Sunday, August 2, 2009

Yet more updates.

OK many updates. like the EPIClist. and current poll stats. and russian summer tv rants. so shall we get started?

EPIC list.

Yes. that is what its officially called. the EPIC list. a week ago i wud of p[osted something called "epic list update. wolfs rain. that is all'. now im scared to say that zeldas coming back. yes it is. zelda is officially the most reoccuring obsession having come back 4 times. scary, right? even scarier, wolfs rain isnt feeling the charm it had on me anymore. only teh song "strangers" and "stray". even cloud 9 isnt giving those epic violins a chance to amaze me. *sigh...* well, obsessions come and go, but i have to say goodbye to them. what?? it happens all teh time so get useed to it!!!!

now on teh EPIC list its::

  • Zelda (as usual)
  • Music from videogames and films (ive been watching lots of films lately and im loving teh music. and as im typing this im listening to spirit tracks trailer music)
  • Toboe*
  • hair clips and showers at 10 am. (dont ask. ive getting real territorial about my hair and looks. i think its all come down to teh idea that i HAVE to be popular next year at skl)
*Toboe is waht i named this hat that was a wolfs head. i named it toboe and now its laying on my bed next to Luke. its kirills hat, but not anymore. ;P


have come to the desision (as also have my fans) that i can be an illistrator for a childrens magazine. i have also been thinking on this matter, and i have decided that once skl starts, ill be on teh comp doing a job that may gimme enouph money so that i can buy some videogames wihtout asking my bro, who for some reason gets much more holiday money than me. so yes. i was thinking "until i get a new tablet" but now that its fixed i can do everything with ease. and i can buy clothes. 0-0.


so yes. in russia durinmg the summer everyones actually vacationing. at least tv ppl are. i mean, during teh summer theres like, no intersting stuff on tv. cuz everyones on break. so weve been watching "bolshaya raznitsa" over and over. and its getting really boring. all i can hjope for is that septermber 1st will come faster so we can finally getg a new episode of Projector Paris Hilton and Bolshaya Raznitsa (Big Difference). PPH is loved by my parents who really need some loosening up on saturday. so waht happens there is thwres theses 4 comedians who sit at a table and talk about current news. strangly, theyre all from KBN (a show where teh universities top comedian students try adn be at the top tier of comedianship which will proboblyg et them in show biz). and theyre FUNNY. teh ppl on there are very well known. and for bolshaya raznitsa, its a show that parodies other shows and movies. the two hosts are also from PPH - Ivan Urgant and Alexander Tsikalo. One giant adn one midget. no odffense to any of them. (and if u wanted to know, that dude who was hosting eurovision was Urgont and he also has a cooking show called Smak). so yeah. but the parodies are HIL:ARIOUS. whenver someone yells "its bolshaya raznitsa!" in our home i will even leave the comp. itsd THAT good. especially Hren. oh hren, whever im sad i think of hren. i love hren now. even though its weird. adn if u search "bolshay raznitsa hren" on yourube u will get to it. sadly, thers no annotaions or captions so u dont know wahts happening. but for russians its the best parody eva maed!!! sri for rantng. but i jusrt do.

------- after wathing it------

heh. the ending is the best. adn at the end thers the little BP symbol..... sri.

back to business.

ive also seen HIGHSKLMUSIKAL russian edition on Channel1. It was like a year ago but still, highsklsmusical. really. theye ven made a different background timing for it. 0_o. I didnt watch it but i saw the trailer thingy. crazy. i eman, it wud be ok if CTC showed it, but channel1? its not a kid channel. oh wow, loka t the time. bi!


Thers this comment on one of my friends blog that really scared me. not scred, but disturebed. irritated. caused buterflies.

Here it is::

caltra ur kool. i go 2 ur school. u dont no me but i luv u!

This comment freaked me out, as seeing my reply on the blogpost. its from "through teh looking glass" by aliceinwonderland. i dont know who this is, but that comment got me thinking. ive gota secret admirerer pplz!!! or its someone trying to pulla prank on me. its more likely teh second one. but still, thinking about it makes me go in a really butterflyinstomach more. and now my bro looked at it ans hes all loik, "thats creepy". yep. and urpersonalsunlight said that alice shud hook her up to me sop i can amek her a layout. ;P. sure. but i want some moolah in return. hehe. well, see ya leter!!



  1. NO DARYA! DON'T CHANGE UR APPEARANCE TO BE POPULAR! YOU ALREADY ARE UBER PWNAGE JUST THE WAY U ARE! anywho the anonymous creepy person was your personal sunlight but she went anonymous just 2 scare u i wasnt supposed 2 tell u but i did oh well

  2. Iknow your personal sunlight, we're friends! :)
    That is soooooo funny!! I'm laughing out loud!!!

  3. it is not scary t o me!
    when did you get the hat?
    who is Alexander Tsikalo?
