Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why You Will like Zelda: Twilight Princess

Ok. Sorry dudes, but I have to post this. Just watched the 2006 trailer for ZTP and I'm having a whole fit of hyperness. So I'll unleash it here. And this is also teh millionth time I've watched the stupid trailer. And the only reason is cuz of the music and the cinimatics (more on that later).


  • It draws you it. There's a very natural fell to moving the character across teh screen. And the controls (especially in teh Wii version) actually go by the form of how ppl react. Youa ctually give the Wiimote a small shake when you swing ur sword and you actually point at the screen when you want to shoot something (the slingshot, for example).
  • The plot also draws you it. There's a cinamatic, bookey type plot, adn somehow they managed to fit it into a game. It has so many twists, turns, characters, places... you at first don't know how to comprehend it all.
  • The characters aren't like a videogame, they're like real life. They ahve their own problems (joviani) have their own desires, antics, annoyance (Midna), overall cuteness (teh ordon children and the STAR fangirls) and a toungue that can send you flying (literally. telma, someimes you can do that to a person). They are so freakin sortakindalmostrealish!!
  • The places have definatly alot of hidden secrets. I mean, places that you need to go just for a temple or somehting like that actually ahve a hidden meaning. Maybe they ahve a Piece of Heart, or a Hidden Poe. And there are HUGE fields. I eamn, teh Hyrule field stretches out over 3 provinces. That's pretty huge.
  • intereting. i have to say thre's too littel in the game. i mean, arow shoting, fishing, and canoing really isnt enouph. or at least it isnt for me.
  • But then on teh other hand, if you enjoy sidequests like Poe or Golden Bug Hunting you have a lot of trouble on ur hands. Cuz I havn't beat either one of them. I'm on 41/60 Poes and I need to find 5 more bugs. But it's fun anyways.
  • Music is really epic. even though every piece was played on a synthesyser its really cool. I eman, it sounds like an orchestra. You feel excited during the snowboarding, calm at Lake Hylia, breaking sweat in the Goron Mines, and its all thanks to teh msuic. Its so awesome!!!
  • There's teh fact that the main charcter has milk bottles (or bottles of somethignh else) in his basement, no bed in his house, a girlfriend who looses her memory, an awesome sword that looks like a bat turned metal, and an awesome sidekick shadow being person caled Midna. And that youre a wolf for a good 1/3 of the game.
  • The items and puzzles are new. You probobly ahvn't seen anyting like them. You get a staff that can make things walk like you do, there's a tingy that you stand on so you can ride rails, a claw that you can hook stuff onto and act like spiderman wiht, a bomerang that unleashes a tornado when you aim it at something, and of course, a fishingrod taht can be used to distract the last boss of this game.
  • The bosses of the dungeons aht can scare you out of your skin. They're terrifiing, big, bossy, but easy. I mean, you nevcer get that 'i have to try to look for a walkthrough on how to beat this dude'. you just donbt get hat 1 heart heart beating experience. The tricks to beat the bosses are hard to understand, but once you do it, theyre just easy.
More to be added soon. Cuz sometimes I can tell alot about it and someimes I'm stuck loik crazy.