ocarinas, which are mostly priced at 20-30 dollars. The Zelda replicas cost mcuh more, some from 16- 130 dollars, depending on teh stule and bundles. But some get byundled with VideoGame songbooks adn even smaller ruppee ocarinas.



Ok so for teh ocarinas available, heres a list::

12 Hole Zelda Replica (Special Edition) Tenor Ocarina, bundled with a Tenor Ruppee Ocarina adn Zelda songbooks. = $105.

Bg ammount, eh?

Well, tehrs a better dael for ya::

A Soprano Ruppee Ocarina = $16.

Good deal. But that's the only Ocarina on teh list that's under $20. But tehn, bought with a songook, you ahve ur own holiday present for under $30. Pretty good, eh?

Well, I, for one, am probobly gonna get an easy one to startw ith. I mean, I think that jumping aumatically on a 12 hole will be pretty darn hard. So i gues I'll ahve one of teh bundles. Maybe with teh soprano rupee.


Now I ahve seen this video by one of teh best online Ocarina players I know (nawt personally) and in teh desc it says some other sites. I ahve been ont ehr and I want to tell more about otehr ocs.


If tehrs was a better place to buy some realy cute ocarinas, look at:


There's really cute little dogs, cats, elephants, bears, all embedded with holes so that u can play them. There's also relaly cute pendants so you can even carry tehm around.

Monkey Pendant = $35

Cute, dantcha think?

Dolphine Ocarina = $45

I'm sory but I don't know how many holes these have. It doewsnt say.

But they're cute anyways. Thgere's also pandas, chameleons, an orca, cats... and tehyre all reallyc ute. and i eamn REALLY cute.


For those who want elegance, tehres http://www.songbirdocarina.com/ . There's toal elegence in all their ocarinas.

What truely made me laugh at this site was that they ahd a poll. I looked at one of teh questions, adn one of tehm was "where did u find out about ocarinas?"

Guess waht.

The Legend of Zelda = 1149 votes.
YouTube = 86 votes.

I think I've made myself pretty clear on how much impact Zelda has on teh society.

See the poll for urself!! http://www.songbirdocarina.com/component/poll/19-first-learned-about


But their ocarinas are elegence in the true form.

But right now I'm too alzy to post any pis so U ahve to go adn find tehm by urselves. XP!


And so if u want to see teh video I was talking about, youc an watch it erhe::

The dude is pretty amaszing. Dontcha agree???

Now if u don mind I ahve to go adn pick out meh christmas present. xP!


Sick and....... Happy????

Yes. So amny of meh fwends may have noticed that I was gone today. Tessa shud of told Alice thatI was sick and Alice shud of told all of u.

So I was bored the whole day so I got an old book from teh shelf in meh room and so that's why I read Eragon throughout teh whole day. Just finished it a couple mins ago. Good book, but since 3 years ahve passed since I last rad it, its too simplistic for me. Really. Talk about lots of LVs. *rolls eyes* I'm sortakindaalmostish thankful to mr.calrk for telling us how to write intersting sentences. Cuz even though I read the book, its fairly interesting, but also fairly boring for those of us who have read interesting philosophical books like Animal Farm adn Lord of the Flies.

I eman, my art teacher Lena has seen teh movie Twilight before reading the boka dn now shes klsitening to it on audiotape and she says that its too pefct, too detailed, nawt enouph emotion, adn that she hates it. And ashe says that its too simple, unlike the movie. Well, lets just say that i told ehr to stop lsitening, grab the book, and jst ignore Twilight adn step onto New Moon. She basically knows what happened in Twilight, so its nawt that big of a prob for her.

AND I finally showed her teh email I sent ehr 2 months ago wiht a ton of videgogame msuic in it. I had her lsitne to teh Okami Main thme and she was all like "its so beautiful!!!" and then i showed her the oficial art of okami adn she was failry amazed. but when i told ehr that i wish i cud express myself the same way as those artists, i wud. then she started ranting on how far ive come into expressing myself and how amazing i already draw. well, i guess not every 7th grader in teh world can cope with drawing flowers for 4 months adn creating something fairly amazing out of it. ewven though i totally hate teh trio now. since "the flower trio" was my first big project in the art class. Its three long panels and each of tehm has a flower on it. and i did it for the living room, cuz its so empty adn teh wall that its gonna hang on is just pure empty. and its a huge wall.

and so now im drawing a fairy, laying down on the roof of somebodies nhouse, enjoying the sunset. so far ive finished teh pic, only now i need to add mucho more contrast. adn i eman alot. its looks like.... dull. more colr, brighter, greater showdos adn more reflection adn harmny within teh pic wud be nice too. but its still my first major project with watorcolor, and its alos my first prfessional pic with a human form. when lena saw my dodle of it, she was all like, "she has finally broken her hand". i think that she meant like ppl ahve broken a horse, i ahve finally broken my hand. actually, nawt really. im still learning. but nawt as fast as i wud like.

ya wanna know the story of how i started the fairy painting? well, i wanted to draw a fairy after my flower trio, and so i got this calendar that lena had with a TON of fairies in it, adn i picked a pose i liked, adn started drawing it. and i toally epicly fairled. i eamn, it was HORRIBLE. and so tehn, being the waittle frusterated person i am, i just started doodling, adn came out teh sunset fairy. ooh. i think ill call ehr that from now on.

adn so eyah. every time i move i end up couhping. adn its so freakin annoying. i eamn really.

and so eayh. *couph* dah epic failness *couphcouph*

IM NAWT EVEN MOVING!!!!!!!!!!!! my body wants to kil me. T-T. but now i have an excuse from sitting out of PE tomorrow *does teh cali happy dance*

oooooooooooh im so havin fun listneing to twilight "teh score" msuyic rite now. epic electric guitar. *does horrible air guitar* i think illo stick to air-violin....... *hehe*

so bai.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Is Twilight Really Coming Back???

Ok so yes, I ahve watched Twilight for teh second time. With my mom, who didnt understnad a thing in teh movie. When I said, "what if u were in teh same situation?" and she said "i would take some garlic adn a sake and head in there" and im like "this is different. they ahv to rip the body up in pieces and then burn them" and then she said "i wud do that- with those others who are good" and i said "wait, what if grandma is in tehre and if u take other vampires in tehre james will kill babushka?" and mom just stared at the screen.

And so, i fell asleep with "I found youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" stuck in meh head. Did I say that I watched it right after midnight??

And so now I'm listening to Bella' lullaby and watching the official New Moon trailer.

Yes I am one of those Twilight ppl. Be scared.

And so right after Twilight came teh secnd wave of TP. So yeah.

And so now, go meh fwends,,,

Go to the offical site of New Moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






I will be ranting on this.

Haha meh wolf hat has alot of meanings now. WR, TwilightS, and ZTP. Wow.

