Sunday, July 26, 2009


Sorry If im posting too many things about my obsessions. but this is called an obsession. u cant do anything about it cuz withut an obsession im a holow empty person. cuz an obsession emans ive got something to love. so eyah

so i was listening and watching wolfs rain (yet again.) so i had this crasy idea to look for the soundtrack. so i did. and i fell in love. im head over heels. ive gotta afmit it.

and so im listening right now is to ::

This plays whenver theyre doing something amazing.. or when somethign sad happens. the one place where i ermemer tit the best is at ep 22 when they find the walrus.

OOH!@!!!!! i remember this!!! this is when hige and tsume give that surprise attack on the soldoers camp!!! 'mising who??" hige,.,.. u are my lost twin. u are so freaking awesome!! adn how they fought... that was so awesome!! and this msuic started it all!! when u were all like.. "missing who??" to teh soldiers and tehy were all like "AH!!!" and then you jumped out of the way tehn tsume came down wiht his nife/sword/sceptar/dagger thingy...EPIC!1!

The second one is when teh bad dude appears. the reaon this ones so revengful is b/c lord darcia is. he just is. at teh begining of the anime hes just a dude in teh background.. then he went insane.. and then he tried to open paradise.. stupid paradise. he was the one who killed.... total stupid lard darcia!! sri. ranting ofver here... teh second part after the break is my fav. i thought that was the main theme of wolfs rain when i fist heard it. (when darcias castle thing blew up in ep 14 i think..... and when darcia broke cheza out of the lab in ep 2.... heh. ya wnna hear it u gotta go see it.)

this one and cloud 9 (later) were so much better with the characters talking int eh foreground and no vocalist. h well. but i guess whats there is there. not much to say about this one. i just like it.

my absolute fav. absolute. its so much better when theres no voice!! this ones in teh first episode at the end so u better watch it anyways. hehe. it makes me feel of doing something great and thinking thats what u ... dang this thing is getting to me. but really... its much better without words. and its also at teh end of ep 22 part 1 when theyre leaving the captain and hes saying "ur gonna fight jagara alone?" and they're all like.. total yeah. and then they vanish in teh fog... *nows the part i start crying* aaaaaaaaaand its at the end of ep 1. just so ya know. t teh end it sorta kinda almost alls in place. cuz at teh end nothing falls in place.

EDIT::: this is where i start crying... cuz this is both the begining and at the end of teh anime. its full of hope.. despair.. anxiety... oh... the world gets reborn.... and theyre in modern day tokyo!!! and the adventure happens again... until pardise is already entered..... 0_o.


why did u all have to die t he stipid end?? why cant u just move a little farther kiba.. adn unleash paradise insteda of making up your wolrd all over/??? anmdwhat the heck is with u toboe??? jumping in front of a gun like that?? wouldnt it of been better to just push quonte out of the way instead of jumping in front of teh stupid gun of darcia??? why!!!! and whats with u hige.. u really have to elarn to forgive ur self. u didnt know what appened to u. and the same for cher and hubb. hubb... if only everyone wud die like u did... a cigar in your mouth adn ur late wifes scarf around ur nose... and just steps away from paradise.. and teh same for u blue. and hige. and tsume. to be honest.. tsume isnt that bad at the end. especilaly when hes talking to dead toboe.. and when he raeaches out to hubb while hes falling off the ledge... and... what favor u did to hige... *cries...* oh why couldnt of thre been a happier ending?? and whats with u toboe?? i though u hated cats and now ur saving a kittne from teh rain!! thres hige.,.. ewatiug as usual... and then tsume.. riding a motorcycle. i laughed at that. i eman... if motorcyles were earlier in tehe anime tsume wud probobly be the only one riding it. heh. i wish tehy made a sequel to it. i mean.. when the world gets reborn. with all teh charactrs not remembering anyting. BONES (da dudios wqho made this) please make a sequel. or a second season. because i know im not the only one ranting like this. and please... dont make toboe a girl. i mean.. he looked like one in teh end (rebornation) with teh kitten and all. but really. *laughs* please. enjoy. sri for the rant. cudnt help myself. lsitening to shiro right now. :: Link:: because i think that its the main theme. if u undersdtnd this song... u understand teh whole thing.... *starts another sob round* thanks for reading. please commnet.


  1. the first song is so gloomy 2nd song ok 3rd sounds weird in the beginning 4th beginning sounds like moonlight sonata 5th i think thats my favorite too 6th its so quite song

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