Saturday, August 29, 2009


"As for Twilight Princess, Link was voted the #1 Hero of 2006, Zant (The Twilight King) was voted the #2 Villain of 2006, The Postman was voted the #9 Dork of 2006 and Twilight Princess took home Game of the Year and #1 Moment of the Year. The game also received Game of the Month honors and received a perfect 10."

OK so dudes i have been searcxhing all over the place for zelda wii rumors, info, pics, screenshots, anything about the new game probobly elaeasing 2010-11. And I stumbled across many places with rumors that got me laughing off my chair.


"The last big rumor I heard was the addition of voice dialogue to Zelda Wii. While I think it could be a good idea if done correctly, I don’t think Link should speak. Link is the representation of ourselves in virtual form. To allow someone else to speak for us would be insulting to all of us and Mr. Miyamoto knows that. I believe that the best way to do it would be to use a choice of text system similar to games like Oblivion or the KOTOR series."

OKI i am so wiht this. I would love for all teh other charactrs to have cvoices but not link. i mena, midnas voice acting in TP was the first voice acting in teh series and i loved it. yes she said total gibbirish words but accompanied wiht reading the words on teh screen, it felt as if she was talking. in other places, zelda talked, but not even a small "ah" from her voie and it seemed as if she had telepathy or something. at least teh ordon children did small "yeah"s adn "ooooh"s so you can at least imagine their voices.


Shigeru Miyamoto has stated that Twilight Princess will be "without a doubt, the last Zelda game as you know it in its present form." This indicates that the Zelda series may receive a major user interface overhaul in order to take proper advantage of Wii, similar to those carried out in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for the Nintendo 64 and DS, respectively. No other information has been given to the development.

During a private meeting at E3 2007, Eiji Aonama spoke about Phantom Hourglass. He then suddenly shifted gears and began speaking about the upcoming game, Wii Zelda. He was very excited, but was withheld from revealing too much information by Shigeru Miyamoto. He revealed that he would like to have a whole new control base for the game, and that it was possible that one-to-one swordplay be implemented. He also said that he would like to make the game to appeal both to the casual and the hardcore gamer.

OK so this is alot of good information. They're excited so that means that the game WILL be diffent. And earlier in teh article is said that the new Wii Title will be in a different era than TP so it woun't be a direct sequel (like OoT and MM).


"A press release concept art for the new Zelda Wii game was leaked during E3. It features a picture of Link standing with his back to the camera, a shield in one hand and no sword in the other. Standing in-front of Link is a strange looking creature. With a pointed head, flowing cape, and metallic shine there’s been some speculation that she/he/it might just be a physical representation of the Master Sword. Especially given the fact that Link is not holding a sword.

This online debate has spiraled so crazily that there are now “;proof” images comparing different parts of the metallic person’s anatomy to the parts of the sword. I just couldn’t help myself after reading some of these rather far-fetched ideas.

In a couple of months this joke won’t even make any sense because the new Zelda game will ultimately be released and we’ll all play it. But for now at least, we can speculate and have a little fun making fun of the speculating while we’re at it. ENJOY!"


Ok so this person is amazing. He is an artist who does these really amazing pictures. And one of them in early June was about Zelda Wii. He has presenly banned downloading of the pic and posting it without his persission so I guess I can just give you the lionk (heehheheh).

I'm sorry for TomPreston cuz I did post one of his pics on ehre without his permission so now I guess the watermarking and some stuff like that is basically my fault. But still, he's a great artist. I'm one of his fans ! And desperatly waiting for Alex Ze Pirate!!!!!!


"The most prevalent of these rumours, however, seems to be the theory that the blue female character is actually an anthropomorphised form of the Master Sword, based on the gem inset into her chest and her hood which seems to resemble the tip of the blade. This could also potentially explain why Link is not bearing any kind of weapon in the art. "

OK so this is teh only article I could find actually relating the Master Sword to the strange person in eh Concept Art. Most of you who are actually looking up the stuff I say know about this pic::

No one knows who the heck is the person in the blue dress but people are led to believe its the master sword. There are a few pics comparing the master sword to the person in teh pic...

I know teh pictures blurry but its the only one I could find. But it works well enouph. If you zoom in you can see teh resemblance. I myself had sena rumor on YT that the blue figure is a last of her kind and to let her live, they trapped her inside a sword. That sounds well enouph? It may be true, considering Zelda's strange explanations for things (consider teh Ooccaa, for example).


This site is like a Zelda Newspaper. They put many intestng articles. An about 3 of the ones I have rad so far were about ZeldaWii.


And on that site, I saw this:::::::

This is pure geniousness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love it!

Musey, convince Mr.Perry to allow u dues to lay videogame msuic!


Ok. Sri I got sidetracked. But I ahd to. It was just too interesting.

So now go, my friends,,,,, go and buy some videoames! Have fun!

And also, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass was rated #3 Best DS Games Ever. Imagine that. And also, check out my other posts concerning zelda cuz threre's alot of intersting things on tehre that you might be interstied in.......


Yet another cool quote

if ya read moa last potio u ahve known that i dad a tona weird things last year w9ht caroline (we have gotta make u an internet name girl!)adn so now im onna poast some more of that,

if i can remember anouph.

so yeah.

oh dang i dont remember anything.

so now lets continue wiht zelda ranting!

so on my last post i have given u a contest that u can give me a ranonmd sentence and i will trnasform it actually meaning somthing in zelda.

musey propoed this sentence:: I was trying to buy a bday present for my dad when I saw a book entitled The Tao of Pooh.

OK so this goes back into a scene in teh begiining of TP. so thers this whole mess wiht slkinghsots, cats, fishing rods, and cradles and u ahce to make sense out of it. so once you do (get the cradle back to Uli and so shell give you teh fishing rod and wiht teh fishing rod ull get a fish for hte cat so sara wi,lll be happy again so she can actually get u the slinghsot) and so when youre in the shop wiht sara and the cat to buy a slingshot, you ge the slinghsot cuz the ordon children asked you to and then when u leave sara rnaomdly gices you a half-a-bottle of milk. cuz its "on teh house today".

see??? i can make anything zeldaish!


AND GUESS WHAT!!! i need to actually make something up to pst about this sint zelda. it tires me. i need somrhing new.. hat is still continuing. like an obsessiono. so spore was a half-obsession cuz i only got excited when i played it, not when i thoguht about it,. wolfs rain was a total obsession cuz i thoguht about it, it exhilerated me, i stared into space wondering what teh next episode will be like, okami was a not-really obsession cuz wel..... it rally wasnt that amzing. it was stil amzing, bu t not the extent that i wuv it with my life. understnd what i mena? all of those obsession were dopne. no seuqels, no other things related to them. that why zelda has stayed with me for so opone. thres more things to explore w=in it. thres more surpises that i have never seen yet. theres one aspect of it that warms every aprt of me. and zelda is still continuing. even though my fav game is made in 2006 doesnt mean anything to me. it can still be amasing. and it still is. and, thres so manythings in the series that relates back to tp. i just go on adn search "articles conaining theories" and wonder yself out. i highly reccomend the games, tehe websites, whetever.
but i am of need in a change.

eat ur veggies.

use rhetorc.

play videogames.

enjoy life while you have it.


calii sighning out.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Small Post

OK. (tehrs that ok again....) so thnx to my great frriends for remeinding me of my great quotes. And remember ing what I and we and everyone was like in 6th grade. *sniff sniff*

So The first thing we remembered is when trili sent me this REALLY long and COMPLICATED email and so I wa all oike, "wut?" adn shes al like, "i think ur brains too small to comprhend such information" and I retorted "yeah well ur big brain has been stuffed wiht too jch useless information!" and so yeah. and then when we were at school she walked up to me and I said hia dn so what i said next was

"I was thinking of ignoring you, but then I remembered you were my friend."

haha I was cruel nack in teh day. But I really was thining that. "maybe I can get back at her......" haha cruelnmess isnt so aweosme but it just is. tetras cruel but shes awsome. so i guess i can be just a little like a pirate.... (zelda talk. sri.)

and tehn later today when I was eating wiht my brother, we were talking, as we usually do. And when you have 2 siblings + food + an obsession + zelda = crazy-ness. So I started re-enacting the "ima firin mah laza" scene from wind waker and then all of a sudden i found myself talking about me and caroline adn that we were the "skip sisters" and that during PE we had to run laps around four martial arts pads and so I decided one day not to run, but to skip (this was before caroline transfered into basis). and then when caroline transfered, we started skipping together adn we called ourselves the skip sisters. I remember teh boys imitating us. I rember Mark trying to skip like me wiht my hands all out. Haha they looked so ridiculous!

