Wednesday, October 6, 2010

29 Gifts

Ive recently read an amazing book my the name of 29 Gifts, a book about how a challenge made a woman diagnosed with a horrible disease turn her life around. Ive just finished this book, and have decided to join up with the site that was in the book and I want to join the 29 Day Challenge. The challenge goes as this:

My synopsis: You give mindfully, fully, for 29 days, never missing a day, to see change happen in your life and the lives of those around you. You dont forget a day, you dont give without reason, resentfulness, absolutely fully and openly.

The synopsis from the book flap (which Im copying right now):
Then, as a remmedy for her condition, Cami recieved an uncommon perscription from a friend, an African medicine woman named Mbali Creazzo: Give away 29 Gifts in 29 Days. "By giving," Mbali told her, "you are focusing on what you ahve to offer others, inviting more abundance into your life." These gifts, she said, could be anything, but their giving had to be both authentic and mindful. At least one gift needed to be something she felt was scarce in her life.
This book is amazing, and every story I read about it seems amazing, and even though Im already living a pretty bountiful and happy life (no, really, look at my previous posts), I dont feel that therse a limit to happiness (this also relates to a wellness magazine I read not long ago... No really. All the magazines in my house are either wellness or travel :/). I believe that this challenge will increase my happiness even further.

Also, I want to change the community in which we live in. In the book, Cami had become more social, happy (oh, I feel as if this word is becoming overused nao), deep... You get the point. She had created a movement centered on giving - And I have now joined it.

This movement is centered on this site:

This site was talked about on the book, and the design was also spoken of, and not little. I imagined the design with a tree and a bird: and I found out that that tree and that bird actually exists: as well as Cami and Mbali and Mark and every other person who existed in the book. Its amazing.

These people started a movement geared towards giving and receiving, but in the resentful, ambitious, courteous way: giving from the heart and from the soul.

It way sound a little... unbelieving at first, but remember who youre reading this from. I am an avid follower of many spiritual exercises, such as The Secret, wabi sabi, and now I shall join in with the 29 Gift Challenge. Btw, bury me with other spiritual stuff in the comments below if you feel like it. :) All of these processes, such as the Secret, ahve helped me and many others so much in life. If you dont know what the Secret is, go Google it or something. I highly recommend watching the movie or reading the book though. The Secret for Teens and The Power are also good. The Secret and wabi sabi have worked for me, and I choose to try out another way of thinking. I can never have too many ways to happiness. :)

Also, I find that I have a rather large impact on my community, my table, the people at school with whom I interact with. If I change my way of thinking to the positive, grateful way of thinking, which includes giving small gifts from the soul, other people will latch on and spread the word. I believe in this ripple-effect. After all, obsessions work the same way. Shelks on Buzz got my friends and me accicted to Hetalia (and the addiction has not waned yet - were still reading history books like fanfics), and sooner or later, the 8th grade knows which songs were singing during lunch and what those characters we draw on teh board mean. Or somewhat mean. At least nthey knows it Hetalia-related (oh, and btw, Brist will watch Hetalia tonight and tell us the verdict on it tomorrow. Who else's esxcited?? XDXDXDXD). Sure, some people oppose this ripply of fangirldom, like those sticks and stones in a pond. But sooner or later they will join us too.

I know that this will change my life as I know it. Starting with tomorrow: Day 1 of the 29-Gift-Giving Challenge.

Stay bright and strong everyone!

1 comment:

  1. It's awesome that you're doing this!!! Just awesome. Making yourself a better person. =)
