Friday, September 11, 2009

Dah Zelda Sites and... An Anti-Z Force??? WTF?

I haaaaaaaaaaad to put the wtf at the end. u dudes know that.

so yes. i was being all zelda-fan again (dudes, i tooka wolf-hat to skl and got my pic photographed for the skl yearbook) and i brough tp in its case wondering who i shud give it to for the weekend. i stiiiiill don't know. Should it be Alice, Alex, Musey.... I dunno who to pick!!! Musey said I should pick someone else cuz shes a slow gamer (teh game literally hates her.... its bleeding on eh inside) and Alex is one of the anti-zs and alice... shell probably be my best bet.

So eyah. Just totally spazzing out over here.

And I know Alice's worst nightmare...; ME COMING TO SKL WEARINGA GREEN HAT!!! it may not seem like much, but shell spazz once she sees me putting on teh green hat in the car. I know she will. Cuz she thinks that zelda's not an obsession anymore, its a lifestyle. And that means im gonna come to skl dressed as link. relalya lice. im nmot that fargone. i may do it on haloween, but only tehn. but about the green hat, today we were int eh carpool and im lie "GUESS WHAT?" (cuz that usually eamns something that gonna make her spazz) and she said "not a gren hat>" and i rteached into my backpack and she was spazzing out "OMGG ITS A GREEN HAT!"

when i got it out it was my wolfie hat toboe. and iwore it and people were looking at me as if i was crazy. tsk tsk. they dont know a fashion statement. and tehn everyone was asking me "wahst witht eh hat?" and "cool hat? and "kill the wolves!" and 'may i take ur pic for the yearbook?" so eayh. and waht i said "cuz its epic. awsome. nyaness. its a wolfie. and its a hat. and its wearable." so eayyh. and during lunch i did have my pic taken for the yearbook. yayee!!!

and so yeah. and some of my friends like alex, sejal, and dr.hammy decided to amke and anti-z force, a force against teh obsession of zelda and against zxombie killing games. i have to say that im like musey, im antizombie but prozelda. also, i understand my friends arent doing anyting that bad. theyre just stating their opinions. adn tehir opinion is that this obsession for a videogame is just too crazy. alice might joint ehm, but i must give her the game before she does. also, elise and i started drawing little triforces on our hands and now everyone whos prozelda has them. so far tehres 5-6 of us. there might be seven by monday. adn theres 3 anti-zs. strange, isnt it? im always ont eh tram that has the msot epople.

cuz earlier in teh month we had a war nyaness againt teh how. (nawt howness, just how) we made a truce. i woulnt like to, but i did it to preserve a friend. And Bluey incorrectly stated that tehre's two wars going onm but now nawt rally.

so weyah. and now im sortakindalmostish changing my opinion on mr.clark, our engligh teacher. hes actually a pretty good teacher. hes also learning russian, and he likes my aht, which is pretty cool. and apparently our english class is ponsered by google. nah, his wife just worked for them so tehy gots a lotta free stuff with google on it.

and the otehr 7th graders physics teacher also likes my aht. he told me that during pasing period (aka switchtime) and said that it was cool. now i kinda miss physics with mr.stratton. *sniff sniff* and he saw bluey's triforce thingy and he said he used to play those games as a kid. omgps isnt that cool???? now i relaly wish i was in his class!!! and ive made the calculation that he has probobly played all the games. because by my really rough calculations, hes about 25, and take that away from 2009, he was born in about 84. the first zelda gfame came out in 86. pretty cool, eh? so hes proboly played ocarina of time, majoras mask, a link to teh past, four swords, and everyihng else. maybe even twilight princess. but he didnt say nayting about having a wii or GC. only an xbox.

so eayh.

time to go eat


help old ladies acros teh sdtreet.

dont do drugs.

pay ur taxes.

play videogames.

use rhetoric to enhance ur life.

ENJOY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!

-calii signing out.\


and some rlalyt cool zelda sites that i go on more than teh makers::

And eyah that's basically it. You could go on but i dont relaly find anything THAT interesing in there. so eayh. enjoy!


  1. Calli, ur so epic. and 4 da record i was not told bout da truce b/t nyaness nd how. Tp rox!!

  2. D NOT ever type or say a bad word again. I cannot stand. That. You know I can't even stand "beep", so why should this be okay with me? Remember, in 6th grade, you said you wouldn't write it anymore because you wrote it to ME. You just did it again.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. plz plz plz no bad words
    and for that reason im not reading it