And remember when we were doing the pads and we were in line and then I started rando=mly dancing wiht teh circus-carnival-ish music. So the dance goes like this: you put your hand on your hip. the partner outs their hand on their hip, but through teh hole that you have created. So you look as if youre starting a polka. And tehn you absicall skip around in a circle onto my bad singing. Dah-dadada-dadadada-dondada-dondon-dadada! I might record it on my headphones later, but now i dont feel like it.\

and cocerning PE i had to sit out today cuz i think im getting sick. i mean, runny nose, sniffles, sneezes, and a ton fo toehr stuff. adn my hair is messy. which ads onto taht.


eat your veggies.

help old ladies across teh street.

play videogames.

rant like youve never eanted before.

and use rhetoric to enhance you life (AKA get allowed o actually wear somthing otehr than collared shirts and no necklaces... my fellow friend evil genious.)

so eayh.

calii signing out.


--------------2 hours ahve passed-----------

OK I dont feel liek amking a new post so i will oncinue this one. ok so i was watching the walkthrough for WW adn i saw this video and i think its pure hilariosness!

Ok so you wont understnad naything. but you ahve to skip to 7:27 or around tere. You wont understnad anyhting, trust me, but its hiakrious. "youre just my type" "use my fairies to ease your wariness" adn then teh edudes comments 'You you do already. You know youre teh one who tehes all teh other fairies to be braffle women adn to spray plastic flowers to every traveling boy" "we will sue your fairies! we will use them!" "ow my rib cage. and aheart attack!"

done be sscared when u see me at skl randomly quoting this. but i love this. shes so freakin weird its so funny!

and im updateing a zelda contest. to prove to you that zelda will rox ur sox off. you will ahve the chance of posting a random statement and i will somehoe transform that into a zelda rant. with a snap of my unmanicured fingas. muauauaauauu!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

YouTwitFace Among Ohter Things

Ok. Haave you noticed that I misspell too amny words for a noral person? and that myposts always start wiht an "OK"?

So when I was in Orlando wiht my parents at a realtor seminar some dude who was the one leading amde a joke saying ... "Youtube, Twitter and Facebook have joined together! its now YouTwitFace"

That got me alughihng.

I wonder how teh heck did I write that hooligan word. It was meant to be "laughing". I wonder why i didnt post the joke earlier.

Gotta steal from teh rich, when they dont know im coming....

Am I too obsessed wiht that song?

Hehe thatmight be true.

AND also I had Musey ask me "So wats Zelda about?" today at lunch. T-T "And why is it called The Legend Of Zelda when teh main char is Link?"

I can't really answer those questions. The only thing I can tell is that you need to google it. or go to these sites::

And the official site::

AND The officail site of Twilgiht Princess.

Ok dudes you can care less about the other sites but please go on The last link. (haha link. i crack up whenever i use teh word b/c now it has multiple meanings for me) and thers a minigame wheere you ge to explaore the site and stuffs.

AND if youw ant to watch some of it like I am (its called a walkthrough) yuou can just watch this. isnt link so cute in the begining>????? i wuv the messy hair. notice how short he is. *whirr*

so yeah.

My oh my do u want to say to ahve a kingdom, baby tell me why! if you were my king My oh my do u want to say to rule our country, you an i! if you were my king

Yraj. If u want teh song I can send it to you.

ALSO I drew a pic of Link on Monday ohn my Bio notes. I have no diea why but its my best pic so far. I also made a Toon Wolf Link holding the Wind Waker in his jaws like a littel puppy. On my History notes. And I also photocopied a page of my SSBB guidebook on Toon link adn I hung it in my locker. xP! I am so crazy at the moment.

So also on this ad that I found in my SSBB box about Phantom Hourglass I hung it in my locker. But then I grabbed it and showed it to everyone. I wonder why. Well i was also trying to prove I know a littel french, since I'm taking that in skl. And in all NIntendo ads tehres 3 alunguages. I had no idea what it was. The only word i knew there was "stylus". And taht's it.

So that was an uber-fail.

I ate a meat! Hehe. It was one of mine and Trili's and musey's and alicia's strange converstations. hehe. have u dudes noticed how launguage has changed over time? i think I'm teh only person in teh world who uses "shall" ion this time. T-T

Well here are a couple random pics of me with my webcam. And a pic of tehat Link doodle in Bio. And the hat's name is Toboe, after Toboe in Wolf's Rain. I'm so over Wolf's Rain but the name stuck. T-T. But now I hug hima s well as Luke. Sri but I dint feel mliek ataking a pic of Luke rihgt now. teh green shirt was on sundaya dn teh pink shirt is what im wearing right now.

Hewhe I'm posting my photo online! MUAHAHAWA!!!!!!

I wuv my Toboe.

I wuv my snotty brother too.

I dunno why I put this here. I guess this is evidence of my craziness. Notice the headphones.

I don't ;ppl very proud of it in this pic... and it was only today I figuered out he didnt ear gloves. *whirr*


This is a shirt I had made a long time ago adn now I wear it for pajameas. Taken this morning at 6:12 am. yes I sneaked onmto the comp. I iz a bad girl. And yes yoyu can see a C A L near teh right side. TRA follows it.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

HM....... Is this a new obsession or not?

Ok so if you rea my latest post (under this) you knwo that in teh end I was too spazzed b/c of Wind Waker/ Walker (I really don't know if its called waker or walker but in game its called waker so i guess tis waker) adn i went to see online walkthoughs. So I did.

So I was watching them any time I can now. Wind walker looks liek alot of fun! Link is so chibiish in ti. :3. I wanna hug hima dn never let go... and it tirns out that one of my friends at RCC (Russian Cildren's Center) has this Ds "game" that allows it to play a million other games WITH CHEATS!!! I was *whirr* ing at tthat moment. So I innocently asked, "Do you have Phantom Hourglass on tehre?" And so we wentr searcxhing for it.... and we found it. I was ina spazz. It was so.. dar... EPIC. Even witht teh crappy grpaics I love it een though all I ahve seen so far was the inrto. But its funny. Especialy teh opirates adn Tetra. And Link's snoring habits.

So here's the intro....

I know none of you will understand waht it is. Ok so as said, in the prequel to this game (Wind Waker) Link and Tetra battle Ganondorf. Ganondorf wants teh Triforce. So he's geting it one by one... since Zelda is always teh girl who gets the triforce, he went on searchign for littel girls with pointy ears. Tetra was taken, only to be taken back.. but then teh person whow as trying to get Tetra fell on Link's sister Aryll. So then Link went abord Tetra's pirate ship in order to get Tetra back.... and it turns out that in some place, they meet ganandorf, get unconsious, wake up, walk, adn in some place they meet a king who sees Tetra's nacklace and then finds a piece of it that's missing and bam.... a golden light envelops Tetra and she tunrs into Zelda. kapow. But then Ganondorf takes her. And like in every game other than Majora's mask, you need to save teh princess. T-T.

So yeah. link's a sleep headed chibi person. And when they call hin teh Hero of Time its a title given to the perosn who keeps hte Triforce of Courage that came fromt eh game Ocarina of Time. Cuz in it link's the Hero of Time..... So yeah. And he's da dude that was in the intro of Wind Walker, if anyones interested....

Some legendary hero you are....

Yeha the quality is horrible. But its the best I could find. And also, it sint teh whole intro. It goes on for another 5 mins. There's a more interesting part. When Tetra's on teh ghoooooooost shiiiiiiiiiiippppppp/.............. so eyah.

And so, I'm on Part 13 already. *does happy dance*

And I also found this awesome TP video when iw as randomly searching through videos. I love this song! I need it on my comp! I have this song stuck in my ehad.

Although I'm not a ZeldaxLink fan I love this video. Ok so both of them have been in every Zelda game to date. So maybe there is a relashionship there. I'm a Iliaxlink adn a Malonxlink fan. Hehe. And no, I think than minda nd Link are just good friends. I thoguht there was a relashionship tehre too but tehn I saw the Ilia cutscene... although i still cried during the Midna scene and not at all during the Ilia regains her memory scene.

so eayh.

