Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Yet more randomness involving carpool and music!!

Ok so as many of my skl friends know (trili, musey, aarthi, abc, alice...) that me and alice are carpooling. and so in teh car its just plain craziness.

so aloice and i have dses and so we decided to pictochat wiht our dses and talk at the same time. so in ur carpool we have this asian kid called adam who we call intensekid cuz the first day we met him we were tlkaing about latebird and how u ahve to be all studious there and when we saw adam/intensekid he was being all intense studying his history ntes, like a studious little child. and so his handwriting is like a computer so we nicknamed him "mac" and "windows" and "apple" cuz he refused to give us his name and his facial expression said "im intense" so we called him intensekid after the kid whow as under alices locker last year who she and christina (who i now call leprachaun for some reaons more on this later) called 5thgraderkid and now hes all 5thgraderkidnow6thgrader. try saying that 5 times fast! (i know, alme joke....) and also in teh car was tessa (the girl i carpoled wiht before) and yeah. and so we were laughing and talking and nyanessing and laughing and "driiiiiiing"ing on our pictochats and we were talking about how awsome if u cud play msuic adn about videogames and blogios and schuffs.

wow. long pragraph.

and so eyah. and we also personified our goodbye slogan, as we now clal it. and the reason we call it that int eh paranthesis.

"eat ur veggies. (common rule)

use rhetoric to enhance ur life. (after my frind evilz whos bloggio will be here soone nouph whos dad doesnt let her wear necklaces cuz he says tehyre for married women and i said to her use rhetoric on hima dn now shes forever gratedful to me.)

pay ur taxes (another common rule that was contirbuted by alice)

play videogames (by urs truley)

help old ladies across the street (this one im gona leave out for now cuz trili always grapsps onto me and starts saying "time for u gto go across the street" and now im so annoyed so im outlaing it)

Dont do drugs (this one my and alice made up today in teh carpool)

ENJOY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! (cuz thats my slogan theses days so when i say bye to someone (mostly mmusey or trili) its ENJOY LIFE)"

cuz thats how it is.

and gueeeeeeeeeessss whattttttttttttt....................


her anem is Elise. I heard from my friend Caroline (who i mnade up teh nyaness with) that she drew a pic of link in physics on her whiteboard and then anitas class found it adn anita recognized it (from my continuous zelda posts) and her class went wild.

heh. but now ive got a zelda buddy. elise's new to basis and shes fairly ethusiastic, unlike the rest of us. and shes the only person in my grade who actually ahs played the zelda games and actually draws the amin character as often as i do (although i mostly draw him as a wolf). ans o we did this crazy ocinara-mimicking song of storms adn we were complaining that it wont rin when we play the song (cuz when u play teh song in teh game it starts a storm). and so eyah. and im gonna rant about zelda wiht her ALOT. be scared everyobody.

and also, i wore zelda hair today! u know my pst about epic zelda hair fail? today i went to skl wihtt he hair, omly it wasnt tied back. i lo9oks a littel like zelda, but i dont have long ears like her (i wish i was hylain). and my "braids" as i called them when they were just small strands of hair tied together were always falling apart and i ahd to take them, out more than once for PE and chemistry. so uyeah. and they were behind my ears instead of in front (as i repeat, i do not have long ears) so it was mixed wiht my other hair adn i was just waiting for someone to say "you look like a characer form a videogame i know......" adn so eyah.

and in chem we had a test and i didnt even knonw about ti! i go a B anyways so i guess its all right. i eman, the flame test we had (wihtt eh bohr experinment and the benson burners and the salt and everthing) really wasnt as hard as practice. my group had one of teh easy one (potassium adn its salmon/peachy flame) unlike all those hard ones we had for practice (we kept on mixing up zinc and barium and sodium) it was so annoying! we were just plain lucky to get an easy one liek potasium. or lithium cuz its brigt red lame is so noticable.

and to answer the quesion of galaxy6139, yes it is russian tradition msuic. teris was origianally amde by a russian person someimes in the 70s 80s and he just made some russian somgs as its theme to remind the world of russian power (hehe russia shall rox ur sox!) and it may be from ur childhood, cuz many russian songs are chldhood things. i feel childish when i hear music from ocarina of time. and not b/c its a zelda game, but b/c the msuci sounfds 90s ish, int eh era when i was born. so eyah. maybe thats why i love zelda and tetris music so much.

