Saturday, August 29, 2009

Yet another cool quote

if ya read moa last potio u ahve known that i dad a tona weird things last year w9ht caroline (we have gotta make u an internet name girl!)adn so now im onna poast some more of that,

if i can remember anouph.

so yeah.

oh dang i dont remember anything.

so now lets continue wiht zelda ranting!

so on my last post i have given u a contest that u can give me a ranonmd sentence and i will trnasform it actually meaning somthing in zelda.

musey propoed this sentence:: I was trying to buy a bday present for my dad when I saw a book entitled The Tao of Pooh.

OK so this goes back into a scene in teh begiining of TP. so thers this whole mess wiht slkinghsots, cats, fishing rods, and cradles and u ahce to make sense out of it. so once you do (get the cradle back to Uli and so shell give you teh fishing rod and wiht teh fishing rod ull get a fish for hte cat so sara wi,lll be happy again so she can actually get u the slinghsot) and so when youre in the shop wiht sara and the cat to buy a slingshot, you ge the slinghsot cuz the ordon children asked you to and then when u leave sara rnaomdly gices you a half-a-bottle of milk. cuz its "on teh house today".

see??? i can make anything zeldaish!


AND GUESS WHAT!!! i need to actually make something up to pst about this sint zelda. it tires me. i need somrhing new.. hat is still continuing. like an obsessiono. so spore was a half-obsession cuz i only got excited when i played it, not when i thoguht about it,. wolfs rain was a total obsession cuz i thoguht about it, it exhilerated me, i stared into space wondering what teh next episode will be like, okami was a not-really obsession cuz wel..... it rally wasnt that amzing. it was stil amzing, bu t not the extent that i wuv it with my life. understnd what i mena? all of those obsession were dopne. no seuqels, no other things related to them. that why zelda has stayed with me for so opone. thres more things to explore w=in it. thres more surpises that i have never seen yet. theres one aspect of it that warms every aprt of me. and zelda is still continuing. even though my fav game is made in 2006 doesnt mean anything to me. it can still be amasing. and it still is. and, thres so manythings in the series that relates back to tp. i just go on adn search "articles conaining theories" and wonder yself out. i highly reccomend the games, tehe websites, whetever.
but i am of need in a change.

eat ur veggies.

use rhetorc.

play videogames.

enjoy life while you have it.


calii sighning out.



  1. you sound so emotional.......... about a game.

  2. you need a new topic for your blog!!!
    do use rhetoric to enhance your life