Well, I ahve to watch teh new New Moon traieler for the 60th time. Dudes, I am really loving the msuci and the action sequences in teh movie. Totalm epic.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

List Post- 10+ Things I Want to Do Before I Turn 15

Ok. *copy adn pastes title* muahahahha!

"10+ Things I Want to Do Before I Turn 15"

This was the result of an idea that cam to me in Lowe's when I was picked yup by Trili's dad from meh fwend's Caroline's B-day party (we went bowling) Dn so he told us to statw iht trili's little sister in the fan isle and so there was this awesome fan made of skatoboards.

And that got me thinking. I explained to Trili that skateboards are epic adn that I want to know how to ride one. And so I amde a couple manga-poses of me "riding a skateboard-failness" and she talked about her fwend Clara and how shes learning how to ride a skateboard. And I said I was jealous.

And so now I'm writing some things that I want to do before I'm 15. And these are listen in teh order they come in my ehad: nawt from waht I want the most to teh least.
  1. Learn how to ride a skateboard-- my mom will totally disagree wiht this but I want to learn how to do it. I eman, in movies adn in manga and in media the main char always is in trouble and they always have teir skateboard wiht them adn they survifve. The only mode of transportation I ahve is my two feet. And that is so nawt cool.
  2. Speak semi-fleuntly in 4 launguages-- Ok this one is a little more understnadable. I want to learn 2 more alunguages in addition to the 2 I speak fluently right now. I speak Englsih and Russian adn I wan to semi-fluently speak Japanese adn French. I know that having all these launguages can help me in the future. After all, if I want to work in videogames, I need to know Japanses, adn if that doesnt work out, I can still translate things, like englsih to russian/french. :)
  3. Make my own finished manga-- I have tried to make a manga called "The Two Pillar Sign/ Zodiac Crusaders" (yeah dumb name but its all I can think of-wiht teh help of Musey) and I wuickly got to 12 pagers, but then got bored. I tried to loosely base it off of my personal life (like the book is a representation of my own life- a journal). Ad it fdailed since I lost the folder in which I kept all the pages. I know the story, I might revisit it again someime... But now I know more so it can be better. Than it was in April.
  4. Designh my own calendar and post it online-- Ok so on dA thres this option of making a calendar and selling it so I'm gonna try and make one. It might be the simpistic type, but I'm still a drawing fledgling (haha pun of Pichi Pichi Pitch).
  5. Get an artists' job that pays fairly well-- For exaple the Hightlishts children's magazine example. I wanted it, but I still ahcnt finished it. So yeah. Once i finish this psot I will fnihsh the girl sample (T-T). But I want it as a regular job. Like, I need more than one project. Like a I owe them a pic every month. Or somethign like that.
  6. Compose my own more than 1 min song-- This came from nowhrere. I have a little thing about meh piano- I love it. I play on it everyday. And sometime before sumer I wrote down this little melody and I made it inot a 30 second song. I can't exacctly give ur the notes, or the name (at first it was leafgirl, then the dance of teh lily of the valley, but non eseem to fit). But I am toally determinied to create my own little composition that is worthy of a title.
  7. Learn how to play 2 pocket instruments-- Well, ur bored, wiht friends, adn in total need to prove urself with your geekyness so u take out ur ocarina adn some other pocket instrument adn toally rox their sox off. Done, done, adn done.

Oh wow. I said 10+ but I ahve only 7 *manga-scrath-behind-head*

Ah well.

C yaz.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Midna Fangirl Post!!!

Soyesterday I was singin some Midna AMV songs so I felt like watching the Stand in the Rain Mina AMV adn now I feel all nostalgic of winter when I first joined BASIS.

And so some of meh fav Amv'S and note, tehyre on the same song made by different ppl.

AND IT CONTAINS UUUUBER SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and then the best one the owner disabled embedding so now I ca't put it up but that one was the best out of all of them. You can find it here::


Ok so why I did this post I did nawt know. I felt in a Midna tribute mood.

Now Midna is an epic character from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princesss, said by some to be the best character in videogame history. After all, who wudn't love a little fast talking Twili imp?

And she is also the main point of the game. UBER SPOILER!!!!!!!! She is the Twilight Princess the game is named after. So yeah. ONce you finish teh 3rd dungeon and then proceed through teh game you will understand everything.............

Now for some midna music::

Midna's theme:

Uber sad, just like the character herself. And also, the background notes are so freaking Twilighish!!! And of course, the unmistakable evil notes after teh main thmeme is done....
*don, DON.... don, DON*


Midna's Lament, better kown as Minda's Desperate Hour::

I know I've posted this song multiple times on here, but tis a Midna song, it should be here as well. This song marks the turning point of the whole game. You've done teh 3rd dungeon, gotten teh three Fused Shadows, and then ytou find out you still weren't stong enouph and now you are cursed and Midna is dying. When my mom heard this song she was all like, "whoever wrote this was in NY during a storm." and I replied, "Howbout Tokyo?" nad she said "same thing". But alas, I cannot play this on the recital I'm gonna have in December. Olya said it was too sad. I think its too touching.


A Helping Hand::

This really sint a song but just a riped soundtrack from teh game... Its when tyou're in teh ajil cell as a wolf when you first entered teh Twilight and midna helps you out and then you looka round, then al of a sudden she lands on you and you go all wild horse rampaging then she says "hm, guess youre nawt completely stupid after all," and just laughs then she reminds you that you have to goa dn tehn the twilight music takes over.



Ok so this to isnt exactly a midna soundtrack but it relates to her. I have no idea how, but it does. But tehn, all Twilight music relates to her. She isa meber of the Twili *duh*.


Enter the Darkness::

This is right from teh beginning of the game (if u were a good gamer you shud of gone this far). This is when Ilia was saying goodbye to you tehn teh bulbins come crashing through and then Link relises that his friends are gone and tehn the scary dink dink violins start playing and then when tehres the huge "woooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh" you see this huge epic wall and so eyah. You enter eh Twilight.



Doestnt it make u feel weird? I loe this music!!!


The twilit Palace::

Then of course, being in the true Twilight on teh other side of the mirror. This song reminds me of those uber-stupid hands that keep on trying to get teh Sol from you. DANGIT THEY WERE ANNOYING!!!


So that's all I ahve to say. Terrible midna music and epic minda thingies and its just so awesome i cant take it.. *explodes the zant way* OHNO I JUST DROPPED A HEART CONTAINER!!! (yeah sri i have permission to go crazy once ina while, don i?)


Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I dunno about u guys bit I am over happy right now.

i went to skl thinking that i NEED to look uber0hawt so u put on jeens and a girly shirt wiht my old paint splattered gray tank top underneath and my orange headband and my coach shoes and i felt LIKE A GIRl. I felt so freakin hawt.

adn so then i was so happy.

i was just happy tehw hole day.

we had a fire-drill, so we went outside so i could refreash myself befoer eh chem test, so i gues that ahd something to do wiht it.

and i felt so happy.

considering the fac that i was so freakin depressed yesterday. i went o skl and i wasnted to go home so badly.

and now i feel so happy.

it must be also teh fact that i was wearing winter clothes. i ahve this pecial feel for winter. i love warm clothjes. i love jeans and long-sleeve shirts an keds and the cold wind in my face, i love it. i love teh yellow grass. one day it was greena dn teh nest day it was yellow. it was FREAKY!!!

and so eyah. i8 was dancing carmellandansen adn singing butterfly adn bumbleee adn jumping around yeklling KATENGERI!!! and yelling about random stuff wiht alicein teh car and it was fun.

wny cant we have these days alt eh time?\

actually, i just thin i have to just look like a girl everyday.

but these jeans are so epic. i love them!

and this shirt...

and the undershirt.. and the keds... adn teh watch...and the orange headband....

and b/c meh friends asked for it, im gonna post those happy songs i was telling u about. tehyre all in japanese.. exacept carmellandansen, which is in sweedish.

Ok i feel so stupid posting this, but I found a TP carmellandansen. yes i toaly spelled that wrong. i dont care. but carmellendansens are found for everying. i found one for ssbb too.

do HQ!!! its so much better!!! midan looks deformed... i love teh ending!!! "whrere teh heck did he/she come from??" and tehn link si blushing when ehs standing next to midna..a dn zant's dancing alone,,,, OH!!!!!!!! this reminds me so much of those times when i was obsessed wht animation. carmelandansen was such a fad backt ehn. if u didnt make a carmellendansen u werent even looked at. allikatnya started it in teh warriorcats communtity adn tehn darkokiri followed it.. and so eyah.


this one you guys amy remmeber. this ones also a fad, but nawt as big as crmallendansen. it reminds me of RoS for some reason........ oh.... i want this song for a ringtone!!! i ahve it on my comp (in uber-horrible quality)so if anyone wants it, enail me someime :)

i want to go around singing this someimes. we shoudl like, get a steareo, put a CD wiht this in it, adn just go around skipping in teh hallways during latebird singing this on te tops of our lungs. we shud so do that!!!! but i dont have a high-quality rtecord of this song *japaese wah*.


Ok so u guys ahve probly heard me sing this in teh cafateria today before classes. but i love this song! we shuid like, get all these epic songs and make our own dance party! but we need more japanese songs first.......

ok so i know i got it wrong. i thought it was "see how i move" but its actually "green black adn blue". how stupid is that??? but i love this song, i wil never let it go.


I love this song!!!! I was singing this one too!! I messed up. I though ti was "little beetle bumblee bee" when its "sweet little bumblebee". but i lve it anyway!!'

now i reallywa nt to start a dance party!!! turn it up on full volume!!!!


Now this one is just plain weird I found this song wiht *TP adn SSBB* clips attached to it.. it was weird....

Don't watch teh video, just lsiten. It's such a happy song!!! I love it so much *sniff sniff*
Now I'm having trouble thinking of cute songs... think........ think.......



Ok this videog has the HQ while the one below actually has teh animations that go wiht it.

This song is so cute!!! it reminds meof the good old days in april... oh, i miss those days. thats when i first satarted gettings addicted to anime and TMM.....

*(snidd sniff*

but the song is ultra-cute anyways.

cuz it just is.

Ok so this is realy pathetic but those are my ahppy go lucky songs. POh wait, I forgot Cherry Saky Yukii!!!

OK so this is a flashback for winter...... in colarado.... dang... songs mean alot to me, adn this one especialyea msn slot... i lsitened to it on y t10.... now my T10 is gone....


Another one is White Destony, another winter flashback. I didn't ahve anouph un-tiredness to acytaly put it on erhe, just lookk for it urself. Oh dong, nostalgia.. (which i strangely probounce nostalgaga).... I actually wanted this to be teh Warrior Cats theme for my series, but since i quit on teh series adn i havnt acutally been on my YT account for like, 5 months... well, its too painful. nevermind.


So yeah.

Enjoy it.

Dang becasue of hose flashbacks I'm all sad again!!


Or should I use those words that link uses in teh manga........ :))))) Like 'rest in peace, will ya???"

oh dang i love link :)

But right now I'm too tired to talk about him. I'm gonna go search for my T10. Also, Trili, could u go around and see if I left my T10 at ur house? Cuz I havn't seen it since the time I went to ur house in teh summer. I miss my T10 :'(.

so bai.

gona go search adn enjoy meh songs.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Ok so (back at it again) gamespot.com is having this contest thingy about teh greatest hero of videogames and theres 64 ppl that you can vote for (r u cud since its like, teh middle of the contest) and u know who i WANTED to vote for but firefox wudnt allow it.

well, thres all 64 chars and theyre paired upw iht another char and u can vote to either one or teh other, and the percentage of votes against each char is counted up, and teh char who won goes into the next round to be paired up with another winning char. and so far my char has beat up Earthworm Jim, fox McCloud, and is really beating up DonkeyKong. None of the competetors ahve gotten higher than 40 %. although i see a very big problem b/w snake and gordon freeman. both are on 50% (heheh)

So as I said, now I ahve voted, for teh most epic game character of all time (hehe epic adn time.. u dudes know where I'm gettings at) . And now officially, wiht my vote being called...... *drumroll.....*

Link is Winning to DonkeyKong wiht 80.9 - 19. . Scary, eh?

Now vote, vote my frinds! Go see for urselves!!!

And on teh site there's standings, also where u can vote (plase dont vote for pacman! he actuallya mde it to teh Storied Sixteen! As well as Mario, link, Snake, Gordon Freeman, Samus.. asnd uh... those are all teh ones I know. I truely don't know much.

So yes. Go quicky! Run!!! VOTE FOR LINK!!!!!!!!

The Standings:

The People:

AND VOTE!!!!!!!!!



So eayh.

Just goa dn vote. Cuz Malo begs you to. now go, run like to wind and vote!


Saturday, September 19, 2009


OK i know that i ahve posted a really long post ysterday but i neeeeeeeeeeeed to post this one.

UI woke up at 5 again. To see the manga. And i've finished OoT and MM and even WW:Link's Handbook. Yes there's a manga sortakindaalmostish on WW. It just shbows parodies in teh game "those clothes look too warm..." hehe.


It brings me back to april, when i had the obsession w/ TMM... And I read the sequal on mangafox in teh mornings...

And about teh manga... Some really weird information. Sorted in chronological order, by yours truely. No really. The chronological stuff took such a freakin long time. It keeps on screwin up!!!

Here's that little part in teh "reunion" in the Kokiri Forest... Mido's so mean. Link just saved his life, and he's all likem"its all b/c that jerk left... saria going away and teh monsters and everything..." and link's like, what jerk? but then he finds out that Mido means him. And b/c 7 years have passed, no one believes its the same little weird kid, just looking different.

