Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cosplay Unity

Ive been watching tons of videos of Hetalia (look it up on wiki: ive been extremely obsessed with it for a rather long time nao (2 months) while Im not here, but my friends are working on making Hetalia a school thing, not a 'group' thing) videos with cosplayers of different countries. And all I can say is that I want the same experience.

This keyboard makes my hands die. I hate it but I shall continue typing. >.< Alice, Xtina, and I have decided to cosplay nations this Halloween, being China, Canada, and USA respectivaly. Imagine me, walking around the school wearing , waving a humongous American flag, Xtina walking around wearing THIS, hugging her polar bear tight with a Canadian flag, looking shy, Alice will be wearing THIS waving a flag of the People's Republic of China... And none of our outfits are perfect - I think that Alice has the most accurate one). Bbj said she'll join us looking like Hungary, since Hungary looks so much liker her. :)

And if you guys are confused, those who dont know me in real life wouldnt know about Hetalia. *deep breath* Hetalia: Axis Powers is a webcomic turned manga turned anime where each character is a human representation of a country. This character is based on a stereotype of that country (China, for example, loves pandas), the country's history (Switzerland is an aggressive little dude who is known for shooting anything out of his garden and cares very much for his little sister Lichtenstein), and on the alliances that the country made (the alliance between Japan and Greece is sometimes thought of as love. France supports this (France is a lovey-dovey pervert)). Every country has his/her own personality, and based on the personality, my friends and I labeled each one of our friends (except for Caitlyn, an anti-Hetalia who has such a strange mixed un-Hetalia-like personality we decided she's he world) as a Hetalia character.

Im America, because of my outgoing personality, loudness, obnoxiousness (its a real word, according to spell check), and how I get really crazy ideas that never work. Xtina got Canada, since shes the quiet little person in teh back row who wishes to be called upon but is always ignored (no literally, in Hetalia, no one notices Canada since he's invisible or they just mistake him for America, since theyre identical twins, but real fangirls know how to tellt hem apart by their expressions). At first Alice was a Italy, China, France mix, but then she decided to cosplay China for Halloween, and we realized that her personality is nothing like China. We decided only on Friday, once Anita was acting like America high on sugar except its Anita on RuChu (RussiaxChina) fanfics, that Anita's personality is most like Prussia. Just like I realized I was America ( I kept on calling myself 'the hero' afterwards), Anita now calls herself 'the awesome me.' Here's a pic of Prussia the epic: Its rather scary how we didnt realize her nation only after 2 months of obsessing!!!


Back to the topic of enviousness. I watched these teens, dressed up as various contries, just acting like their personalities and having fun. And as I watched that, I realized that I wont have the same fun. For one: theyre in places other than the Phoenix metropolian area. For two: My parents done have enough time to drive me around these various cons, with me dressed up as a cheeseburger loving idiot with my friends. However, they ahve let me buy one thing for my Halloween cosplay, which is a wig. And the wig looks awesome. :D

Im just watching this and thinking that, hey, Ill probobly never experience stuff as fun as this:

And one of the most annoying things is that theyre in places where instead of trees adn rain you get cacti and an unforgiving sun. At times like this I wish i moved to Texas or something. I mean, the atmosphere in these videos are just like the atmosphere when I was in Texas with Shelks: full of cold, biting cold, but fun. Immensley fun.

I have a feeling that once it gets cold here (in this place by the name of the Phoenix metropolian area), Id regret my words. Since its as awesome as Prussia here. I cant wait for the cold to come. Just cant wait.

But while Im waiting for he glorious North American and English holiday of Halloween, I might as wellteach my friends the game up above and hope that a ton of people will join us. :) And then we'll (the Hetalia-obsessors) burst into singing this and this:

danng it, the second video doesnt ahve the English translation. Oh well. You guys get the point.




Be happy, eat your pasta/hamburger/origiri/wurst/pancakes/England's cooking, help Italy throw a grenade the right way, remember who's Canada (wait, who?), play with Lithuania, love the Earth, and wave a white flag. :)