Tuesday, August 25, 2009

YouTwitFace Among Ohter Things

Ok. Haave you noticed that I misspell too amny words for a noral person? and that myposts always start wiht an "OK"?

So when I was in Orlando wiht my parents at a realtor seminar some dude who was the one leading amde a joke saying ... "Youtube, Twitter and Facebook have joined together! its now YouTwitFace"

That got me alughihng.

I wonder how teh heck did I write that hooligan word. It was meant to be "laughing". I wonder why i didnt post the joke earlier.

Gotta steal from teh rich, when they dont know im coming....

Am I too obsessed wiht that song?

Hehe thatmight be true.

AND also I had Musey ask me "So wats Zelda about?" today at lunch. T-T "And why is it called The Legend Of Zelda when teh main char is Link?"

I can't really answer those questions. The only thing I can tell is that you need to google it. or go to these sites::


And the official site::


AND The officail site of Twilgiht Princess.


Ok dudes you can care less about the other sites but please go on The last link. (haha link. i crack up whenever i use teh word b/c now it has multiple meanings for me) and thers a minigame wheere you ge to explaore the site and stuffs.

AND if youw ant to watch some of it like I am (its called a walkthrough) yuou can just watch this. isnt link so cute in the begining>????? i wuv the messy hair. notice how short he is. *whirr*

so yeah.

My oh my do u want to say to ahve a kingdom, baby tell me why! if you were my king My oh my do u want to say to rule our country, you an i! if you were my king

Yraj. If u want teh song I can send it to you.

ALSO I drew a pic of Link on Monday ohn my Bio notes. I have no diea why but its my best pic so far. I also made a Toon Wolf Link holding the Wind Waker in his jaws like a littel puppy. On my History notes. And I also photocopied a page of my SSBB guidebook on Toon link adn I hung it in my locker. xP! I am so crazy at the moment.

So also on this ad that I found in my SSBB box about Phantom Hourglass I hung it in my locker. But then I grabbed it and showed it to everyone. I wonder why. Well i was also trying to prove I know a littel french, since I'm taking that in skl. And in all NIntendo ads tehres 3 alunguages. I had no idea what it was. The only word i knew there was "stylus". And taht's it.

So that was an uber-fail.

I ate a meat! Hehe. It was one of mine and Trili's and musey's and alicia's strange converstations. hehe. have u dudes noticed how launguage has changed over time? i think I'm teh only person in teh world who uses "shall" ion this time. T-T

Well here are a couple random pics of me with my webcam. And a pic of tehat Link doodle in Bio. And the hat's name is Toboe, after Toboe in Wolf's Rain. I'm so over Wolf's Rain but the name stuck. T-T. But now I hug hima s well as Luke. Sri but I dint feel mliek ataking a pic of Luke rihgt now. teh green shirt was on sundaya dn teh pink shirt is what im wearing right now.

Hewhe I'm posting my photo online! MUAHAHAWA!!!!!!

I wuv my Toboe.

I wuv my snotty brother too.

I dunno why I put this here. I guess this is evidence of my craziness. Notice the headphones.

I don't ;ppl very proud of it in this pic... and it was only today I figuered out he didnt ear gloves. *whirr*


This is a shirt I had made a long time ago adn now I wear it for pajameas. Taken this morning at 6:12 am. yes I sneaked onmto the comp. I iz a bad girl. And yes yoyu can see a C A L near teh right side. TRA follows it.


  1. nice pics of your self at the end you looked tired so yeah im trying to comment as fast as i can