And the problem wihtt his is..........

Am I having an obsesison wiht Wind Walker? Or is it just Zelda? Cuz I have an obsession with Zelda in general or just TP? I have a problem wiht this. I dunno what it is!!! Is it a new obsesion or a obsession re-enhanced>?????


*does littel dance when no ones wathcing...*

my oh my,
do you wnat to say good bye...
To tell this kingdom baby,
Tell me why!

My oh my,
Do youw nat to say goodbye,
to rule this country beby,
you can I!

If you were my king...
oh ooh ohoh
I would be your queen...
oh ooh ohoh..

-------------- Its been 5 mins since i wrote this.................

Ok I am so obsessed with this song. I bought it on iTunes right after I wote this. Don't be scared when U see me at school randomly singing My oh My. And guessssssssssssss whatttttttttt......... The perosn who did it also did Barbie Girl..... EURO DANCE PARTY!!!!! GO FAIRYTALE!! BELIEVE ME!!!! MY OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Zelda Ranting

Yeaj. Sri but I have to rant about Zelda one time or another.

OK so I was watching Zelda videos online today (again) after playing TP for about 5 hours (yeah im at teh goron mines and i started a new file!) and so I was watching old commercials for Wind Walkr and Majora's Mask and Ocinara of Time and before that I was watching TP glitches and beta stuff (as usual) adn so I feel liek posting some randomness here.

AWWWWW ITS OCINARA OF TIME!! Ocinara of Time is debated by some as being the best videogame ever made. From what i ahve heard and read about it, it seems so. TP couldn't live up to its expactations, so ahbviosly OoT is the beter one. Even though I ahvn't played it. And so here's an old commerical. I love the ending!!

"Will thou ge teh girl? Or play like one?" That one got me laughing. Mostly cuz I'm one who believes that Malon is teh girl and not Zelda.... Sorry ZeLink fans. But I'm IlliaxLink and MalonxLink. Yeah. I got afftopic.

But come on! its epic! And I saw some clips of Jabu-Jabu, Dogondo, Volvagia, and Bongo Bongo in there. But teh OoT logo wasn't as refined as I thought it would be. I thought teh sword would come flippin but no.... it just glstened... T-T.

This is old commerial of Majora's Mask

Ok. No one but me understands this commerical. The point of the game is to stop teh moon from crashing on teh world. This bad dude called Majora was trapped in a mask and was waiting until some weak person put it on on him and so Skull Kid wen along and took teh maska dn started getting poccessed by it. And so with its power, discarding Skull Kid, it wrentched the moon from its orbit and hurled it towards Termina. And so yeha. And you ahve 3 days to try and fdo it. But youre allowed to go back in time to redo stuff........ so eyah. but when i found this commercial i fell out of my chair. its that weird.

No for he japanese version of it........

Haha this one's more funier. Mostly because yous ee teh moon's face... adn teh screaming japanese kid. And teh randomness. I dunno. Its just funny.

This is what happens if you don't win the game.

Now back to TP!!! I was watching TP beta videos the other day... (well, the hour after I tok the physics re-take) and I saw "The History of Twilgiht Princess". I looked at it. Its descrribedmwih only one wrod:: epic.

OK. I was all liek "EHMAGAWD ITS LINK!!" wahen i first saw it. i wish they ahd a beta verison..... cuz it wudve been so epic.... but hey, doesnt the text remind you fo somthing? Hwbt OoT??? Cuz TP was basiacally supposed to be a sequel to OoT... But hey, in 2004 they said "coming soon" and teh game was released in almost 2007. And hen in the second trailer teh voice freaks me out. That's the voice of a ten eyar old, not a seventeen eyar old. And then, finally, ont eh 3rd trailer, tehey find teh official trailer msuic (of which i can play a little on teh piano) and a name, major story details, althgouh the lost woods and theres a ..... canoe???? in ordon???? witw? Oh eyah. and after the 3rd trailer and the screen hoes black thres nothign else so u can just pause.



ehmoagawd its wind walker link!!!!!!!! HE LOOKS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



KYAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I. WANT WIND WALKRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dunno why im posting this but its funny. the scenes and bg music is from teh game, but teh sound efefcts arent. omggps its linka dn ehs almost defeated!!!!!!!! I REALLY WANT TO PLAY WIND WALKRE!!!!


Filite Jewelry EXPANDED


OK. So those of you who have read the post below this and have complaints, I'm here to fix that.

Trili wrote me an email on how I'm making it seem to be this huge thing thats already decided. Alicia commented on how she cpould be more than one person in teh staff. Guess waht dudes, I'm totally fine witht hat. Yes, if you want to have a different name for the company, please comment the name below. If you want a different direcotr, coment below, if you don't want a direcotr at all, comment. Post your comments. I'm fine wiht that. But I can't tolerate complaining. I fyou ahve a problem, don't complain. Do something about it. Writing sob-story-email (haha got that from teh staff of TP) won't make anything beter. Gimme something I can work wiht. After al, I don't hear ano one else this excited to amke somethign big like this. You don't want a director, fine by me. You don't like teh name, post a different anme in teh comments and at the end of the week we'll vote on it. Sinple.

If you ahve a hard bed and you don't like it, gather chicken feahters. I'm waiting to see rhe chicken feathers on your beds. I'm fine wiht my hard bed.

And sorry if I ame it seem as if everythigns ready. Its an idea; nothign more. But I need people to ehlp; the only way you can do that is to get everone excited. I'm sorry if I made a misunderstanding.

Anyways I hope you aknowledge this post. And don't worry, teh next post will be Zelda-related. xP!


Friday, August 21, 2009

Filito Jewelry

One person out of my school friends has really brought a fad to the school. She makes amazing earrings, adn has been giving them out to her friends and even people she barely knows for free. I myself was teh 2nd one to get some of thoseearrings, which I new wear all teh time. I'm sitting ehre typing this in those earrings. They're amazing. And now everyone's wearing them. And everyone's also wanted to repay her in some way, but only I have succeded. The person is our own little Trili.

Now, I had her pick of two repayments: $2 or a Chinese beush painting by me. She picked the brush painting for some reason.

Now, continuing, at lunch we were talking about earrings as usual. Cuz the earrings are teh new fad; everyone's talking about them. And so i was talking about tehis person on DeviantArt who makes earrings and necklaces and stuff out of clay adn sells them online. her anme is Gimmeswords. And I said that Trili should amke a site of her own like that. That's when i started ranting.

"You will need a marketing agent! And a Twitter, order forms, shipping, ads...." and the list went on. Some other people like Musey listened. Musey amde me a bracelet for my birthday in May and I wear it alot now. So now we have a few of us who want to amke oursleves known as jewelry-makers on teh internet. And guess waht.... I'm teh director.

So that brings us back........ How much of you are ready to be a part of a business of making jewelry?

We need::

  • Partners: Those who make the jewelry. Have to be organized, on-time, ethusiastic, and have their works approved by the rest of teh staff.
  • Socialists: Not the historical term: those who will get people excited about this type of thing and start buying. Social and outgoing.
  • Updaters: Those who monitor the news. They make articles, post them on sites, and make people excited about this kind of stuff.
And of course, the diretor of this, me.

Now, if you are intersted in this, you can e-mail me at and show me pictures of what you have, what you are capable of, and everything else you think will get you into this.

And alos, I'm thinking of naming this ... "guild" Filito Jewelry. Or maybe not jewley b/c many of my friends have many talents, and most of those don't go into jewelry.

Well, I hope you have read this. I will aslo be making my part as a marketing agent as well as director. I will be the one who all the orders pass through, the one who informs everone about teh orders, and teh person who directs everybody in the process. If anybody has any problems with that, contact me.

Again, I hope everbody who is intersted will join.

Any problems, contact me at . Prices, sites, information, all coming soon. Once teh main tyhing has been established.

So yeha.

Calii, reporting out!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Wowie. Major typo in the title..... hehe. Crazy about videogames, as usual, disgusted wiht homeowork, as usual, wanting free time on tablet and comp, wanting zelda wii loik never has wanted a videogame before this.... So much I wanted on the computer (hzha yoda talk) that if you pay attnetion closely, oung Jedi, you will see the time this was writtten. I iz cwazy.......

