Friday, August 21, 2009

Filito Jewelry

One person out of my school friends has really brought a fad to the school. She makes amazing earrings, adn has been giving them out to her friends and even people she barely knows for free. I myself was teh 2nd one to get some of thoseearrings, which I new wear all teh time. I'm sitting ehre typing this in those earrings. They're amazing. And now everyone's wearing them. And everyone's also wanted to repay her in some way, but only I have succeded. The person is our own little Trili.

Now, I had her pick of two repayments: $2 or a Chinese beush painting by me. She picked the brush painting for some reason.

Now, continuing, at lunch we were talking about earrings as usual. Cuz the earrings are teh new fad; everyone's talking about them. And so i was talking about tehis person on DeviantArt who makes earrings and necklaces and stuff out of clay adn sells them online. her anme is Gimmeswords. And I said that Trili should amke a site of her own like that. That's when i started ranting.

"You will need a marketing agent! And a Twitter, order forms, shipping, ads...." and the list went on. Some other people like Musey listened. Musey amde me a bracelet for my birthday in May and I wear it alot now. So now we have a few of us who want to amke oursleves known as jewelry-makers on teh internet. And guess waht.... I'm teh director.

So that brings us back........ How much of you are ready to be a part of a business of making jewelry?

We need::

  • Partners: Those who make the jewelry. Have to be organized, on-time, ethusiastic, and have their works approved by the rest of teh staff.
  • Socialists: Not the historical term: those who will get people excited about this type of thing and start buying. Social and outgoing.
  • Updaters: Those who monitor the news. They make articles, post them on sites, and make people excited about this kind of stuff.
And of course, the diretor of this, me.

Now, if you are intersted in this, you can e-mail me at and show me pictures of what you have, what you are capable of, and everything else you think will get you into this.

And alos, I'm thinking of naming this ... "guild" Filito Jewelry. Or maybe not jewley b/c many of my friends have many talents, and most of those don't go into jewelry.

Well, I hope you have read this. I will aslo be making my part as a marketing agent as well as director. I will be the one who all the orders pass through, the one who informs everone about teh orders, and teh person who directs everybody in the process. If anybody has any problems with that, contact me.

Again, I hope everbody who is intersted will join.

Any problems, contact me at . Prices, sites, information, all coming soon. Once teh main tyhing has been established.

So yeha.

Calii, reporting out!


  1. Wow... Thanks for doing this for us, Darya!!! But I have a problem with this... you're the one that wants to give orders, right? But you know I never listen to you/malo...

  2. And it was a bad idea saying:"and guess what... I'm the director!!!". That gives the impression that we already decided this, you know, by voting on someone and stuff. You're being really selfish, Darya...

  3. I'm in! But i think, darya, that instead of an over-all director, that we should all run our business equally. Is it possible to be mainly an updater, but make jewellry as well? Because I won't have all that much time to make a lot of jewellrym but i really want to.
    one more thing- we should vote on names. like, we all submit a name and pick the best one? This is a democracy, right? or at least a republic :)

  4. its really cool but i dont nesesarily want to be in it sorry