OHHHHHH I live how link agrues with navi! its so mangaish and makes me love him more!!! (oh eayh. i forgot to say i get crushes rally easily these days.. but only awsome ppl, like Alexander Rybak. <3)

Did you know that Link ahs a ponytail under his hat. (omggps i toally freaked out in that pic. and i eman toally. like uber fangirl screaming. il show ud dues at skl)And also, I ahve no idea what ahppened before this. The bad thing about manga is that you can't see between the little pics, so i ahve no idea what just happened. and Sheik is epic.

Link loves to eat. Apparently. But in games, you dont really eat. You just drink some soup or something and then wipe your mouth adn keep on going. But the food ingame only restores hearts. Here, it restores funninesssssssssssss.

And then waht happens after that, Link gets a scolding from Impa, then looks outside the window..... and there's epona!!! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW His faithful good horsie!!! shes so cute. I love epona. Shes realy funnyw ehn she and linka re little. hm. i ahve just realised im only posting things from teh second volume. hte ADULT volume. when 7 eyars have passed. and links now 17. bu still thinks that mido recognizez him. aw. epona knows him! shell know him forever.......

Link has three hotties:: Malon, Zelda, and Saria. And Malon calls him Fairy Boy. Which is uber cute. OMGGPS hes lke her prince!!!

Link feels very strong about Malon. Look at their epic faces!!!!!!!(!!!xinfinity!!)

Pic 1 Pic 2

Naboruu puts Link in chains [pic 1] (yes i love these parts in stories!!) and then Link easily hops out (which is so freakin epic) and tehn after that tehyre friends and Naboru is rally confused by elemtal things. And she acts like a me almost!!! [pic 2] which is pretty epic. I may be part gerudo.... I should stop daydreaming, shouldn't I?

I love romance. But that pic in teh middle is so uber0cute....
And Navi goes twirlin around them.....
And he funnyt hing is, in Tp (and probobly i other games, but im nawt that far yet) when you sue a fdairy, it curcles around you cna increases ur hearts. HMMM.... Hearts? And as I see Navi sis circling aroudn them....
Why teh ehck is Link so tall? He's normally too short to be 17, bu now I'm like, omg. omggpsssssssssssss. So freakin cute!!!

Apparently Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf are all interconnected. Which is epic. "Courage, wisdom, and power" and links face when he said courge is just too hilarious!!!! hjeheehehehhehehehehehehhehe. its like "wait, what did he say????"

"Its your destiny... Only you can fufill it..."
I guess I just love it when Link's about to die then hes all "hyaaaaaaaaaaaah!!" and kills everybody :) I am just too violent.

So eyay. I wud of liked to psot some more, but I don;t have enouph space in my blog and in my harddrive. if that's how u say it. so eayh. please read the amga, its epic, funny, i ahvnt stoppped smiling (owwwwwwwwww my cheks hurt) ever since i started reading it, its ubercute, but i wish it was longer. it has a certain charm to it. and its almost as old as us. i eamnm, 1998. most of my friends are 1996 or 1997. epic.

so read it.


i beg of you!

navi begs of you!

link bvegs of you!

impa, malon, zelda, the fisherman, epona, darnia, ganon, naborroou(dang i spell her anme diferent ever time!), saria, mido, and everyone else whos epic. including skull kid. but hes pretty epic. even though he waned to kill link at one time (I AHTE ADULKTS1!!!) cuz the evil tree told him that linkd gonna grow up and since the kokiri dont grow up (links not a kokiri) skull kid got mad at him all of a sudden and tied to kill him.... and saria. he wanted to take away sarias face. i know im blabbering.

but after sitting at he comp for 3 hours... wait, make that 4. its already 9am. so eayh. now im gonna re-read it. heheeeheh. be prepared to see me ranting on monday.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Doign a Little Jig to Pirate Ship Soundscape....

yeah... I'm literally dancing to the pirate ship soundscape found on zreo. and i love that song so much!!!

Yeah. Aw. The song ended......

Now I'm listening to LMolgera Battle. To be honest, the zreo one isnt as epic as the original one. But that's nawt what I decided to make this post.

Ok so u know that I've been waking up at 5 am to play wind waker on meh wii... and i feel bad for my wii. I found out that you can't play GC games wihtout having a memory card, and since I don't have one, I can't save the game. So I just left the Wii on. For about 2 days. And today Kirill and I had some spare time so I showed him WW, and we just fought. I mean, I was stuck in teh Dragon Roost Cavern in this really annoying room wiht rats and this locked door but I didn't have a key or anything. So I decided, hey, why not get some bait and get eh rats to give me some cheats? (I didn't ahve any bait wiht me) so i went outside and tried to get through teh temple all teh way to the beginning, but once we got outside, my brother, wanting to try out teh wind waker, yelled GIMME THE CONTROL!!!!! and he tried to get it from me. he said "dosh, I wqanna conduct!" while i said "you can conduct once i finish this dungwon!" and so since the gc controller is very short, we tugged adn teh wii plummeted down about 4 feet onto the wood. Kuckily it didnt break. entirely. now thers a little piece on teh side that cant close and the gc controller post ius semi-not-closed but its working fine. but the cords got disconnected... so i ahve to start the game over AGAIN. But goign to teh forsaken fortress again is so worth it.

So yeah. And thatnks to Bluey, i have found Zelda MANGA (!!!!!!!!!!!!) on mangfox.com and so right now im reading an ocarina of time manga. omggps its so cute! heheehehheehheeheh

so eayh. young link is so freakin cute in it!!! So eayh. He looks annoyed.

And now, to sequel the Japanese-bow-ness... Bluey amde up this thing that when we bow we should say "thank you" so now we bow down adn say Arigato! in this really weird japaese anime girl high pitched voice. and its hilarious. and today i drew intensekid as a cat in my history notes....... u wanna know why? this is why.