OOOHH that reminds me that moa friend musey was looking at my hat today. its a jean newsboyish hat that I put buttons from teh places me or some ppl that I know that were there adn they brought me backa pin. So Musey was loking at it and theres a pin that sinmpy has the word "crazy" on it. Musey says, "So youre not crazy?" and since the hat contains places I've been I said: 'i havnt been toooo crazy..." and we fll back laughing. it was just 'u gotta be there moment'.

So yep. Lifes going on as usual. enjoyin life. enjoying japan. oh that rmeinds me of a conversation i had wiht some friends about how much japanese we were. Musey was officially declared part chindian, part chinese, aprt japaese, part asian, part vientmanese (wow. epic speeling failure) and part whatever is left. and all I have to say is that I'm japanses through and throgh. So we were talking about some good things about japan. Caroline was screaming manga. Musey was saying um.. sri i ont remeber. and i was fast talking as usual when im wexcited.

"Tokyamangaanime....... cultureartpainingnintnedo....." then i froze adn relaised waht i said. and i kept repeating it. "NINTENDONINTENDONINTENDONINTENDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then everyone was looking at me and i wwas all like , "i wlike nintendo." and teh converdastion again swerved to me. Cuz I wuv Nintendo. its the only true videogame company in teh world. Or about eh biggest. Cuz nintendo, Sony (the dudes who made playstation) and Microsoft (I thik they either made xBox or PC...) are teh big videogame giants. And2 of them (out of 3) make things other than videogames so they arent true videogame companies. threefore nintendo is the company i know of who is only videogames. wanna know where i found this out??? go on wikepedia.

OMGGPS LISTENING TO ZELDA MUIS!!!!!!!! its so epic...... "nter teh darkness..." u gotta admit u love that titel. cuz its when link first gets pulled into teh twilight ralm by teh shadow beast after witnessing colin and ilia being taken away... sri. taken away ther. i love zelda. why cant they gimme a trailer for teh new game????? so i can just shut up????? plase nintendo, hear my plea.......

*looks outside the window*. aw. i missed trhe sunrise. at least in tp i cant mmiss it, cuz a day is like 5 mins, and teh music whe the suns coming up on hyrule field is so pretty, its impossible to ignore..... first its all dark and its the "hyrule field at night" msuic... tehn it goes quiet, then you see little peaks of sun creep out onn everything.. then its the bright happy flute signifieing the suns song, then teh hyrule firld theme from tp. wow. thats prettty descriptive.

i love zelda. :3.

and to clebrate that, I'm gonna post a rally weird pic. I love this pic. But maybe cuz I read the Twilight saga too much. but this pic is epic.

yes. musey and trili are trying to say awesome instead of epic, ub tit isnt working. too bad. ;). wel;l, trili notso mcuh. but musey definatly.

and teh pic........ im gonna post it samll so those of you who arent fond of kissing can stay away from it.

(NOTE this pic is fan speculation. it never happened in game so ur safe.)

Yeah thats pretty samll. if you want to see waht is on there (its nothing immature, i promise, although it does contain kissing and it is from ztp... please rad the note above) you have to click on that pic and itll show you a bigger vwesion. yeah dudes.

I iz really tooooo crazy. hha. if our englsh teacher read this hed go crazy. wait. no. LST years english teacher. now hed kill us.

OOOHHH i made more of my zelda sequel. its a little sequel i made for the game inside my head... but its more of a home movie. and beause of this song that plays in "smotth jazz.... 95.5, KYOOOOOOOOOOOOT" I goth this really awesome pic stuck in my head. its so cute! it plays around 7 pm ish... and then i listened to it and thought of zelda...... heheh. ill tell ya waht it was in skl.

now im hungry.

for both cereal and zelda. time to update teh sequal while humming the terailer. :)

and also... for hose of you who play piano or flute or even a little violin you can usually find somgs from videogames online. thats how i play the zelda msuic........

heh. update for teh Brute pic::

Haha its so blurry even I dont know what happening in teh pic. but its a simple draft of the alley way. notice how sloppy i am. dang me................ hehe. bye dudes.

eat veggies.

help old ladies across teh street.

and watch online cartoons.

an be happy.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Some Art Thingies

What teh title sys. Since katzeatpiez0 wanted to make another video for me (TAHNK YOU UVER MUCH!!!!) I shall giver her some desighns and schuffs so that she can make herself feel good. :)

Note:: This was a five minute sketch. Nothing more.

and when I colored it (which took foever cuz Paint refused to go by my demands and I slagged off to eat a peach in teh middle of it)

As you can see its nothing much but it shows Calii mucho better than some of my other pics. But I don't like the face or the coloring. I guess I'm too used to Photoshop XP!

So yeah.

Andif you want to see what this person... katzeatzpiez0 made for me... here it is.


And now I'm gonna rant about videogames... once again.

But I think its better if I answer Musey's question "waht ezactly were your plans for 7th grade domination??"

The answer is that I would simply use all the knowledge I read in the book "How to Be Popular" by Meg Cabot. When i read it I even made a list of waht I would do to get more popular. Now since about a week has pased since skl came back I have to say I'm quite fine wiht being in teh dumps. Ever since my mixup wiht Mr.Perry on teh first day of skl I can see that my social rank decreased immediatly. I mean... he asked me a question... ten seconds later I noted that everyone aws loking at me "wait wut?" i guess wasnt teh best answer. and tehn when i said "My name is Darya and I'm a videogame addict" really busted out some whispers and glanced in my directions.

Ah well. I'm quite fine wiht being a videoaddict and doodler and spacing out in inapprioprate time. That's me. And now I've figured out that I'm alrady popular within my group. People know me. If I screw up people laugh but it makes me seem more like a person. Anvita and Alex know the "wait wut incident." heh. I guess its officially capitalised ow... is it?

And back to videogame ranting.

Okami is a game that I have not played. But its interting. Not so much to trigger a fangirlness but very close to. I think that when I rent teh game I might go crzy for a while. But that doesnt mean my love for Zelda has diminighed. I have heard that TP and Okami were sotakindaalmostish the same. I have watched 40 minutes of walkthroughs and now I know that the only thing making them alike is the fact hat ure a wolf, you ahve an annoying sidekick, adn that you free places from evil. But in Okami you don't collect things. You draw wiht your "celestial brush" which is pretty cool. But eh graphics are pretty awesome. Kinda similar to wind walker graphics they annoyed me but now I love tehm. AND THE MUISC!!!!!!! its so freakin japanese I'm gonna ave my mom ;listen to it and when I see her smiling wihtthe headphones im gonna tell her its from a videogame and shes gonna freak. hehe. she freaked when I agve her some really pretty TP music and then i told her its from zelda she almost crushed teh earphones wiht her hand. My mom does not like swordfighting games.


Huge paragraph.

Good peach.


Blaham. Be scared. The black cat iz coming ur way. And that black cat also happens to be wearring..... WiiMote earrings???

(I WISH I had wiimote earrings!!!!!!!!!!!)

EDIT::: 2 hours ahve passed since I wrote this. And I ahve much more to say. Turns out Okami WAS referenced off of Zelda. The dirsctor said that, furthered that, and in teh review itself it says that Okami is PlayStation2's response to teh Zelda frnashise. So I guess it has something to do wiht Zelda. And teh dude who was doing the review says that it reminded me alot of Zelda Twilgiht Princess. When I hearad that I fell out of my chair. Dudes... This is how much Zelda has come. It's one videogame series that everyohne knows and if you don't know it or youve heard of it through me you are EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Most Famous Videogames of All Time and a sneak peek of what I'm working on.

I was randomly googling things, listening to WMB Music, reading ZeldaWiki, and drawing on Photoshop as usual when I googled "Most famous Videoames" and I cam to a site which hald the Top 10 Videogames of all time by different sites, magazines, adn personal opinions. I went on this site, and accourding tot eh site lists::

- Action games tend to be the most popular genre.

- Sonic the Hedgehog is not popular. In fact, Sega in general has not left much of a legacy, with no Genesis games making anyone's lists.

- Tetris is the only puzzle game anyone seems to care about.

- The most popular video game character of all time is clearly Link, closely followed by Mario. (SEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS WAHT I MEAN!!! ZELDA IS SO OBVIOSLY POPULAR!!!)

- Despite being the famed "first video game ever" Pong has not aged well, and today no one seems to consider it relevant. Pac Man and Space Invaders are also surprisingly unpopular.

