Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cooled Down. Almost.

Ok so I've almost cooled down from my little pessimistic view on the world in teh last post. Thanks you guys for being there for me. :) i've been having scary daydreams of me talking to like, some of u guys and tehn ur moms coming over and ushering u away "dont talk to failiurs". yeah. epic speeling dail. :). well, after i wote the post no one was home to i went zelda video watching. omggps dudes didja know that an ocinara is actually a real instrument???? i was so freaked when i saw someone playing one!! i want some now!! and i was watching some ppl play ztp trailers on the piano and then ztp in teh making.... so eyah. i was kinda cooling down there. so now i can give a real opinion on these things.

for phys:: i studied hard. i did everything by the book. and im glad that i did. most of teh questions i passed through thanks to my dads and my midnight tests. and im so freaking thankful to that. *in terrible need for music so opens zreo and listens to tp soundtrack*. yeah. i lsitent o that site alot now. :) zelda has really calmsed me down. this si teh official 4th ime it came back. and im pretty happy it did. cuz if i were ina no-obsession moment right now i wud die.

so back to phys. ive gotten 10 of the volts questions wrong. i know that. 10/66. i wonder what percent i ahve *takes out calculator* oh yeah. i lost my calculator *sigh....* *open computer calculator* so ive gots a 75% so far. not that good, but good netherless. if i said it right.

but today in teh day my mom was calling somebody and i heard it "may we please schedule an appointment wiht teh school director?" 0_o. what an unpleasant situation. my parents are really disappointed in my reactiont o teh test. i cam out pale. heh. im pale enouph already. but i was ready to cry. i spille to my mom that on teh last test there were those questions but thre werent so much of them. so i was so shocked to find that most of the tyest was teh same.... except they added more volts. danggggggggggg youuuuuuuuuuu voltsssssssssssss!!!!!!!!! *ocinara of time ending::*

CURSE YOU........

hehe. and i havnt even played the game. i just saw teh ending video on youtube. hehe. ganondorf was spinning in cuircles cursing like that. sri. got off topic.

so i feel like making my own version. to be forever doomed like ganondorf. ut at least im not some gerudo person who tries to take over da wolrd and was beaten by link (about 25ish) and a princess zelda (25ish too). so yeah. ganondorfs about 40. but i ahvnt seen him that much. so i cant judge., but at elast i wasnt trapped in a mirror in heck like he was. and he got out of the mirror, which was basically the reason why twilight princes was made. heh. off topic again. so im gonna make my own version::

Mr. Stratton.

yep. i feel like doign that. but still, 75 percent isnt really that bad. id be glad if i got it. but then that means that i had to get eeything else right......

oh great light spirits, oh starclan, or gawd, please let me be uberuberlucky and get at least a 60. i beg of tyou........ and for pwnage's and epicness's ske.......

i ahve to tell u that my bro and i played 5 hours straight on our wii. but not on zelda, thank greatlightspiritsstarclanandgawd. we played on ssbb (super smash beos brawl) adn mariocart. i ahve to admit that i really like super smash. mostly cuz of the fact that its nintendos most famous series made into one game.

so it has::

-zelda (obviosly) 4 players, 3 stages
-mario (even more obviosly) 4 players, too many stage to count
-mother earthbound, 2 players, 1 stage
-metroid, 1 player, 3 stages
-metal gear, 1 player, 1 stage
-kirby series, 3 players, 2 stages (i think)
-pokemon, 3 players, 3 stages
and a ton more. i dont remember all of tehm. cuz theres 35 chars and even more stages.

as u can see, zelda has some of the best numbers. that officially means that zelda is one of nintendos top games. oh! u just got pwned!!! that goes for u metroid!!! but maio is still ahead. yo duh. threre sint a person on earth who doesnt know who mario is. hehe. that reminds me of a trailer for teh game * incoming snake*. so it shows snake and some other person talking on this recierver thingy adn there were pictures. and then the otehr dudes like 'eliminate amrio at all costs' and then it shows them brawling.

and strangly enouhp today i was humming the ssbb theme. werid, eh? i guess i like teh latin in teh song alot. i relaly reccommend the game. its so much freakin fun!!! u get to beat other ppl up! and most of teh tim its me as zelda dn kirill as link or me as pikachu and kirill as pokemon trainer... or me as ton link and kriill as normal link.... so yeah. i pick the suckiest of characteres. xD!!!

and as im typing this im watching yet more ztp trailersz.... i think this obsesisons got much more than normal. then what teh heck didnt i play it today while i had teh chance????

so yeah. bibi!!! enjoy my weirdness!!!

PS and if u really want o see some of these trailers i have faved alot of them on my yt account. if ur interested. :)


  1. I'm glad you're feeling better and positive you'll do well! And that music u showed me yesterday was really good.

  2. Well, nothing to say. Happy you've come to your senses, although not really enthusiastic about the game... ASTRID'S COMING!!!

  3. you curse link??? ()_() -amazed face
    it is not that bad anyway a grade is just a grade not you!!!

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