we were in teh carpool when all of a sudden me and alice were talking about how like, all the ppl in japan are helf cat and so we looked at intensekid and HE LOOKED LIKE A CAAAAAAAT!!!! and so now we call him intensekitty. and we toally humiliated him in front of his friends ("wait a min, are u intensekid?" "eyah thats waht they call me") . adn so that leads to my theory:: Asians are descended from cats, Indians are descended rfom tigers, earopeans are desceneded from canines, and Africans are descended from chimpanzeezzz. This is nawt a racial thing. I am nawt being racist. I ahve total respect for each adn every race. And I do nawt want to make anyone feel bad. And so today Alice was talking with her friends in art and one of her friends andrew when he laughed he looked like a cat (according to alice) so she told him my theory (but when she told him that i didnt change it so it was indians are from elephants and euros are from wolves- both make no sense) and they asked who was the girl wearing the wolf hat cuz i wear it allt eh time (yes dudes, i wear toboe/linkey/wolfie to skl) and she was all like "you dont know darya???" and theyre like "she doesnt wear teh hat". they were talking about trili. trili's anme is dariiiiiiiiiiia adn mine is daryyyyyyyyyyyya so they were easily confused. but tehy should know me. me and alice do teh nya so loud tehy shud know ho i am. and i wear toboe and everyones looking at me like im a maniac. "whats with the haaaaaaaaaaaaaat............" and then richard (eeeeeeeeeewwwwwww) keep son topuching it so when i get near him (eeeeeewwwwwwwww) i ahve to either kick out some of my rusty karate mmoves (i rally succcccccccck) or just run away. i prefer teh first. if only tehy allowed violence in skl. and im a girl!!! but i wish waht mr.brist saud was true, that in teh 80s kids were allowed to basically maim each otehr and the principal wud come, tehy wud shake hadns, nothing big... but now the police come, teh phsychariast, teh family, teh whole neighborhood... I wud love to beat the whatevs out of richard. and for no apparent reason. dang i wish that games tehat i play were more viuolent so that cud unleash my self-anger onto the wii controller...

hehe. the ocinara of time maga is so cute! link is so cute, and saria is so cute, and navi is so cute, and even mido! and they went through 4 hours of gaming in 5 pages!!! weird, eh? strange thing is, tehres no ww or tp manga. theres one for everything else but those. and ph. i think. but im nawt sure. i might reasd the majoras mask amngaa next. since watching the gamepkay is kinda boring.....

dang this was a long post.

u guys do know that i never write a post from beginning to end wihtout any iteruptions? i always take at least an hour to write a post... cuz im always changing msuic, reading artiles on either zi or zw, and now i ahve a manga to think about.... "so this is.. the world???" dang hes so freakin cute! and im gonna post two of the pics i feel are so freakin cute on here. note that these arents mine adn belong to their rightfull owners.

Click on teh pics to see tehm full size. And you can read the whole thing on here [link] . And this is a prequal to TP. and this is also stated to be the best game of teh whole zelda series, even teh history is gaming. And now its all amnga-fied. Cuz Nintendo is ajapanese and manga is ajpanese....

s eyah.

go worshipp toon link.

cuz i comand u by teh power of amlo.

c yah. :)

Short Post Replying to b2bjbj's comment

b2bjbj is billybobjoebobjoe ina shortededddddddddd version. like misscaltra is callii, like aliceinwonderland is alicia, like the trilingual bookeater is trili, and the tenth muse is musey.

hehe. so now billybobjoebobjoe is b2bjbj. Cuzzzz i laaaaaaaaaaaaaak it.

So replying to your coment.....
  1. It doesnt matter i u don't have sox on. I will ALWAYS roc ur sox even if u dont ahve sox.
  2. Actually fairies are in Zelda but they arent like the one I'm drawing. Fairies are little orbs of light wiht wings [link]. But I'm drawing one that looks like a person. And so far I've finished the sky, halfway done wiht the stones on teh roof, did the first layer for her clothes and her hair, did the first layer for her skin and the shodow.... And did the first 2 layers of the other parts of the roof. But I'm gonna be done ina bout 3-4 classses.
  3. You may not think it but Trili does. She thinks I am self-centered adn selfish. I think the first one may be semi-correct, but who doesnt care about themselves? Even you have to admit I'm nicer since I've cried over Wolf's Rain, where everyone dies at teh end and after I totally cried over Midna a the end of Tp......... even thinking about it makes me sad.
  4. I may do the harp. I already have a pretty good idea of what to draw, but it has to do alot wiht perspective and a little of archtechture (wow. epic faiure in spelling) schuffs. But it seems to me it would look better wiht colored pencils, even though I ahvn't done anything wiht colored pencils in over a year (wow... teh flower-trio ahs really sucked some energy from me.)
  5. It makes me preoud that someone else cares about vidoegames other than me. THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
  6. So what if ur b-day's in may? I can still barge in and buiy you ST.. or PH... or TP... or WW depending on which console u ahve. but you ahve a wii....... so u BETTER watch out.......
  7. No. How is nawt in season right now. even nya is losing its power... its time for me to get obsessed wiht something else. .. But ppl are stil doing nya. cuz nyaness wiht rox ur sox even if ur nawt wearing sox.
So yeah. And b2bjbj's blog is ::


VISIT HER BLOG SHE TALKS ASLOOOOOOOOT ABOUT ME!!!!!! (ok i amy be a lITTle selfcenterd........)

So eayh.

Eat ur veggies. help old ladies cross teh street. play videogames. dont do drugs. play ur taxes. um.... dang theres so many that i dont remmber! But im gonna add one more anyway... "worship toon link" cuz yesteraday me and luey were goign out of ourselves worhsiping the pic of toon link i ahve in my locker..... and she has a pic of him in her locker too!!!! life is so epic.......

ENJOY IT. I COMMAND YOU BY TEH POWER OF MALO!!!! (and if u dont know who malo is, check erhe:: http://www.zeldawiki.org/Malo

bai. calii signing out.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Japanese Bow-ness!!!!!!!!!

Yeah/ These days I Jpananese bow to everyone instead of saying thank you... But that's pretty epic, riiiiiiiiiiight? Ah sri. But I had to post something!!!

Cuz Japan will rox ur sox.

I mea, an amazing culture, an amazing ultra-awesome/epic language, clothes, style, modernism, and Nintendo has its headquarters there!!! haha. But you have to admit that Japan IS epic. Especially now that I'm making it more epic wiht my Japanese bow-nesss. And my constant reference to videogames.........

And just so you don't think I'm so selfish and to obsessed wiht Z to notice anything else, um... My preject in art class is a fairy, which I didn't fet from Zelda! haah! My next pic (once I finish the fairy) is gonna be the next poll. Or you can put ur own comments on here. But I want to do something cell-shaded style. Easy. Cute. Fun. Cuz I'm still recovering from my 6 months doing the flower trio (three pics of flower... my first professional painting).

So the choices are a VERY cartoonish pic of Toon link (hm.. maybe i shud leave this one out...) a kitty (cuz i havnt drawna pro one for like, 3 years), a harp, and uh.... i really dont know. U guys ahve to help me pick cuz I'm stumped! I really want to draw something funny and cute, but kinda dramatic. I think the harp (i think ill do the harp from ww...) will be cute. maybe with a feather over it. Oh wait. That mat be my best idea.... But I'll still do the poll. Cuz ah feeeeeeeeeel lak it.

So eyah. And I forgot topost the poll results... I am officialy the only one who cares about videogames! Yay......

So eyah. Enjoy yourselves. And cheer urse;ves up wiht some really cute WW music...

The awesome one that sounds strangely Irish......

And the one wiht teh harp......

And just b/c I fell like posting an epic song...