- If we are to name a "golden era" of gaming, it appears to be the mid-to-late 90's. The early arcade / PC era of the 80's has apparently been largely forgotten, and few post-1999 games appear to have left much of an impact. Nintendo Power's 1997 list, though now almost ten years old, thus stands up well today, as the classics it recognized still remain amongst the most contemporarily popular.

- The fact that PC games have such a high total overall is largely an indication that there is not much consensus over which PC games are best. Despite their groundbreaking work in many genres, in the end it seems that PC games have been unable to really capture the public's imagination in the same way console games have.

AND So you don't have to read all teh lists like I ahve and then come to the bottom adn see that there's a list summary thingy, I will copy adn paste teh summary thingy for you.

1 Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (28 out of 38 lists)
2 Super Mario 64 (25 out of 38)
3 Tetris (appears on 22 out of 38)
4 Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (20 out of 38)
5 Street Fighter II (16 out of 38)
5 Goldeneye 007 (16 out of 38)

Yes. Ocarina of Time is officially teh most noted of game of all time. Be scared. And I also saw Zelda: Wind Walker and some Final Fantsay games on there too.

The link to teh site where I got allt hsi from ::

Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna post a screenshot of what I'm drawing right now for my friend Shelko and mine collab. If you don't know what a coillab is, its when two or more people work on a piece of art together. She has made up a story and I wanted to amke illustrations for it. And so far I'm almost done witht eh fdirst thingy. It took me a long time. Like, a couple hours. especially Sam's legs. If that's her name. Hehe. Brute didn't take that much time to draw. He was actually knda fun to effect. I love the texture! And the texture on Sam's jeans. so yeah. I'm still not done shadowing or making the BG. I'm still thinking of how to make an alley. I ahve a basic idea that I saw in this comic called Marks (search it on Google). Also, a question to Shelko, should I make a baseball bat with her or something? And I'm wondering if I should make some extra effects on her clothes and hair and such cuz she looks very plain comapared to Brute's texture. Although I love her jeans. My bro said that if he saw shoes like hers he would puke. Wonderful, eh?

Click on it to see a better view. Now that I think of it, Brute's right back leg looks demented. So yeah. And this is a screenshot of it still in teh planning stages::

Enjoy! And play videogames while you can.

Also......... special thinks to Caroline, another person who has played a couple Zelda games but does not even knwo it. She was talking about an observatory and being short and its your birthday... and I used as little information about Wind Walker ( "was teh dude blond? Was he short? Were the graphics cartoony? Was there an island in the middle of teh sea???") and eventually I found out that it was Wind Walker. I feel envoius. I want to play Wind Walker!!! But its for the GameCube and I only ahve a Wii, a DS, adn a GameBoy. Ah wll. And I also figured out that she has also played a littel of Twilgiht Princess. She was talking about a bridge and a orse and this wall with golden symbols on it and I knew immediatly it was Twilight Princess ("were teh graphics better? more realistic? who was the main character???") and to teh last question she answered zelda. I asked ehr again. "You know, teh guy wihtt eh blond hair." I fell into a fit of hysterics cuz Zelda is teh anme of teh Princess and link is teh main character. She ws puzzled b/c the series is called the legend of Zelda while teh main character is Link. Strange eh? But now I ahve another Zelda player on my side......... Yay.

GO VIDEOGAMES!!!! And Shelko also told me of this Zelda-ish game called Okami. I saw a little bit on it on yt. It looks weird. But the plot looks interesting. And the main character is a Wolf. That's prdy awesome. :)

Enjoy my fangirl ness.

Yet more Fangirl Randomness

Yes. I iz a crfazy fangirl. I fell like going all TP fangirl:: "ITS HIM!!!!OOOOOHH....... " and i drop three hearts. yes. i love zelda so mcuh i want to be a fangirl. that reminds me.. i had a dream about it lkast night.... NETHERLES!

one of my internet friends on youtube made his pwnagenes video of Calii. and im so happy. IVE GOTSD MOA FIRST FANGIRL!!! HEHEHEEHE............ *drops into a fit of hysterics...* yeah. get used to it.
so her video... watch it. cuz its pretty good. although i wud liek to disagree on teh blurs.... its still pretty good.

but its still mpretty good. =as i repeat... ive gots my first fangirl!!

now back to busines. i ahve gots my first english essay due on monday, a biology bninder due on monday, math homeowrk due on monday...... and a biology worksheet due on monday..... 5 adobe pics due on saptember 1st.... i guess i shud lay off my wii for some time, should I?

i miss my wii..... its standing there all alone.... well gues what!

in my art studio im gonna paint my next pic sorts mkinda almost based off of zrlda with no one noticing!

im gonan paint some fairies. and a bottle highly referenced off of a zedal tp bottle. yepiddodles.

and shelko is onece again playing a new wii game. its called okami. ive seen a couple videos. the plot looks interesting, the main charcter si a wolf0god-thing, and ur supposed to save the world. the graphics are paper japanese style (cuz teh videogame companies are loik, japanese). alya/shelko says that the pics arent rally that good of 3d.... i might see a couiple more videos and rent it somewher. where ill proboly rent phantom hourglass. :)))))

so eyah. i need to go to the shower. yesterdays PE lesson is rally taking its toll... and we havnt even played dosdgeball yet!! *whirr*

so hyeah. bye. be scared. now im gonan photoshop a charie for katslovespies now. after teh shower. :). bye dudios!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Mysteries of Hyrule

Sri dudes. But I have to post this.

Ok so ure wondering wahts so good about zelda? well, for one u cud go a littlee down adn read my 'wahst so good about zelda' post or u cud just tune into this and tehn read that.

ok so hyrule is basically teh place where zelda tkes place. its another world. it has a religion. it has its own history. thats what i like abou it. theres civil wars, unknown blasmethies, un-undserstandable ruins, adn teh long-time zelda fans try adn figure everythign out. Some intersting facts::

The Temple of Time:

Its basically where you find the main sword, teh master sword. but at first, taht was it. in Ocinara of Time (the most faous game of loik, all time) the temple of time was located right by hyrule castle. hyrule castle has moved to the center or hyrule in twilgiht princess (about a century or two later) and you cans e that hyrule castle is still being built in tp cuz you can see nea teh top that you ahve to jump onto and off scaffolding, so it is seen that its a new castle. teh temple of time was completely ruined in tp, leaving only some walls and a broken staircase. the second time you venture inot teh temple of time (for teh templea) the statues allow you to go back in time to when the temple was actually still intact. when youre in there, it looks exactly (but more refined) like the OoT (Ocinara of Time) version, except for the window that leads to teh temple. but don't remember that. More info here::

The Stone Tower:::

As all Zelda fans know, Hyrule has its own religeon. Its based around the Three Golden Goddesses who ahve made Hyrule and have given some of their power into three golden triangle pieces, the Triforce. The game Majora's Mask was centered in a world called Termina, the counterpart of Hyrule. In Termina, waht they mostly worship is the Four Giants. There wasn't anyone who actually knew what teh Triforce was (NOTE:: I ahvn't played the game) So... Have any of you heard of The Tower of Babel? The Stone Tower is exactly that. The architects who built teh Stone Tower were trying to defy teh goddesses. But the goddesees didn't permit this; instead, they flipped teh world upside down. The tower did lead into a portal that leads to the Sacred Realm (AKA teh Zelda heaven) but instead, cuz the goddesses flipped htew orld, it lead to heck. The ppl went into the heck, and tehre was a demon. They took a mask of the demon with them back into Termina, inleashing the monster into their world. The ppl honored the mask by putting symbols of it evrywhere. Later (in game) Skull Kid took teh mask. The power of the mask had been dormant for so many eayrs, and it had finally found a puppet to do its work on. Majora's Mask gained power, and it summoned the Moon to crash onto Termina (the main goal of teh game is to stop teh moonf rom crashing adn to defeat majora).

Where Majora's Mask REALLY Came From

on the other ahnd, in game is states that an ancient tribe has hade majoras mask, but then disappeared. some say that this tribe is also the twili of TP (twilight princess). they were a group of interloopers who excelled at magic, they captured the sacred realm, only to be banished into a world where they cud exhist only as shadows. the fact aht aslo suppoirts this is teh fact that the eye of the Fused Shadow (Link here) and teh eye of Majoras Mask greatly resemble each other. Doesn't this make it a little more interesting/???

