Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Most Famous Videogames of All Time and a sneak peek of what I'm working on.

I was randomly googling things, listening to WMB Music, reading ZeldaWiki, and drawing on Photoshop as usual when I googled "Most famous Videoames" and I cam to a site which hald the Top 10 Videogames of all time by different sites, magazines, adn personal opinions. I went on this site, and accourding tot eh site lists::

- Action games tend to be the most popular genre.

- Sonic the Hedgehog is not popular. In fact, Sega in general has not left much of a legacy, with no Genesis games making anyone's lists.

- Tetris is the only puzzle game anyone seems to care about.

- The most popular video game character of all time is clearly Link, closely followed by Mario. (SEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS WAHT I MEAN!!! ZELDA IS SO OBVIOSLY POPULAR!!!)

- Despite being the famed "first video game ever" Pong has not aged well, and today no one seems to consider it relevant. Pac Man and Space Invaders are also surprisingly unpopular.

- If we are to name a "golden era" of gaming, it appears to be the mid-to-late 90's. The early arcade / PC era of the 80's has apparently been largely forgotten, and few post-1999 games appear to have left much of an impact. Nintendo Power's 1997 list, though now almost ten years old, thus stands up well today, as the classics it recognized still remain amongst the most contemporarily popular.

- The fact that PC games have such a high total overall is largely an indication that there is not much consensus over which PC games are best. Despite their groundbreaking work in many genres, in the end it seems that PC games have been unable to really capture the public's imagination in the same way console games have.

AND So you don't have to read all teh lists like I ahve and then come to the bottom adn see that there's a list summary thingy, I will copy adn paste teh summary thingy for you.

1 Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (28 out of 38 lists)
2 Super Mario 64 (25 out of 38)
3 Tetris (appears on 22 out of 38)
4 Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (20 out of 38)
5 Street Fighter II (16 out of 38)
5 Goldeneye 007 (16 out of 38)

Yes. Ocarina of Time is officially teh most noted of game of all time. Be scared. And I also saw Zelda: Wind Walker and some Final Fantsay games on there too.

The link to teh site where I got allt hsi from ::

Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna post a screenshot of what I'm drawing right now for my friend Shelko and mine collab. If you don't know what a coillab is, its when two or more people work on a piece of art together. She has made up a story and I wanted to amke illustrations for it. And so far I'm almost done witht eh fdirst thingy. It took me a long time. Like, a couple hours. especially Sam's legs. If that's her name. Hehe. Brute didn't take that much time to draw. He was actually knda fun to effect. I love the texture! And the texture on Sam's jeans. so yeah. I'm still not done shadowing or making the BG. I'm still thinking of how to make an alley. I ahve a basic idea that I saw in this comic called Marks (search it on Google). Also, a question to Shelko, should I make a baseball bat with her or something? And I'm wondering if I should make some extra effects on her clothes and hair and such cuz she looks very plain comapared to Brute's texture. Although I love her jeans. My bro said that if he saw shoes like hers he would puke. Wonderful, eh?

Click on it to see a better view. Now that I think of it, Brute's right back leg looks demented. So yeah. And this is a screenshot of it still in teh planning stages::

Enjoy! And play videogames while you can.

Also......... special thinks to Caroline, another person who has played a couple Zelda games but does not even knwo it. She was talking about an observatory and being short and its your birthday... and I used as little information about Wind Walker ( "was teh dude blond? Was he short? Were the graphics cartoony? Was there an island in the middle of teh sea???") and eventually I found out that it was Wind Walker. I feel envoius. I want to play Wind Walker!!! But its for the GameCube and I only ahve a Wii, a DS, adn a GameBoy. Ah wll. And I also figured out that she has also played a littel of Twilgiht Princess. She was talking about a bridge and a orse and this wall with golden symbols on it and I knew immediatly it was Twilight Princess ("were teh graphics better? more realistic? who was the main character???") and to teh last question she answered zelda. I asked ehr again. "You know, teh guy wihtt eh blond hair." I fell into a fit of hysterics cuz Zelda is teh anme of teh Princess and link is teh main character. She ws puzzled b/c the series is called the legend of Zelda while teh main character is Link. Strange eh? But now I ahve another Zelda player on my side......... Yay.

GO VIDEOGAMES!!!! And Shelko also told me of this Zelda-ish game called Okami. I saw a little bit on it on yt. It looks weird. But the plot looks interesting. And the main character is a Wolf. That's prdy awesome. :)

Enjoy my fangirl ness.


  1. hahaha nice fangirl-ness. and pong is important or elso other video games would never have been invented! nice collab by the way.

    PS- Super Mario is awesomeness!

  2. nice pic who is that girl? who is shelko? nice post
