Friday, September 18, 2009

Short Post Replying to b2bjbj's comment

b2bjbj is billybobjoebobjoe ina shortededddddddddd version. like misscaltra is callii, like aliceinwonderland is alicia, like the trilingual bookeater is trili, and the tenth muse is musey.

hehe. so now billybobjoebobjoe is b2bjbj. Cuzzzz i laaaaaaaaaaaaaak it.

So replying to your coment.....
  1. It doesnt matter i u don't have sox on. I will ALWAYS roc ur sox even if u dont ahve sox.
  2. Actually fairies are in Zelda but they arent like the one I'm drawing. Fairies are little orbs of light wiht wings [link]. But I'm drawing one that looks like a person. And so far I've finished the sky, halfway done wiht the stones on teh roof, did the first layer for her clothes and her hair, did the first layer for her skin and the shodow.... And did the first 2 layers of the other parts of the roof. But I'm gonna be done ina bout 3-4 classses.
  3. You may not think it but Trili does. She thinks I am self-centered adn selfish. I think the first one may be semi-correct, but who doesnt care about themselves? Even you have to admit I'm nicer since I've cried over Wolf's Rain, where everyone dies at teh end and after I totally cried over Midna a the end of Tp......... even thinking about it makes me sad.
  4. I may do the harp. I already have a pretty good idea of what to draw, but it has to do alot wiht perspective and a little of archtechture (wow. epic faiure in spelling) schuffs. But it seems to me it would look better wiht colored pencils, even though I ahvn't done anything wiht colored pencils in over a year (wow... teh flower-trio ahs really sucked some energy from me.)
  5. It makes me preoud that someone else cares about vidoegames other than me. THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
  6. So what if ur b-day's in may? I can still barge in and buiy you ST.. or PH... or TP... or WW depending on which console u ahve. but you ahve a wii....... so u BETTER watch out.......
  7. No. How is nawt in season right now. even nya is losing its power... its time for me to get obsessed wiht something else. .. But ppl are stil doing nya. cuz nyaness wiht rox ur sox even if ur nawt wearing sox.
So yeah. And b2bjbj's blog is ::

VISIT HER BLOG SHE TALKS ASLOOOOOOOOT ABOUT ME!!!!!! (ok i amy be a lITTle selfcenterd........)

So eayh.

Eat ur veggies. help old ladies cross teh street. play videogames. dont do drugs. play ur taxes. um.... dang theres so many that i dont remmber! But im gonna add one more anyway... "worship toon link" cuz yesteraday me and luey were goign out of ourselves worhsiping the pic of toon link i ahve in my locker..... and she has a pic of him in her locker too!!!! life is so epic.......

ENJOY IT. I COMMAND YOU BY TEH POWER OF MALO!!!! (and if u dont know who malo is, check erhe::

bai. calii signing out.


  1. 1) oh yeah.
    2)I SAW IT IT'S awesomazing!
    3)Er.. crying over a character's death doesn't make you less selfish. u aren't selfish, anyway, tho. :)
    6)Aaah. gaaaah u 4got to lend me tp!!!!!!!!!1
    "Nya". not "epic".

  2. 1) my short version of my name is bbjbj, EVEN SHORTER HA
    2) i still dont have sox on
    3) i did not see your drawing
    4) i still dont think your selfish
    5) your welcome " stop playing homework and do your video games!"
    6) uh ho ( i think i spelled that wrong, oh well)(about wii)
    7)fine but we still did the truce
    if your getting obssesed w/ some thing else leave me out of this!!
    8) peeps could think your typo luey could be some one else than bluey
    9) im just informing peeps about the zelda conflict
    the reason i talk about you and i is because we are both in the midle of the situation even if we dont want to i want to get out of the center but i cant! we'll both deal w/ it.
    10) im not worshiping toon link

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