Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Small Post

OK. (tehrs that ok again....) so thnx to my great frriends for remeinding me of my great quotes. And remember ing what I and we and everyone was like in 6th grade. *sniff sniff*

So The first thing we remembered is when trili sent me this REALLY long and COMPLICATED email and so I wa all oike, "wut?" adn shes al like, "i think ur brains too small to comprhend such information" and I retorted "yeah well ur big brain has been stuffed wiht too jch useless information!" and so yeah. and then when we were at school she walked up to me and I said hia dn so what i said next was

"I was thinking of ignoring you, but then I remembered you were my friend."

haha I was cruel nack in teh day. But I really was thining that. "maybe I can get back at her......" haha cruelnmess isnt so aweosme but it just is. tetras cruel but shes awsome. so i guess i can be just a little like a pirate.... (zelda talk. sri.)

and tehn later today when I was eating wiht my brother, we were talking, as we usually do. And when you have 2 siblings + food + an obsession + zelda = crazy-ness. So I started re-enacting the "ima firin mah laza" scene from wind waker and then all of a sudden i found myself talking about me and caroline adn that we were the "skip sisters" and that during PE we had to run laps around four martial arts pads and so I decided one day not to run, but to skip (this was before caroline transfered into basis). and then when caroline transfered, we started skipping together adn we called ourselves the skip sisters. I remember teh boys imitating us. I rember Mark trying to skip like me wiht my hands all out. Haha they looked so ridiculous!

And remember when we were doing the pads and we were in line and then I started rando=mly dancing wiht teh circus-carnival-ish music. So the dance goes like this: you put your hand on your hip. the partner outs their hand on their hip, but through teh hole that you have created. So you look as if youre starting a polka. And tehn you absicall skip around in a circle onto my bad singing. Dah-dadada-dadadada-dondada-dondon-dadada! I might record it on my headphones later, but now i dont feel like it.\

and cocerning PE i had to sit out today cuz i think im getting sick. i mean, runny nose, sniffles, sneezes, and a ton fo toehr stuff. adn my hair is messy. which ads onto taht.


eat your veggies.

help old ladies across teh street.

play videogames.

rant like youve never eanted before.

and use rhetoric to enhance you life (AKA get allowed o actually wear somthing otehr than collared shirts and no necklaces... my fellow friend evil genious.)

so eayh.

calii signing out.


--------------2 hours ahve passed-----------

OK I dont feel liek amking a new post so i will oncinue this one. ok so i was watching the walkthrough for WW adn i saw this video and i think its pure hilariosness!

Ok so you wont understnad naything. but you ahve to skip to 7:27 or around tere. You wont understnad anyhting, trust me, but its hiakrious. "youre just my type" "use my fairies to ease your wariness" adn then teh edudes comments 'You you do already. You know youre teh one who tehes all teh other fairies to be braffle women adn to spray plastic flowers to every traveling boy" "we will sue your fairies! we will use them!" "ow my rib cage. and aheart attack!"

done be sscared when u see me at skl randomly quoting this. but i love this. shes so freakin weird its so funny!

and im updateing a zelda contest. to prove to you that zelda will rox ur sox off. you will ahve the chance of posting a random statement and i will somehoe transform that into a zelda rant. with a snap of my unmanicured fingas. muauauaauauu!!!!!!!


  1. Random for Zelda: I was trying to buy a bday present for my dad when I saw a book entitled The Tao of Pooh.

  2. awwwww, everyone's getting sick this year! :(

  3. Hello. Your Zelda ranting does not affect me.

  4. i dont think this post is small!!! yes i didnt understand anything in vid and i only laughed at one was weird. so yeah
