Sunday, November 1, 2009

Calii's Dictionary (In)

Ok so I just went adn did yet another post. Just becasue I ahd another idea.

You guys know the "calii's dictionary" thing on the sidebar? well i want to make it so that tehres a search bar for those words, and so that i can do that, i ahcve to have thses words in a post. And so I'm gona do it ehre.


Japanese Things::
  • "nya" = "meow"- taken from teh anime TMM

  • "arigato" = "thank you"

  • "katengeri" = "spin attack"- taken from the manga "Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time"

  • "TMM" = Tokyo Mew Mew, a Japanese anime I was obsessed with in April '09

  • "WR" = Wolf's Rain, a Japanes anime I was obsessed with in July of '09

  • "TS" = Twilight Saga

  • "Zelda" = a short version of saying "The Legend of Zelda", a videogame franchise of Nintendo

  • "WW" = short for Wind Waker, a game in Zelda

  • "TP" = short for Twilight Princess, a game in Zelda

  • "OoT" = short for Ocarina of Time, a game in Zelda

  • "TLK" = short for "The Lion King"

Awesome People::

  • "Calii" = my internet name shortened from MissCaltra to Caltra to Calii, who is me, who is writing this. See my profile for more info.

  • "Musey" = my friend The Tenth Muse's internet name shortened, an overly happy and nice desi with a nice smile and a flowery look on the world, my partner in philosophical views.

  • "Trili" = my friend The Trilingual Bookeater's internet name shortened, an arabic girl with a tendency to make bad jokes, she speaks 3 launguages, and has a shy, controlled air, my partner in international thingies.

  • "Bluey" = my friend The Blue Rose's internet name shortened, a slightly chubby and optimistic desi with a love for anything um... Japanish (?) and my partner in videogames, Japan, and fawning over fictional characters.

  • "bbjbj" = my friend billybobjoebobjoe's internet name shortened, a Chilian girl with an otherwise shy air who loves the color orange, my partner in laughter and randomness.

  • "LinkLuvah" = a new student at our school, yet another manga and LoZ obsesor, my partner in crime...

  • "Xtizzle" = my name for Pipelette, an awesome person who understands my need to act weird at times, my partner in Frenchie laughter.

  • "Alice" = a desi friend of manganess, epicness, nyaness, and my partner in trendsetting and nyaing.



  • "Caramellendansen" = a sweedish dance song made popular through YT

  • "DotA" = a sweedish dance song made popular through YT

  • "The Coconut Song" = a song in TLK about coconuts


  • "YT" = YouTube

  • "ZI" = ZeldaInformer

  • "dA" = Deviant Art

  • "FP" = Fiction Press

  • "ZREO" = Zelda REOrchastrated


  • "-ness" = a suffix meaning something turned into adjective form

  • "HAFTD" = the worst death I would wish on someone : have a Heart Attack, Faint, Then Die, commonly implemented on random students in the hallways or Mr.Clark.

  • "hdhd" = head-desk, refering to teh motion of a head hitting the desk that teh comp is on.

I will add more as the time comes........

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