Friday, September 25, 2009

Midna Fangirl Post!!!

Soyesterday I was singin some Midna AMV songs so I felt like watching the Stand in the Rain Mina AMV adn now I feel all nostalgic of winter when I first joined BASIS.

And so some of meh fav Amv'S and note, tehyre on the same song made by different ppl.

AND IT CONTAINS UUUUBER SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and then the best one the owner disabled embedding so now I ca't put it up but that one was the best out of all of them. You can find it here::

Ok so why I did this post I did nawt know. I felt in a Midna tribute mood.

Now Midna is an epic character from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princesss, said by some to be the best character in videogame history. After all, who wudn't love a little fast talking Twili imp?

And she is also the main point of the game. UBER SPOILER!!!!!!!! She is the Twilight Princess the game is named after. So yeah. ONce you finish teh 3rd dungeon and then proceed through teh game you will understand everything.............

Now for some midna music::

Midna's theme:

Uber sad, just like the character herself. And also, the background notes are so freaking Twilighish!!! And of course, the unmistakable evil notes after teh main thmeme is done....
*don, DON.... don, DON*


Midna's Lament, better kown as Minda's Desperate Hour::

I know I've posted this song multiple times on here, but tis a Midna song, it should be here as well. This song marks the turning point of the whole game. You've done teh 3rd dungeon, gotten teh three Fused Shadows, and then ytou find out you still weren't stong enouph and now you are cursed and Midna is dying. When my mom heard this song she was all like, "whoever wrote this was in NY during a storm." and I replied, "Howbout Tokyo?" nad she said "same thing". But alas, I cannot play this on the recital I'm gonna have in December. Olya said it was too sad. I think its too touching.


A Helping Hand::

This really sint a song but just a riped soundtrack from teh game... Its when tyou're in teh ajil cell as a wolf when you first entered teh Twilight and midna helps you out and then you looka round, then al of a sudden she lands on you and you go all wild horse rampaging then she says "hm, guess youre nawt completely stupid after all," and just laughs then she reminds you that you have to goa dn tehn the twilight music takes over.



Ok so this to isnt exactly a midna soundtrack but it relates to her. I have no idea how, but it does. But tehn, all Twilight music relates to her. She isa meber of the Twili *duh*.


Enter the Darkness::

This is right from teh beginning of the game (if u were a good gamer you shud of gone this far). This is when Ilia was saying goodbye to you tehn teh bulbins come crashing through and then Link relises that his friends are gone and tehn the scary dink dink violins start playing and then when tehres the huge "woooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh" you see this huge epic wall and so eyah. You enter eh Twilight.



Doestnt it make u feel weird? I loe this music!!!


The twilit Palace::

Then of course, being in the true Twilight on teh other side of the mirror. This song reminds me of those uber-stupid hands that keep on trying to get teh Sol from you. DANGIT THEY WERE ANNOYING!!!


So that's all I ahve to say. Terrible midna music and epic minda thingies and its just so awesome i cant take it.. *explodes the zant way* OHNO I JUST DROPPED A HEART CONTAINER!!! (yeah sri i have permission to go crazy once ina while, don i?)



  1. What was happening to Zelda when green lines started appearing on her after that creepy bearded guy turned to cubes and went strait at them (Midna was in front of Zelda)? And also, try to make an effort to listen to Chris de burgh. When you said "I'll try" I hope you actually meant it. Cause it doesn't look like you did. I actually TRY to do stuff that involve stuff that you like, and I TRY to be excited about something that you're excited about. Please try to do the same for me. When you said "I'll try", I thought you actually meant it, yesterday. Looks like I was mistaken.

  2. Yeah........ Trili, hat was waht I emant by "you wont understand naything". It goes long wiht teh lines of the story... So Zelda had sacrificed her physical being to save Midna who was dying at teh moment. and so Zelda, when she had recovered her body, had been taken by Ganondorf (da bearded dude) and tehn Midna, who after Zelda's sacrifice who she now had great respect for, stood in front of her b/c she was afraid that Ganon was gonna do something bad to her. Ganon turned into the Twilight (da balck squares) and tried to take over Zelda's body (which he did and u have to fight her- which is one of the funnest fights in teh game for me) and so eayuh. and then when he took control of Zelda's body he quickly knocked out Midna and a bottle occured wiht Linka dn Zelda playing electric tennis with swords while Zelda is levitating. Yep. I won't reveal antying else.\


  3. i dont get the spiolers vid which side is minda on?
