Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Omg so i know that this is 2 posts in one day, which is alot, but i ahve to say this. Ok so you dudes know teh ocarina, a handheld wind instrument made popular The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time? And you may of also ehjard that I, as well as a few od meh friends, want an ocarina for teh winter holidays (sri dudes i ahve no idea what religeon u have so i cant say christmas or hanukah or anything!) so theyre gona pay attention in rhetoric until december so that they can persuade their parents to get them one. and they ahve also asked me where they can get some. i havet o say, with teh help of teh zelda cooenmulity (yeah hahah) i ahve found this site that sells them called


And the prices on teh Ocarinas are faily big, they are toally worth.
But you can also buy bundles or even normal un-zelda-replica-ocarinas, which are mostly priced at 20-30 dollars. The Zelda replicas cost mcuh more, some from 16- 130 dollars, depending on teh stule and bundles. But some get byundled with VideoGame songbooks adn even smaller ruppee ocarinas.



Ok so for teh ocarinas available, heres a list::

12 Hole Zelda Replica (Special Edition) Tenor Ocarina, bundled with a Tenor Ruppee Ocarina adn Zelda songbooks. = $105.

Bg ammount, eh?

Well, tehrs a better dael for ya::

A Soprano Ruppee Ocarina = $16.

Good deal. But that's the only Ocarina on teh list that's under $20. But tehn, bought with a songook, you ahve ur own holiday present for under $30. Pretty good, eh?

Well, I, for one, am probobly gonna get an easy one to startw ith. I mean, I think that jumping aumatically on a 12 hole will be pretty darn hard. So i gues I'll ahve one of teh bundles. Maybe with teh soprano rupee.


Now I ahve seen this video by one of teh best online Ocarina players I know (nawt personally) and in teh desc it says some other sites. I ahve been ont ehr and I want to tell more about otehr ocs.


If tehrs was a better place to buy some realy cute ocarinas, look at:


There's really cute little dogs, cats, elephants, bears, all embedded with holes so that u can play them. There's also relaly cute pendants so you can even carry tehm around.

Monkey Pendant = $35

Cute, dantcha think?

Dolphine Ocarina = $45

I'm sory but I don't know how many holes these have. It doewsnt say.

But they're cute anyways. Thgere's also pandas, chameleons, an orca, cats... and tehyre all reallyc ute. and i eamn REALLY cute.


For those who want elegance, tehres http://www.songbirdocarina.com/ . There's toal elegence in all their ocarinas.

What truely made me laugh at this site was that they ahd a poll. I looked at one of teh questions, adn one of tehm was "where did u find out about ocarinas?"

Guess waht.

The Legend of Zelda = 1149 votes.
YouTube = 86 votes.

I think I've made myself pretty clear on how much impact Zelda has on teh society.

See the poll for urself!! http://www.songbirdocarina.com/component/poll/19-first-learned-about


But their ocarinas are elegence in the true form.

But right now I'm too alzy to post any pis so U ahve to go adn find tehm by urselves. XP!


And so if u want to see teh video I was talking about, youc an watch it erhe::

The dude is pretty amaszing. Dontcha agree???

Now if u don mind I ahve to go adn pick out meh christmas present. xP!



  1. that is ssoo awesome i love instruments(specifically wind instruments ) now thanks to vid i know what to save money for