and hm....... maybe i do looks a LITTLE like zelda. actually, teh personw ho played the ocarina in the first video was teh one who looks liek zelda int the newer games (TP!!!!!!!)

and some of my Percy Jackson addicted friends think that i look liek anabeth but wiht darker hair. and that im not so wise. but dudes, i am a soft adn caring person ont eh indide, whatever u tink of my outside wiht my always happiness and addiction and my obsessions and hapines and videogameness and everyting. but i am a really sad person who is in deep of sleep and no stupid english homwork. i heard some 10nth grade irls are crushing on mr.clark, our english teacher. and mr.meyers, teh 6th grade history teacher. i feel bad for the 6th graders. they dont ahvce an awsome history teaher like ms.kasinec. i wish she taught 7th grade too but mr.brist is prety cool. of course, hes strange (YO DDDDDDDDUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHH) but hes a pretty coo teacher.

ut mr.clarks head is too big for his body. and have u dudes noticed hat in teh beginning of class when were still in switch time (passing period) he talks in his normal vice then clears his throat, stuts up to the front, and lowers his voice a half-octave. hes desperatly trying to make us seem inferior. mr.stratton was younger than him but hes a prety cool teeacher. he was himself in treh front, rtalking about videogmes and he was a prety good physics teaher. but noooooooooooooooo he couldnt teach 7Nb physics this year, b/c my class didnt fit into his schedule....... and now our class has indian speaking ms.jain. not that ima gainst indians r anyting. most of my frinds are indian and im quite fine wiht that. but shes so.....weird. alice can do an amazing job of copiing her stle of talking. she did it today int eh carpool. she is a genious at improvising. and at making indian accnets.

so eah.

what a long post.

to finsih it up, im gonna post some videos by heathersocarina and docjazzsomenumbers who are amazing ocarina plyers. i enjy their talent. i want an. ocarina. but the zelda type ones are so expensive.. tehy go by 150 dollars or more. so annoying. but ill try adn get one for christmas wiht the christmas money... if i dont buy ST or PH first.

now for those songs. i ahd this song stuck in my head yeterday. remember i was saying i was feeling depressed? trili added it up to this song::

"the song is dark world, and since ur felling depressed and dark...." and she left off ont here. total T-T.

and now for some tunes that will make u fell like being a littelm kid again::

I cannot go a day wihtout humming this song.

I know how to play a litle of this song on teh piano! I love it so much!

Now his is straight from childhood. I love it too much. That's why I dont listen to it to stop crying b/c i want to be a littel kid so badly.

OPk i didnt hear this one untyil the time i was posting this. its EХАЦТЛЫЛИКЕ ИН ТЧЕ ГАМЕС!!!!!!!!!!!!! оочпс. oh wow. my comp screw up and did russian letters for some reaosn. so i was gonna say EXATLY FROM THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!! when i head it i felt like trearing upa littel but the tears didnt come. ph why dont they come.....

Now this is also straight from childhood.

I love this song.

And I ah the first song stuck in my head today during math....... dang it. during amth it salways the zelda songs that get stuck in my head.

And this is the song that I love to the end of the world. To be honest, some people were telling her that tehy love her and that shes their zelda and theyre her link (o_0) what a weird world... but she does look liek zelda. well what do u know.

And for my sake..... something from twilgiht princess.......

And now, you all know nthe cartoon Power Puff Girls. Wea ll saw it when we were little on CartoonNetwork. Now, I was watching random videos on YT (as usual) and I saw this and ive beenwanting to have it on ehre for a while now. See????????? zelda has a huge impact ont eh universe!!!!!!!

yeah. i ahd to. im gonab be wearing ilia hair tomorrow. maybe.

eat ur veggies.

use rhetoric to enhance ur life.

pay ur taxes

play videogames

Dont do drugs

ENJOY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!

-calii signing out.


  1. Cool. Btw, Anvita isn't forever grateful. you lying. One other reason not to lend Lightning Thief to you... :)

  2. haha that was an awesome post! calli + alice= craziness!!!! haha i cant beleive u found elise that is like a huuuuuuge coincedence

  3. Hey! I can wear necklaces now! (though Im still working on the scarves)CHECK OUT, I just reposted :)

  4. P.S i was temporarily grateful.... but Im not so sure now that youre posting stuff online about me and my family........

  5. nnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooo long post to much info im not going to read it all
    yes ocarinas
