Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New art Problems

Yeah I've been having problems with art. I havn't been having much fun lately while I'm drawing. I still love to draw, but something's just not right. I draw less sophisticated than usual. I don't have much inspiration. More like NONITO!! I look into music. I listen to songs that make me feel happy. All that came out of it was a feeling of hollowness created by anticipation for a new Wii Zelda and a page full of Zelda doodles. But on that page was the best horse I ahve EVER drawn. And I'm pretty proud of it. Too bad when I try and draw it again, it turns out horrible. I try and compose new things on piano. i succeded. but the feeling was short lived. I feel so... emotion drained. Like thers a bundle of Potential Energy inside me but I can't get it out but the bonds b/w the electons don't seem to be working. Even my art class isn't as great as I thought it could be. There was a time in my life when I adored my art class, b/c it was the brightest thing in my life at the time. I ws the outcast of 5th grade, meddling with everyone, acting weird, trying to obtain social status, but at the same time hating every second of the year. Art class carried away all my worries. I came in there skipping. I drew my heart out. I wish that feeling stretched out longer. Then came Christmas a few years ago. I got my tablet. I loved it. back then I was attached to Neopets by teh hip; I couldn't stay away from Neopets too long. But that's also when I found out about Youtube and AlliKatNya and animating and Warrior Cats. I refuised to get the WOTF (Warriors of the Forest) theme songs out of my ehad. I remembered every frame, every pan and zoom of the series. I couldn't help thinkning that I might be as famous as AlliKat. That's when I tried aminating. If you want to see my feeble attempt, go on my YT and look at Prologue part 1. I hate it. The absolute most dullest, horrible, angry video I ave ever made. At teh time when I actually aimated something (bluestar walking down the rock) I showed it to my mom. She was amazed. I felt proud.

Now back to this time. I draw something, like a cat reaching in to catch a leaf. Fail. The cat looks like its floating in space. No muscles, no frame, no personality. That;s when I really started drawing like a maniac. I can't focus on a detial. I have to scribble it out so that no one can understnad what is in there but me. I have to research all the muscles of the animal, which, most of the time doesn't work well. And all of you who ahve seen me draw a face have seen me doing the face and not noticing it. It helps. I imagine the muscles, i feel what teh viewer has to feel when theyre looking at a drawing. Call me crazy, but thats what I do. Nothing i can do about it.

Well, and there's the problem with the tablet. If my darn tablet was working I'd be sitting around on Photoshop doodling away. But NOOOOOOOOOOOO. It decided to quit on me. It works, but really screwey. I mean, When I press a button on the side, it decided to activate the otehr one. And when I drag it across the screen, it does it in little jumps, always landing int eh wrong place. And there is the Photoshop screw. Whenever it's working "ok" (yeah right. not this pen) I try adn use Photoshop adn it decides that I don't need any pressure! cuz normally wehnever I press harder on PS, it comes outharder. When I press lightly, all you see is a little line. And now it decides that I don't need the pressure that makes m y works look like pwnage. Dang you G-pen! And the worst part is that I fixed it a couple months ago AND added a new pen tip. Well, my dad fixed it. But I helped. So yeah. And now my dad is all fed up with work and he's the only one who knows about the G-pen so I'm guessing I have to wait until his and Mom's workload lessens.

And so goes my Art Problems. Be scared. And please comment and tell me what you think I should do with this problem. I think it all comes down to teh tablet.


  1. Hm. This sounds... horrible. I really don't know. You feel hollow. Other than something like eating sushi or skydiving simulation or visiting your relatives and cutest cousin ever in another state, I really have no idea. Hopefully it'll pass! And you!... as an outcast in 5th grade... I cannot picture that. Tell me when it passes (and it will pass!)

  2. this happened to me once it passes with time and something that gets your intrest even more and then come back too it