Links coming soon. ONce I find the article I read all this on.

The Great Civil War

Ok so Hyrule had itsd own civil wars. there are just brief intercepts that talk about this. most don't give mcuh information. I myself don't know much about it. Its one great mystery... ok. so youve read about eh Triforce up there. well, amny ppl wanted teh Triforce. I eamnn, power blessed byt eh goddesses. doesnt that sound tempting? thats what ti basicallyt means. many kings tried to get this, emplouing bounty hunters, warriors, whatever. thats teh problem. one king employed this dude called Ganondorf (teh primary antagonist of the videogame series). Ganondorf won, killed the king, adn took the Triforce to himself, but instead teh aTriforce shattered, giving Ganondorf only the piece he wanted the most, power. now we all know who courage and wisdom went to... if youd actually listened to my ranting. courage= link. wisdom= zelda. now, this is going way off topic, but this is proboly true. in TP, when Midna was transformed into a light neing shes a shadow being, so shes as good as dead) and link was transformed into a wolf, link saved midna by running to zelda, who saved midna. when she saved midna, she lost her physical being. some believe that zelda passed on the triforce of wisdome to midna. i too beleive this. midna, like al the others protected by teh triforce, could exhist in the other world, shadow in lgihts, light in shadow. link and zelda for that amtter do not trn into spirits like normal ppl when twilgiht covers hyrule. instead the triforce protects zelda, causing her to remain like she was, but causeing link to go wolfie. and invisible to teh spirits eyes. so hes just like stnading ther eavesdropping while tehyre talking abd he could be performing a miraculous act but they dont notice him. now minda, once zeldas gone, is now her former shadow self, but she is not like a living shadow, but like a person with different coloring. or an imp wiht black adn uber light turquise blothches on her body. wahtever. and,... instead f ehr normal advice of 'now can u go and do this for me? howbout u knowck off those stalagtites? wudnt it be better if u jst energy fielded themn???" but then she said stuff that actually mattered. triforce of WISDOM.... remember??? and also, when they foudn zelda, who had recovered her physical form, she took back some of the triforce. but then, when midna 'almost died' (givin away a HUGE spoiler) and ganondorf was 'reborn', link and zelda defeated him, and then midna was back. the curse on her that took away her powers as teh Twilight Princess disolved, and she was abck to her tall, very attractive looking self. instead of the little imp witht eh weird hair that gamers used to know.

yeah. that was ONE HUUUUUUGE SPOILER. I cudnt help meself. :). now if u dont mind, im gonna look a little more on zelda to see what else i can find............. xP!! i relaly reccommend going on there. its interesting x 10!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why You Will like Zelda: Twilight Princess

Ok. Sorry dudes, but I have to post this. Just watched the 2006 trailer for ZTP and I'm having a whole fit of hyperness. So I'll unleash it here. And this is also teh millionth time I've watched the stupid trailer. And the only reason is cuz of the music and the cinimatics (more on that later).


  • It draws you it. There's a very natural fell to moving the character across teh screen. And the controls (especially in teh Wii version) actually go by the form of how ppl react. Youa ctually give the Wiimote a small shake when you swing ur sword and you actually point at the screen when you want to shoot something (the slingshot, for example).
  • The plot also draws you it. There's a cinamatic, bookey type plot, adn somehow they managed to fit it into a game. It has so many twists, turns, characters, places... you at first don't know how to comprehend it all.
  • The characters aren't like a videogame, they're like real life. They ahve their own problems (joviani) have their own desires, antics, annoyance (Midna), overall cuteness (teh ordon children and the STAR fangirls) and a toungue that can send you flying (literally. telma, someimes you can do that to a person). They are so freakin sortakindalmostrealish!!
  • The places have definatly alot of hidden secrets. I mean, places that you need to go just for a temple or somehting like that actually ahve a hidden meaning. Maybe they ahve a Piece of Heart, or a Hidden Poe. And there are HUGE fields. I eamn, teh Hyrule field stretches out over 3 provinces. That's pretty huge.
  • intereting. i have to say thre's too littel in the game. i mean, arow shoting, fishing, and canoing really isnt enouph. or at least it isnt for me.
  • But then on teh other hand, if you enjoy sidequests like Poe or Golden Bug Hunting you have a lot of trouble on ur hands. Cuz I havn't beat either one of them. I'm on 41/60 Poes and I need to find 5 more bugs. But it's fun anyways.
  • Music is really epic. even though every piece was played on a synthesyser its really cool. I eman, it sounds like an orchestra. You feel excited during the snowboarding, calm at Lake Hylia, breaking sweat in the Goron Mines, and its all thanks to teh msuic. Its so awesome!!!
  • There's teh fact that the main charcter has milk bottles (or bottles of somethignh else) in his basement, no bed in his house, a girlfriend who looses her memory, an awesome sword that looks like a bat turned metal, and an awesome sidekick shadow being person caled Midna. And that youre a wolf for a good 1/3 of the game.
  • The items and puzzles are new. You probobly ahvn't seen anyting like them. You get a staff that can make things walk like you do, there's a tingy that you stand on so you can ride rails, a claw that you can hook stuff onto and act like spiderman wiht, a bomerang that unleashes a tornado when you aim it at something, and of course, a fishingrod taht can be used to distract the last boss of this game.
  • The bosses of the dungeons aht can scare you out of your skin. They're terrifiing, big, bossy, but easy. I mean, you nevcer get that 'i have to try to look for a walkthrough on how to beat this dude'. you just donbt get hat 1 heart heart beating experience. The tricks to beat the bosses are hard to understand, but once you do it, theyre just easy.
More to be added soon. Cuz sometimes I can tell alot about it and someimes I'm stuck loik crazy.


sri dudes but i cant be on much these days cuz of skl. 7th grade is HARD and we actually didnt start anything yet but it stil is ahrd. and im not sure if ill be on even on teh weekends. i ahve a couple orders from meself and shelko for art, and im not sure if i can finish both orders. as u all know, im trying o get a job. im a magazine. well, im still working on that. just the fact hat i dot have that much time to do it. and my friend shelko/alya made this awesome story. and im like, send it to highlights or cricket. and so shes like, yeah ut i need to finish it and i need an illlistrator. and i accepted, but ohnly for sketches. im sketching some parts right now. and im tellin ya, its hard. the human poses are really annoyjng me!!! at least threres a dog in teh story so i can draw it. *eye roll* and i also got a dentist appointment today. i ahve this tooth problem. my baby tooth hasnt fallen out yet but my adult tooth is already growing. teh baby tooth split in half and still stuck in threr. so my adult tooth just stopped growing. so i ahd the baby pulled out. and it hurt. afer an hour. so now im sitting ehre, not alking, and chewing on a piece of cotton to stop the bleeding. fun. so yeah. a little update. and for the highlights thing, heres a sample thingy. thing. im still working on teh girl. and i also forgot to add some shadows. i ahve to add some other poses to it. cuz its not enouph. so yeah. and the tail looks dememted.s0 y6eah. listening to zeld msuic. adn teh next post will be about tp. be scared. xP!!!bu dudios!!


Sunday, August 9, 2009

iCarly, music, sunburns, and 7th grade domination, among other things....

Lets dfo it on order.


  • those of you who actually know this show and thos who dont, i highly reccomend it. cuz it epicness. its funny, cute, pretty darn epic. adn i have to dmit its funny. very funny. i love it.

saorry dudes. for cutitng u off. vuyt as im wrintg this im lsiteng to zelda msuic played by some orchestra ppl. and in the video there was some music from some viedeo gasme, tehn teh main theme of zlda went on, nad ppl cheered. and i srtarted both crying ad AND grinning liie an idiot.

the video::

u shud of seen me. i was lsiteing to this and i was just staring and crying. and teh ironic thing is, i cried b/c of zelda earlier today cuz i finished the game (yeta gain, 3rd time) adn i saw the "the end" and then minda doin the destruction, to teh miror... oh..... *wah!!!!!!!!*

sri. zelda makes me hapy. and teh thing xP is actually me when i think of an epic part (teh riding ito kakariko village when teh bulbin king takes colin. gotta love teh face expressions at that part1) i actually amke that face. heh.