The WW Title/Theme!!!

And to finish up weiht somehting from TP.......

Come on dudes, Pick your best game. TP was a dark, epic game wiht a dark storyline that would better fit a movie.. while WW has a storyline that's nice, cute, epic but still fit inot a game, which is alos epic. But I ahve to admit I would much rather watch a TP movie instead of a WW movie. But that's just my preference. But.. Did you know that TP was created on a WW engine? So Tp and Ww have to same graphics! But in teh ZWii I hope it will ahve its own engine.....

And I need to say the latest Zelda news!!! Zelda: Spirit Tracks for the DS adn DSi will be coming out December 7th!!! The box art can be found on any Zelda site, but I ahve to admit that it looks fun. I mmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy buy it. May. But for anyone who ahs their birthday in teh winter months, watch outtttttttttttttttttt........ (trili. haha.)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

WW Hilariousness

Ok so I was watching random vids on YT as normal adn I came across some WW vids. (ww is wind waker. u shud know that by now!) and so i foudn this. its so freakin funny!!!! Pirates of teh Caribbean meets Zelda: Wind Waker!!!!

When I first saw it I was in a spazz. It was just so freakin epic.

Now I reallyw ant to play WW. Sadly I can't until Tuesday morning cuz it tunrs out u CANT play GC games on the wii wiht a wiimote. so i ned a gc controler, thnkfully and graciosly borrowed from bluey, cuz she (also graciously) allowed me to borrow WW for teh weekend. but i cant play it.

so im watching vids.



and b/c of zelda, i ahve also realized how freakin geekey and nerdy I am.

I mean, I'm in love wiht a game about swords and magic. I do air-violin, dudes. I was in love wiht Star Wars: Clone Wars for a month. A wear wolf-hats to school. Talk about uber-geekey. But geekeyness is epicness too. And also, me and Alice also think that epic is gonna be teh next big word, after "pwnage".

Cuz that's what we think.

Epic hilariousness. Note: this is not ingam,e. Tis is fanmade. But I would love to have WW for the Wii. get it... www? haha lame joke.

and just for the fuin of it.... my fav song from ww..... molgera battle::::::

and of course....... i have to end it wiht someihng from tp....... midans desperate hour!!! i canplay a little of it on teh piano ;D

So eyah.

Go dudes, dont waste any life force reading this anyfurther. just go enjoy life.


My Entry for The Filito Contest

As most of you know, Trili made this contest a LONG time ago for Filito Jewelry. And as IIIIIIIIII know, almost no one entered. So now, to inspire all of you lazies out there, I shall be making my entry.

I have used the Twili Earrings that she made me during the summer (named Twili earrings b/c the desighns remind me of TP), the box from my new Coach shoes, an old black belt, Mom's black coat (to cover up my brother's room), and a small keychain flashlight. Oh and also, my Logtech Webcam.

So here's the entry:

Not so proud of this one... The webcam decided to go crazy.

This one is more centered, and now I found (wiht a friends help) that teh hooks are missing. Great.

Not centered! Uh!!!!! But I like the effects the webcam made for the shadow...

This is a pic of what I used to amke teh ads. I took a box,, rolled up my belt, hooked the earrings to the belt, let it hang ove rhe edge, got it as close as i cud to teh computer, and photographed it. The coat was nessasary to cover up my brother's room in the background (did I already say that?). So yes.

This little post was to inspire you guys to enter in teh contest too. It really doesn't take that much, as shown in teh last picture. Now Trili really needs some entries. She (as well as I!) will really appreciate other entries. Thank you.

PS: The earrings of this style are officially called "Twili Earrings". The creator (Trili) has offically agreed with me to name them that way. And note, they're not named after her (I only see that now- Twili, Trili) but after what the desighns remind her more loyal customer of. Cuz it looks TPish. Hehe.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Dah Zelda Sites and... An Anti-Z Force??? WTF?

I haaaaaaaaaaad to put the wtf at the end. u dudes know that.

so yes. i was being all zelda-fan again (dudes, i tooka wolf-hat to skl and got my pic photographed for the skl yearbook) and i brough tp in its case wondering who i shud give it to for the weekend. i stiiiiill don't know. Should it be Alice, Alex, Musey.... I dunno who to pick!!! Musey said I should pick someone else cuz shes a slow gamer (teh game literally hates her.... its bleeding on eh inside) and Alex is one of the anti-zs and alice... shell probably be my best bet.

So eyah. Just totally spazzing out over here.

And I know Alice's worst nightmare...; ME COMING TO SKL WEARINGA GREEN HAT!!! it may not seem like much, but shell spazz once she sees me putting on teh green hat in the car. I know she will. Cuz she thinks that zelda's not an obsession anymore, its a lifestyle. And that means im gonna come to skl dressed as link. relalya lice. im nmot that fargone. i may do it on haloween, but only tehn. but about the green hat, today we were int eh carpool and im lie "GUESS WHAT?" (cuz that usually eamns something that gonna make her spazz) and she said "not a gren hat>" and i rteached into my backpack and she was spazzing out "OMGG ITS A GREEN HAT!"

when i got it out it was my wolfie hat toboe. and iwore it and people were looking at me as if i was crazy. tsk tsk. they dont know a fashion statement. and tehn everyone was asking me "wahst witht eh hat?" and "cool hat? and "kill the wolves!" and 'may i take ur pic for the yearbook?" so eayh. and waht i said "cuz its epic. awsome. nyaness. its a wolfie. and its a hat. and its wearable." so eayyh. and during lunch i did have my pic taken for the yearbook. yayee!!!

and so yeah. and some of my friends like alex, sejal, and dr.hammy decided to amke and anti-z force, a force against teh obsession of zelda and against zxombie killing games. i have to say that im like musey, im antizombie but prozelda. also, i understand my friends arent doing anyting that bad. theyre just stating their opinions. adn tehir opinion is that this obsession for a videogame is just too crazy. alice might joint ehm, but i must give her the game before she does. also, elise and i started drawing little triforces on our hands and now everyone whos prozelda has them. so far tehres 5-6 of us. there might be seven by monday. adn theres 3 anti-zs. strange, isnt it? im always ont eh tram that has the msot epople.

cuz earlier in teh month we had a war nyaness againt teh how. (nawt howness, just how) we made a truce. i woulnt like to, but i did it to preserve a friend. And Bluey incorrectly stated that tehre's two wars going onm but now nawt rally.

so weyah. and now im sortakindalmostish changing my opinion on mr.clark, our engligh teacher. hes actually a pretty good teacher. hes also learning russian, and he likes my aht, which is pretty cool. and apparently our english class is ponsered by google. nah, his wife just worked for them so tehy gots a lotta free stuff with google on it.

and the otehr 7th graders physics teacher also likes my aht. he told me that during pasing period (aka switchtime) and said that it was cool. now i kinda miss physics with mr.stratton. *sniff sniff* and he saw bluey's triforce thingy and he said he used to play those games as a kid. omgps isnt that cool???? now i relaly wish i was in his class!!! and ive made the calculation that he has probobly played all the games. because by my really rough calculations, hes about 25, and take that away from 2009, he was born in about 84. the first zelda gfame came out in 86. pretty cool, eh? so hes proboly played ocarina of time, majoras mask, a link to teh past, four swords, and everyihng else. maybe even twilight princess. but he didnt say nayting about having a wii or GC. only an xbox.

so eayh.

time to go eat


help old ladies acros teh sdtreet.

dont do drugs.

pay ur taxes.

play videogames.

use rhetoric to enhance ur life.

