Saturday, August 15, 2009

Some Art Thingies

What teh title sys. Since katzeatpiez0 wanted to make another video for me (TAHNK YOU UVER MUCH!!!!) I shall giver her some desighns and schuffs so that she can make herself feel good. :)

Note:: This was a five minute sketch. Nothing more.

and when I colored it (which took foever cuz Paint refused to go by my demands and I slagged off to eat a peach in teh middle of it)

As you can see its nothing much but it shows Calii mucho better than some of my other pics. But I don't like the face or the coloring. I guess I'm too used to Photoshop XP!

So yeah.

Andif you want to see what this person... katzeatzpiez0 made for me... here it is.


And now I'm gonna rant about videogames... once again.

But I think its better if I answer Musey's question "waht ezactly were your plans for 7th grade domination??"

The answer is that I would simply use all the knowledge I read in the book "How to Be Popular" by Meg Cabot. When i read it I even made a list of waht I would do to get more popular. Now since about a week has pased since skl came back I have to say I'm quite fine wiht being in teh dumps. Ever since my mixup wiht Mr.Perry on teh first day of skl I can see that my social rank decreased immediatly. I mean... he asked me a question... ten seconds later I noted that everyone aws loking at me "wait wut?" i guess wasnt teh best answer. and tehn when i said "My name is Darya and I'm a videogame addict" really busted out some whispers and glanced in my directions.

Ah well. I'm quite fine wiht being a videoaddict and doodler and spacing out in inapprioprate time. That's me. And now I've figured out that I'm alrady popular within my group. People know me. If I screw up people laugh but it makes me seem more like a person. Anvita and Alex know the "wait wut incident." heh. I guess its officially capitalised ow... is it?

And back to videogame ranting.

Okami is a game that I have not played. But its interting. Not so much to trigger a fangirlness but very close to. I think that when I rent teh game I might go crzy for a while. But that doesnt mean my love for Zelda has diminighed. I have heard that TP and Okami were sotakindaalmostish the same. I have watched 40 minutes of walkthroughs and now I know that the only thing making them alike is the fact hat ure a wolf, you ahve an annoying sidekick, adn that you free places from evil. But in Okami you don't collect things. You draw wiht your "celestial brush" which is pretty cool. But eh graphics are pretty awesome. Kinda similar to wind walker graphics they annoyed me but now I love tehm. AND THE MUISC!!!!!!! its so freakin japanese I'm gonna ave my mom ;listen to it and when I see her smiling wihtthe headphones im gonna tell her its from a videogame and shes gonna freak. hehe. she freaked when I agve her some really pretty TP music and then i told her its from zelda she almost crushed teh earphones wiht her hand. My mom does not like swordfighting games.


Huge paragraph.

Good peach.


Blaham. Be scared. The black cat iz coming ur way. And that black cat also happens to be wearring..... WiiMote earrings???

(I WISH I had wiimote earrings!!!!!!!!!!!)

EDIT::: 2 hours ahve passed since I wrote this. And I ahve much more to say. Turns out Okami WAS referenced off of Zelda. The dirsctor said that, furthered that, and in teh review itself it says that Okami is PlayStation2's response to teh Zelda frnashise. So I guess it has something to do wiht Zelda. And teh dude who was doing the review says that it reminded me alot of Zelda Twilgiht Princess. When I hearad that I fell out of my chair. Dudes... This is how much Zelda has come. It's one videogame series that everyohne knows and if you don't know it or youve heard of it through me you are EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It was pretty cool of that person to make you that!!! Maybe you could add background music to it...

  2. woah. okami was based of zelda? kewl i have 2 check that out :)

  3. 2 things 1 dont post my real name 2 what was the wait what incident again ? you shouldnt call ppl evil other than mr. crow