CUT IS BACK-------------------------

so back to iCarly. i gwt offtopic like taht. it was funny. and my mom was alos laughing. especiallyw hen spencer was in teh picture.

so then music. well, i was already said about mcuic.

and sunburns. i got his rally abd sunburn yesterday. its all over my cheeks and nose and shoulders. and i cant live wiht it. i always touch my cheeks when.... always and now i cant touch them uz they hurt!! and i cant fliup my hair anymore cuz my neckis like, red.

so yhea.

shuda sunscreened.

and b/c of that, i cant do my plan to domicnate 7th grade!! i want to, but the circumstances say no. i mean, who wud want to follow a sunburned girl???? i had to make the 1st day perfect, bu now its ruined. *sigh*. nothing i can do 'bout thjat. and i also left my pink ahir clip at trishas house. trish, can u give it to me someime? cuz i love it and i cant believe i legft it by teh pool.

so yhea.

making a logo for my parents realotr comany. not ahving fun.

dad told me that if he findas me on yt or gmail again before the logo is finished hes blocking them. better start workin, eh??


Friday, August 7, 2009



I GOTS A 75.








OH WAIT. im writing in caps, aint i? well, sorry. i didnt mean that.

sri for hurting all ur eyes so badly. yeah.

so yeah. i didnt knwo that. but now im in 7th grade, which is pretty cool.

and then we went shopping wiht mom in tj maxx. ansd we bought mey some really cute shoes. theyre REALLY cute. no kid. thick rubber sole, easy to fasten, and also... theyre black. i love them. cuz black shows go wiht everything. awesomeness.

so yeah.

i passed.

and i guess well all see each other on monday, shall we?

EDIT:::: iu have written this and i am now adding on. i was looking at yet more zelda videos *sigh...* and i read somehwere a coment hat tp links ending blow was preschool compared to wind walker links. so i went and saw teh ending blow of wind walker and im loik, little kids have mucho more fun. i mena, some 12 year old kid flying through teh air, doing a double somersault, adn tehn landing the master sword right in the temple of the bad dude, adn then jumping off???? no one can do that!!! and........ then he looked at it, and almost collapsed. but tehn zelda/tetra got hmi on his feet again. and i ahvnt even played the game!!! teh ending was sad, but not tp sad. i wish tp had those types of awesome moments. i hiope teh new zelda wii wud be better. :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cooled Down. Almost.

Ok so I've almost cooled down from my little pessimistic view on the world in teh last post. Thanks you guys for being there for me. :) i've been having scary daydreams of me talking to like, some of u guys and tehn ur moms coming over and ushering u away "dont talk to failiurs". yeah. epic speeling dail. :). well, after i wote the post no one was home to i went zelda video watching. omggps dudes didja know that an ocinara is actually a real instrument???? i was so freaked when i saw someone playing one!! i want some now!! and i was watching some ppl play ztp trailers on the piano and then ztp in teh making.... so eyah. i was kinda cooling down there. so now i can give a real opinion on these things.

for phys:: i studied hard. i did everything by the book. and im glad that i did. most of teh questions i passed through thanks to my dads and my midnight tests. and im so freaking thankful to that. *in terrible need for music so opens zreo and listens to tp soundtrack*. yeah. i lsitent o that site alot now. :) zelda has really calmsed me down. this si teh official 4th ime it came back. and im pretty happy it did. cuz if i were ina no-obsession moment right now i wud die.

so back to phys. ive gotten 10 of the volts questions wrong. i know that. 10/66. i wonder what percent i ahve *takes out calculator* oh yeah. i lost my calculator *sigh....* *open computer calculator* so ive gots a 75% so far. not that good, but good netherless. if i said it right.

but today in teh day my mom was calling somebody and i heard it "may we please schedule an appointment wiht teh school director?" 0_o. what an unpleasant situation. my parents are really disappointed in my reactiont o teh test. i cam out pale. heh. im pale enouph already. but i was ready to cry. i spille to my mom that on teh last test there were those questions but thre werent so much of them. so i was so shocked to find that most of the tyest was teh same.... except they added more volts. danggggggggggg youuuuuuuuuuu voltsssssssssssss!!!!!!!!! *ocinara of time ending::*

CURSE YOU........

hehe. and i havnt even played the game. i just saw teh ending video on youtube. hehe. ganondorf was spinning in cuircles cursing like that. sri. got off topic.

so i feel like making my own version. to be forever doomed like ganondorf. ut at least im not some gerudo person who tries to take over da wolrd and was beaten by link (about 25ish) and a princess zelda (25ish too). so yeah. ganondorfs about 40. but i ahvnt seen him that much. so i cant judge., but at elast i wasnt trapped in a mirror in heck like he was. and he got out of the mirror, which was basically the reason why twilight princes was made. heh. off topic again. so im gonna make my own version::

Mr. Stratton.

yep. i feel like doign that. but still, 75 percent isnt really that bad. id be glad if i got it. but then that means that i had to get eeything else right......

oh great light spirits, oh starclan, or gawd, please let me be uberuberlucky and get at least a 60. i beg of tyou........ and for pwnage's and epicness's ske.......

i ahve to tell u that my bro and i played 5 hours straight on our wii. but not on zelda, thank greatlightspiritsstarclanandgawd. we played on ssbb (super smash beos brawl) adn mariocart. i ahve to admit that i really like super smash. mostly cuz of the fact that its nintendos most famous series made into one game.

so it has::

-zelda (obviosly) 4 players, 3 stages
-mario (even more obviosly) 4 players, too many stage to count
-mother earthbound, 2 players, 1 stage
-metroid, 1 player, 3 stages
-metal gear, 1 player, 1 stage
-kirby series, 3 players, 2 stages (i think)
-pokemon, 3 players, 3 stages
and a ton more. i dont remember all of tehm. cuz theres 35 chars and even more stages.

as u can see, zelda has some of the best numbers. that officially means that zelda is one of nintendos top games. oh! u just got pwned!!! that goes for u metroid!!! but maio is still ahead. yo duh. threre sint a person on earth who doesnt know who mario is. hehe. that reminds me of a trailer for teh game * incoming snake*. so it shows snake and some other person talking on this recierver thingy adn there were pictures. and then the otehr dudes like 'eliminate amrio at all costs' and then it shows them brawling.

and strangly enouhp today i was humming the ssbb theme. werid, eh? i guess i like teh latin in teh song alot. i relaly reccommend the game. its so much freakin fun!!! u get to beat other ppl up! and most of teh tim its me as zelda dn kirill as link or me as pikachu and kirill as pokemon trainer... or me as ton link and kriill as normal link.... so yeah. i pick the suckiest of characteres. xD!!!

and as im typing this im watching yet more ztp trailersz.... i think this obsesisons got much more than normal. then what teh heck didnt i play it today while i had teh chance????

so yeah. bibi!!! enjoy my weirdness!!!

PS and if u really want o see some of these trailers i have faved alot of them on my yt account. if ur interested. :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Big huger fat stupid failiure

what the title says. im a big huge fat stupid failiure. i think ive failed physics. i studied honestly; ask anyone. but the test still got the beter of me. it really killed me. i was unprepared for all those circuit and volts questions. thre were like 10 of them. i tried the best i cud, buton some i totally didnt have enouph time to do all teh way. i wud of gotten them right if there was enouph time. but no.;.......... only 1 hour hour is enouph. stupid physics! u have me toally crying everywher!!! if only teh weather wud feel that way too but nooooooo.......... it decedes to be happy outside. i want whooping thunderstorms!!! hurricanes! !! just soemthing so that teh physics tests will be blown away adn i have to retake them!!! yet again..... dangiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!! its been exactly 2 hours since i took it. and im still sad on teh inside. when i was taking it i was pretty good on the first half. i got most of them in confidence. al that studiing relaly did pay off. but then came the stupid part with the gravity question.,... ten the volts. stupid volts. and im also cursed byt them cuz my grnadpas an energy person who builda raods. everyone asked my mom why she isnt oing well in physic and they said hat her dad was an energetic so she shud. well now my moms sayng that my grnadpas an energetic. so now im relaly mad at my grnadpa for bring his job into my eprsonal life. not that i can do anyhting to make it go away. and theres also mr.stratton. whats with him not giving me test materials!!! he todl me that everything i need to know is in teh physics book. the blue one. the forces in motion witht eh cars on teh front. that one. hve u guys ever seen volts in that book??i think no! i was told to study that book. i did. honestly. and then he put volts (something that wasnt in teh book) on teh test!!!! dangit mr.stratton. not that i ahve anything against u, i have anything against the subect that u teach. well, at least if i pass (which probobly wont happen) i wont have uuuuuuu as a physics teacher. *sticks tounge out* well, if i pass. which improbobly wpont. and thres no idea when well get the results either@!!! and they say that this is one of the best schools in teh us!!! u gotta be kidding me... wel. wish me uber luck. or a retest of the retest. wel, anyway i have alot of crying and listening o wolfs rain. cuz i need some sad songs to tell me that im not the only one in this situation. yeha. likemi am. no one else has a stupid stupid situation like this one. sigh.... guess my plans of 7th grade popularity are oer.... bye basis. u and your stupid comps. i wud like to use a cus word right now... but i dont have the guts to post it on a public website. bye guys. u may never see me again. now if u dont mind im gonna overdoes on quaker instant oatmeal. bye :'(

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Updates about School and a *cough*JOB*cough*

yes. theres a little updates concerning school. cuz i feel like updating.


