Saturday, September 26, 2009

List Post- 10+ Things I Want to Do Before I Turn 15

Ok. *copy adn pastes title* muahahahha!

"10+ Things I Want to Do Before I Turn 15"

This was the result of an idea that cam to me in Lowe's when I was picked yup by Trili's dad from meh fwend's Caroline's B-day party (we went bowling) Dn so he told us to statw iht trili's little sister in the fan isle and so there was this awesome fan made of skatoboards.

And that got me thinking. I explained to Trili that skateboards are epic adn that I want to know how to ride one. And so I amde a couple manga-poses of me "riding a skateboard-failness" and she talked about her fwend Clara and how shes learning how to ride a skateboard. And I said I was jealous.

And so now I'm writing some things that I want to do before I'm 15. And these are listen in teh order they come in my ehad: nawt from waht I want the most to teh least.
  1. Learn how to ride a skateboard-- my mom will totally disagree wiht this but I want to learn how to do it. I eman, in movies adn in manga and in media the main char always is in trouble and they always have teir skateboard wiht them adn they survifve. The only mode of transportation I ahve is my two feet. And that is so nawt cool.
  2. Speak semi-fleuntly in 4 launguages-- Ok this one is a little more understnadable. I want to learn 2 more alunguages in addition to the 2 I speak fluently right now. I speak Englsih and Russian adn I wan to semi-fluently speak Japanese adn French. I know that having all these launguages can help me in the future. After all, if I want to work in videogames, I need to know Japanses, adn if that doesnt work out, I can still translate things, like englsih to russian/french. :)
  3. Make my own finished manga-- I have tried to make a manga called "The Two Pillar Sign/ Zodiac Crusaders" (yeah dumb name but its all I can think of-wiht teh help of Musey) and I wuickly got to 12 pagers, but then got bored. I tried to loosely base it off of my personal life (like the book is a representation of my own life- a journal). Ad it fdailed since I lost the folder in which I kept all the pages. I know the story, I might revisit it again someime... But now I know more so it can be better. Than it was in April.
  4. Designh my own calendar and post it online-- Ok so on dA thres this option of making a calendar and selling it so I'm gonna try and make one. It might be the simpistic type, but I'm still a drawing fledgling (haha pun of Pichi Pichi Pitch).
  5. Get an artists' job that pays fairly well-- For exaple the Hightlishts children's magazine example. I wanted it, but I still ahcnt finished it. So yeah. Once i finish this psot I will fnihsh the girl sample (T-T). But I want it as a regular job. Like, I need more than one project. Like a I owe them a pic every month. Or somethign like that.
  6. Compose my own more than 1 min song-- This came from nowhrere. I have a little thing about meh piano- I love it. I play on it everyday. And sometime before sumer I wrote down this little melody and I made it inot a 30 second song. I can't exacctly give ur the notes, or the name (at first it was leafgirl, then the dance of teh lily of the valley, but non eseem to fit). But I am toally determinied to create my own little composition that is worthy of a title.
  7. Learn how to play 2 pocket instruments-- Well, ur bored, wiht friends, adn in total need to prove urself with your geekyness so u take out ur ocarina adn some other pocket instrument adn toally rox their sox off. Done, done, adn done.

Oh wow. I said 10+ but I ahve only 7 *manga-scrath-behind-head*

Ah well.

C yaz.


  1. Cool. Thanx for reminding me of emailing Clara.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. in response to bbjbj:

    1) why are u commenting ur ideas on MY blog?
    2) if you wanrt to communicate ur ideas do a response on ur blog.
    3) u better elarn to live with twilight fans. just because someone is apssionate about something doesnt meant ehyre bad. ppl like teh books. theres no reason why tehy should be abolished. and tehrs no point in stopping everyting. go with the dao, for petes sake (tried nawt to cuss)
    4) well, al of us want to do somthing. but these are the things i want to do before im 15. and its MEH blog. so post ur opinions somewhere else.
    5) its possible to get a job. a WHITECOLLAR (duh) job. like um... red teh ost more carefully person. T-T'
    6) thast wonderful. T-T now go adn write it if u wnat it so much.

    *sri but ur comment ticks me off alot. MEH blog. make ur opinions but make them so that they dont nager me, like tehy did ehre. adn if u want to make a post like this, fine by me. i wud like tehat better than just making angercoments on my blog.

    *yeah... angeroverdose.

  4. well before i just wanted to comment and sorry about last part no really interested to be hated by every one but im going to get alittle quieter when the topic pops up and not to point out my stupidness but whats a whitecollar?(dont get angry at me)

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