Saturday, July 25, 2009


No. I just finished watching Wolf's Rain... all 30 eps.

You want to know how I did it? I didn't go to sleep last night. I went to sleep around 11... but I couldn't sleep. So what I did is that I sneaked onto my comjp and watched them... for 4 hours. By the time I was done the sun was coming up and I still couln't shake up teh feeling that teh anime has given me. So i played videogames adn read books adn ate chocolate... adn then tried to sleep. I guess it sorta worked. It wasn't exactly sleeping. I ws in a sorta kinda trance... liie half my brain was working adn the other half wasn't. I dunno......

But back to teh anime. Best anime EVA!!! Awesome theme song.. animation.. characters.. plot.. and it hs guns. Guns are so awesome!!! I mean, every character got sortakindaish shot throughout the whole thing. And then teh thing about secrets... and then the ending.... WAH!!! i want season 2!! ndgjdnlkgnklagndlklnghgo!!! kghjagl!! I was crying when it ended.. whichj was 5 mins ago. I was crying before that... when certain somebody desided to go to Paradise the other way. Lets just say all teh events after that got really sad but made me feel proud for some reasdon. So breathtakeing.. I love Hige. Hige is the most awesome character in it... Next to Toboe. And Blue. Blue.. you are one awesoje lady. i actually thought BNlue was a boy but then they said 'she'. 0_o. And then after that is Kiba. Kiba is so aweosm!! He's the last character you see in the anime... and the main character. Sorry, but Hige is coole. I dunno why. He's alot like me actually. Except fo the fact that I'm not slightly chubby, not a boy, or a wolf. But it would be aweome to be a wolf.

This anime relaly gets u thinking about eh world since the teme is basically "the route to paradise". It really explains what animals and people do to each other... Ohg wow. I recomend it to everyone. Or at least those who like violence, comedy, weird tones, science fiction, and of course... awesomeness. And also,,, you ahve to be ready for anything after ep 27. Cuz thats when it gets intense.............

Wah. i'm gonna go check out da manga.

Now for some random quotes::

"My fangs are way too delicate."

"I wanted to take you to Paradise."

"Now I've got nothing to fight for."

"You go first. It's your kill."
-Kiba to Toboe

"That's the road to Paradise! Too bad's no one has come out alive from there!"
-Old Gramps at teh Graveyard

"The old timer was right. We are wolves."

"Tell me something, are you really gonna fight Jagara alone?" says Commander.
*three nods from Tsume, Hige, and Toboe*
"Whether I'm with friends or alone, I'll always fight to protect those who need me. No matter what." Kiba replied as he turned around. Soon after the wolves were gone into the mist.

"Everything's going crazy... Everything."

"I'm sorry. This is strange for me. I've never had a conversation with a dog before."

"What the h***'s he so happy for? It's freezing!"

"I was just getting ready!!!"
"Getting ready to do what???"
-Toboe (he says this all teh time when he lags behind the others on a jump!) and then Hige

"Even if you search to the ends of the Earth... There's nothing there... No matter how far you walk... It's always the same road... It just goes on and on... But in spite of that... Why am i so driven to find it?"
-Kiba, the last words.