-ive picked out my clothes::
  • a europeanstyle white collared and embroidered white top
  • the beethoven skirt
  • those earrings that daria gave me
  • pick hair clip
  • stars and hearts necklace
  • beethoven socks
  • green and white stapped shoes (or the blue keds if i wash them int time)
and ive already got sorta enopugh supplies
my parents deciewd that one notebook will be enouph for a whole semembster. i waws like 0_o when they said it. im gonna go on amazon and buy more notebooks. T-T

and yeah. right now im drawing a couple samples for highlights magazine so that they can see what im capable of :). so far its a cat and im drawing teh lineart for the girl. after this its gonna be a doggie and then i think a boy.

teh girl is turnign out way better than expected. time for coloring!!!

and oops. i forgot to shade teh cat *smacks head on table*. now ive gotta go backa dn do it again!!! smack smack smak!!!

ooohhhhhhhh i ater this really interesting rusian traditional food today. it was weird,. its a cold soup called "okroshka'. its really good, but really steange. it like, the whole food pyramid in one bite. thers a beverage- kvass- which is a type of russian traditional soda, boilde egg bits, slightly salted cucumbers, baloney (the rusian kind), and lastly, mix it all together to create a soup. its sounds really gross. it is gross. until u eat it. it tastes funny. but good. i recomend it. mom likes it wiht kefir and mineral water. i like kvass just fine. so eyah.

talking to trili on gmail chat. were taling about earrings and fav resteraunts. strange, eh?

well, g2g chat. see yall soon at skl!!!


Monday, August 3, 2009

Physics Even more

physics is clouding my moms and my brain. she told me that im not allowed to stand from the table until wednesday. T-T. in teh end she told me tat i can go inot another room cuz shes gonna watch tv. then in hte other room i fell asleep. typical of me. so yeah. and now moms asleep so i can go on the comp for a little bit. the official test is on wednesday 11-12. heh.

so yep. im doin fine. and im writing this on an empty stomach. *gurgle* time to make some macaroni!!!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Yet More Zelda Music......

Sorry for updating so much but this ones worth it!!! I ahve just emailed a ton of friends about my blog (yet again) to get more ppl to see it... so yeah. and now im posting. yet again.

this is a site i stumbled upon on yt while looking at zelda wii. the music quality is epic. total epicness. check it out. please, for teh love of midi... and zelda. and music in general. cuz this msuic has some really cool things that teh original zelda ost (official souind track) doesnt have. so yeah.

and for those ppl who i have emailed, if u see this post and call me crazy (which im sure some of u will do) scroll down. theres much better posts. please. ur not gonna regret it.


PS::my physics retake is officially on wednesday. so i have 2 more days to get ready. which basicall mens that trhew next posts will be really early in teh morning while normal ppl unlike me are sleeping (think 4-5 am). but at teh same time my basis friends will know that this is no surprise. xP!!


Be scared. something weird happened. i was posting the other post (below) adn then alkl of a sudden my parents shouuted "do u wanna watch hren????" dontcha think thats ironic??? i was just blogging it and then it just hapepended!!! and even before that, i watchewd it on Youtube!! scary......... the universe is polling against me!!!

Yet more updates.

OK many updates. like the EPIClist. and current poll stats. and russian summer tv rants. so shall we get started?

EPIC list.

Yes. that is what its officially called. the EPIC list. a week ago i wud of p[osted something called "epic list update. wolfs rain. that is all'. now im scared to say that zeldas coming back. yes it is. zelda is officially the most reoccuring obsession having come back 4 times. scary, right? even scarier, wolfs rain isnt feeling the charm it had on me anymore. only teh song "strangers" and "stray". even cloud 9 isnt giving those epic violins a chance to amaze me. *sigh...* well, obsessions come and go, but i have to say goodbye to them. what?? it happens all teh time so get useed to it!!!!

now on teh EPIC list its::

  • Zelda (as usual)
  • Music from videogames and films (ive been watching lots of films lately and im loving teh music. and as im typing this im listening to spirit tracks trailer music)
  • Toboe*
  • hair clips and showers at 10 am. (dont ask. ive getting real territorial about my hair and looks. i think its all come down to teh idea that i HAVE to be popular next year at skl)
*Toboe is waht i named this hat that was a wolfs head. i named it toboe and now its laying on my bed next to Luke. its kirills hat, but not anymore. ;P


have come to the desision (as also have my fans) that i can be an illistrator for a childrens magazine. i have also been thinking on this matter, and i have decided that once skl starts, ill be on teh comp doing a job that may gimme enouph money so that i can buy some videogames wihtout asking my bro, who for some reason gets much more holiday money than me. so yes. i was thinking "until i get a new tablet" but now that its fixed i can do everything with ease. and i can buy clothes. 0-0.


so yes. in russia durinmg the summer everyones actually vacationing. at least tv ppl are. i mean, during teh summer theres like, no intersting stuff on tv. cuz everyones on break. so weve been watching "bolshaya raznitsa" over and over. and its getting really boring. all i can hjope for is that septermber 1st will come faster so we can finally getg a new episode of Projector Paris Hilton and Bolshaya Raznitsa (Big Difference). PPH is loved by my parents who really need some loosening up on saturday. so waht happens there is thwres theses 4 comedians who sit at a table and talk about current news. strangly, theyre all from KBN (a show where teh universities top comedian students try adn be at the top tier of comedianship which will proboblyg et them in show biz). and theyre FUNNY. teh ppl on there are very well known. and for bolshaya raznitsa, its a show that parodies other shows and movies. the two hosts are also from PPH - Ivan Urgant and Alexander Tsikalo. One giant adn one midget. no odffense to any of them. (and if u wanted to know, that dude who was hosting eurovision was Urgont and he also has a cooking show called Smak). so yeah. but the parodies are HIL:ARIOUS. whenver someone yells "its bolshaya raznitsa!" in our home i will even leave the comp. itsd THAT good. especially Hren. oh hren, whever im sad i think of hren. i love hren now. even though its weird. adn if u search "bolshay raznitsa hren" on yourube u will get to it. sadly, thers no annotaions or captions so u dont know wahts happening. but for russians its the best parody eva maed!!! sri for rantng. but i jusrt do.

------- after wathing it------

heh. the ending is the best. adn at the end thers the little BP symbol..... sri.

back to business.

ive also seen HIGHSKLMUSIKAL russian edition on Channel1. It was like a year ago but still, highsklsmusical. really. theye ven made a different background timing for it. 0_o. I didnt watch it but i saw the trailer thingy. crazy. i eman, it wud be ok if CTC showed it, but channel1? its not a kid channel. oh wow, loka t the time. bi!


Thers this comment on one of my friends blog that really scared me. not scred, but disturebed. irritated. caused buterflies.

Here it is::

caltra ur kool. i go 2 ur school. u dont no me but i luv u!

This comment freaked me out, as seeing my reply on the blogpost. its from "through teh looking glass" by aliceinwonderland. i dont know who this is, but that comment got me thinking. ive gota secret admirerer pplz!!! or its someone trying to pulla prank on me. its more likely teh second one. but still, thinking about it makes me go in a really butterflyinstomach more. and now my bro looked at it ans hes all loik, "thats creepy". yep. and urpersonalsunlight said that alice shud hook her up to me sop i can amek her a layout. ;P. sure. but i want some moolah in return. hehe. well, see ya leter!!