ENJOY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!

-calii signing out.\


and some rlalyt cool zelda sites that i go on more than teh makers::



And eyah that's basically it. You could go on http://www.zeldauniverse.net/ but i dont relaly find anything THAT interesing in there. so eayh. enjoy!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Ok so I'm back to the "ok-so" begining (dangiiiiiiiiiiiiit) but I ahve a very good reason to do so.

My family went shopping to fashion Square yesterday.

You guys know something is wrong wiht that sentence.

My family went TOGETHER to Fashion Square. That hasn't happened for like, 3 years! And I got a pair o ON jeans, an ON jacket, and some rally awesome Coach Keds. Amazing, eh? My mom gots a green shirty-thingy and 208 dollar shoes. My brother went by with socks and a couple new ON shirts. And my dad gots some apants and shirts.

And the shoes I got look amazing!!!!!

I love them so much!!!!

And for funniness sake, here's a video-thingy::

And to answer Trili's question, no, I don't think there's a way to make teh rain stop. There might be. That's why cheats were invented.

--------------5 mins past----------------

OK youa ctually think I'm gonna make a non-zelda-related psot???? Of course not!

"Hena also comments on items that Link views in the fishing cabin, which can be seen as a way that Nintendo uses to satirize some of Link's infamous behaviors, such as him not taking his hat off upon entering a building[15] or going around breaking other people's jars, the latter to which Hena comments as being the "dumbest thing" she's ever heard of.[16]"

Hena is so awesome at times. She also gets mad when u roll into her bird or into the wall so that you can break jars. And she's getting very rich from me cuz I play teh Rollgoal game ALOT and I fail ALOT (haha epic failness) and it costs 5 rupees to play (haha indian currency) and 10 rupees if u win. Its so hard on the wii!!!!

But she's aweosme. Cuz she just is. She's not all right with rolling! I remember only one person who was also fed off when you broke her jars... if you didn't pay before breaking Iza's jar and then if you break a jar in Telma's bar if you're a wolf the goron kicks you out.....

I'm gonna look a the "zelda needs a big change" picture again.

Here it is!

Its awesomeeeeeeeeee. It reminds me of ssbb cuz i totally freaked out when I found out that Zelda can hold a rocket launcher.... 'nouf said.

And under that it says::

"Disclaimer: The picture is a joke. Please, Nintendo, do not put Link on a motorcycle with an AK-47. Oh wait, that'd be awesome. Nevermind, please do."

Wanna read he fulla rticle? read this:: http://www.zeldainformer.com/2009/09/-in-recent-news-zeldainformer.php

I love ZI!!! It has great articles.

So yeah.


Eat ur veggies. Help old ladies across the street. Don't do drugs. Pay ur taxes. Play videogames. use rhetoric to enhance your life. ENJOYYYY LIIIIIIFE!!!!!!!!

-----------------5 more mins past------------

Son yaeah, concerning the graveyard, for anyone who's interested, look at htis page. I guess there IS a way to do that puzzle.


And then, teh ghost soldiers freak meh out. Especially the inscription, "teh cursed.. swordman... sleeps beneath teh sacred tree.." and so eyah. And that relates to THIS ZI article::


I love this article so freaking much.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Bored and Artsy

Right jow I'm bored and artsy.

omggps i didnt start a post wihtout "ok. so..." at teh beginging. omggps this is a day to remember.

so eayh.

i played tp for hours yeserday.............. and i went to allt eh temples that i already beated. and it was funny cuz when ur in teh forest temple.... and u out the iron boots on in teh final boss room and ur in teh water... sink and teh game reswawns. its hilarious!

and yesterday i finally *finally* found the graveyard in hyrule castle. and theres this huge puzzle in it... so thers bars adn tehres some treasure chests behind them. and then thre are other bars and in it are two owl statues that can move with the power of the dominion rod. and there are two torches thingies that ur supposed to light them wiht ur lantern. And near the hole that u crawled through in teh graveyard, tehre are two spots perfect for the statues. and then i went near the place and theres an obvious clue that once u out the statues in teh spots thre will be somthing that rises and then u can get a treasure chest (in which i tihkn theres teh small key to teh treasure room near teh final boss place) and then on an inscription ona gravestone it says "in teh land... where teh rain stops.. the statue of time... mmoves" an that means that once the rain stops, youc an get the owl statue to teh place and get the treasure chest. teh only problem is that teh rain doesnt stop. or it can but i dont know how to. i eamn, the rain doesnt stop until u defeat ganondorf or soemthign but u cant do that since u cant save in teh end after u defeat ganondorf. after that its the cutscene.... *wah!* follwed by teh credits oart 1... teh the other cutscene.. tehn teh other part of the ending credits.


teh alst cutscene is so sad..........
Yeah. I feel so bred now. I'm sri for posting yet another zelda psot but i had teh feeling of posing SOMETHING.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Yet more randomness involving carpool and music!!

Ok so as many of my skl friends know (trili, musey, aarthi, abc, alice...) that me and alice are carpooling. and so in teh car its just plain craziness.

so aloice and i have dses and so we decided to pictochat wiht our dses and talk at the same time. so in ur carpool we have this asian kid called adam who we call intensekid cuz the first day we met him we were tlkaing about latebird and how u ahve to be all studious there and when we saw adam/intensekid he was being all intense studying his history ntes, like a studious little child. and so his handwriting is like a computer so we nicknamed him "mac" and "windows" and "apple" cuz he refused to give us his name and his facial expression said "im intense" so we called him intensekid after the kid whow as under alices locker last year who she and christina (who i now call leprachaun for some reaons more on this later) called 5thgraderkid and now hes all 5thgraderkidnow6thgrader. try saying that 5 times fast! (i know, alme joke....) and also in teh car was tessa (the girl i carpoled wiht before) and yeah. and so we were laughing and talking and nyanessing and laughing and "driiiiiiing"ing on our pictochats and we were talking about how awsome if u cud play msuic adn about videogames and blogios and schuffs.

wow. long pragraph.

and so eyah. and we also personified our goodbye slogan, as we now clal it. and the reason we call it that int eh paranthesis.

"eat ur veggies. (common rule)

use rhetoric to enhance ur life. (after my frind evilz whos bloggio will be here soone nouph whos dad doesnt let her wear necklaces cuz he says tehyre for married women and i said to her use rhetoric on hima dn now shes forever gratedful to me.)

pay ur taxes (another common rule that was contirbuted by alice)

play videogames (by urs truley)

help old ladies across the street (this one im gona leave out for now cuz trili always grapsps onto me and starts saying "time for u gto go across the street" and now im so annoyed so im outlaing it)

Dont do drugs (this one my and alice made up today in teh carpool)

ENJOY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! (cuz thats my slogan theses days so when i say bye to someone (mostly mmusey or trili) its ENJOY LIFE)"

cuz thats how it is.

and gueeeeeeeeeessss whattttttttttttt....................


her anem is Elise. I heard from my friend Caroline (who i mnade up teh nyaness with) that she drew a pic of link in physics on her whiteboard and then anitas class found it adn anita recognized it (from my continuous zelda posts) and her class went wild.

heh. but now ive got a zelda buddy. elise's new to basis and shes fairly ethusiastic, unlike the rest of us. and shes the only person in my grade who actually ahs played the zelda games and actually draws the amin character as often as i do (although i mostly draw him as a wolf). ans o we did this crazy ocinara-mimicking song of storms adn we were complaining that it wont rin when we play the song (cuz when u play teh song in teh game it starts a storm). and so eyah. and im gonna rant about zelda wiht her ALOT. be scared everyobody.

and also, i wore zelda hair today! u know my pst about epic zelda hair fail? today i went to skl wihtt he hair, omly it wasnt tied back. i lo9oks a littel like zelda, but i dont have long ears like her (i wish i was hylain). and my "braids" as i called them when they were just small strands of hair tied together were always falling apart and i ahd to take them, out more than once for PE and chemistry. so uyeah. and they were behind my ears instead of in front (as i repeat, i do not have long ears) so it was mixed wiht my other hair adn i was just waiting for someone to say "you look like a characer form a videogame i know......" adn so eyah.

and in chem we had a test and i didnt even knonw about ti! i go a B anyways so i guess its all right. i eman, the flame test we had (wihtt eh bohr experinment and the benson burners and the salt and everthing) really wasnt as hard as practice. my group had one of teh easy one (potassium adn its salmon/peachy flame) unlike all those hard ones we had for practice (we kept on mixing up zinc and barium and sodium) it was so annoying! we were just plain lucky to get an easy one liek potasium. or lithium cuz its brigt red lame is so noticable.

and to answer the quesion of galaxy6139, yes it is russian tradition msuic. teris was origianally amde by a russian person someimes in the 70s 80s and he just made some russian somgs as its theme to remind the world of russian power (hehe russia shall rox ur sox!) and it may be from ur childhood, cuz many russian songs are chldhood things. i feel childish when i hear music from ocarina of time. and not b/c its a zelda game, but b/c the msuci sounfds 90s ish, int eh era when i was born. so eyah. maybe thats why i love zelda and tetris music so much.

and hm....... maybe i do looks a LITTLE like zelda. actually, teh personw ho played the ocarina in the first video was teh one who looks liek zelda int the newer games (TP!!!!!!!)

and some of my Percy Jackson addicted friends think that i look liek anabeth but wiht darker hair. and that im not so wise. but dudes, i am a soft adn caring person ont eh indide, whatever u tink of my outside wiht my always happiness and addiction and my obsessions and hapines and videogameness and everyting. but i am a really sad person who is in deep of sleep and no stupid english homwork. i heard some 10nth grade irls are crushing on mr.clark, our english teacher. and mr.meyers, teh 6th grade history teacher. i feel bad for the 6th graders. they dont ahvce an awsome history teaher like ms.kasinec. i wish she taught 7th grade too but mr.brist is prety cool. of course, hes strange (YO DDDDDDDDUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHH) but hes a pretty coo teacher.

ut mr.clarks head is too big for his body. and have u dudes noticed hat in teh beginning of class when were still in switch time (passing period) he talks in his normal vice then clears his throat, stuts up to the front, and lowers his voice a half-octave. hes desperatly trying to make us seem inferior. mr.stratton was younger than him but hes a prety cool teeacher. he was himself in treh front, rtalking about videogmes and he was a prety good physics teaher. but noooooooooooooooo he couldnt teach 7Nb physics this year, b/c my class didnt fit into his schedule....... and now our class has indian speaking ms.jain. not that ima gainst indians r anyting. most of my frinds are indian and im quite fine wiht that. but shes so.....weird. alice can do an amazing job of copiing her stle of talking. she did it today int eh carpool. she is a genious at improvising. and at making indian accnets.

so eah.

what a long post.

to finsih it up, im gonna post some videos by heathersocarina and docjazzsomenumbers who are amazing ocarina plyers. i enjy their talent. i want an. ocarina. but the zelda type ones are so expensive.. tehy go by 150 dollars or more. so annoying. but ill try adn get one for christmas wiht the christmas money... if i dont buy ST or PH first.

now for those songs. i ahd this song stuck in my head yeterday. remember i was saying i was feeling depressed? trili added it up to this song::

"the song is dark world, and since ur felling depressed and dark...." and she left off ont here. total T-T.

and now for some tunes that will make u fell like being a littelm kid again::

I cannot go a day wihtout humming this song.

I know how to play a litle of this song on teh piano! I love it so much!

Now his is straight from childhood. I love it too much. That's why I dont listen to it to stop crying b/c i want to be a littel kid so badly.

OPk i didnt hear this one untyil the time i was posting this. its EХАЦТЛЫЛИКЕ ИН ТЧЕ ГАМЕС!!!!!!!!!!!!! оочпс. oh wow. my comp screw up and did russian letters for some reaosn. so i was gonna say EXATLY FROM THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!! when i head it i felt like trearing upa littel but the tears didnt come. ph why dont they come.....

Now this is also straight from childhood.

I love this song.

And I ah the first song stuck in my head today during math....... dang it. during amth it salways the zelda songs that get stuck in my head.

And this is the song that I love to the end of the world. To be honest, some people were telling her that tehy love her and that shes their zelda and theyre her link (o_0) what a weird world... but she does look liek zelda. well what do u know.

And for my sake..... something from twilgiht princess.......

And now, you all know nthe cartoon Power Puff Girls. Wea ll saw it when we were little on CartoonNetwork. Now, I was watching random videos on YT (as usual) and I saw this and ive beenwanting to have it on ehre for a while now. See????????? zelda has a huge impact ont eh universe!!!!!!!

yeah. i ahd to. im gonab be wearing ilia hair tomorrow. maybe.

eat ur veggies.

use rhetoric to enhance ur life.

pay ur taxes

play videogames

Dont do drugs

ENJOY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!

-calii signing out.