Saturday, November 28, 2009

Okami VS Twilight Princess

Some of you may hae heard about Okami, a game originally for the PS2 but then made for the Wii, from my older posts.

Well, as you all should know, Shelko came over this past weekend (she left yesterday) and with her, she bought new things. We started taking about OKami, and on Tuesday she made me open a present, and in it was Okami! My own copy! So those days that she was here, we played it so much. And we kept on comparing it to TP. Cuz I heard that it's like a TP for the PS2. And so, we kept on doing things related to it.

Some things that I miss that are in TP but nwat in Oki::
  • Items. You don't rally have items. Well, you do, but you just can't go around using them. Of course, ihn TP there's a couple billion items that you use only once, but still! They're items. But then again, WL didn't use tiems when he was transformed...
  • The ability to battle when there's no one around. That's a biggie. In TP, you can go on and use your battle things when theres no battle. In Oki, you have thses motions that mean one thing in battles and one thing out of abttles. For example, the waggle. You waggle the Wiimote to sprint out of battle, while you attack with your Divine Instrument in battle. I hate that. In battle, "Z" means use your subweapon. Out of battle, its either bark, or perform an action (similar to "A"). It pisses me off.
  • The fact that your sidekick doesn't really DO anything. I can't ask Issun to give me advice when I'm lost, and he doesn't perform any special actions. But then, I'm in the beginning of the game, I shouldn't be angry. But Midna is better. Her theme is way different (see below), a melancholy oboe or whatever while Issun's is all... Oocoo-like. Midna also gives you advice when you need it, and you can always ask her for it too. AND she performs an attack when yuou need it. For shadow beasts. Oh eyah. Here, all the battles are like Shadow Beast Battles.
  • Ammy doesn't have a personality. This may be a little evil of me, since Oki is a third-persoin game, but rally! She doesn't have a personality! When something good happens, she just stands there. When there's a beast or something weird, she doesn't growl opr anyting. She just stands there. The only part where she was acting like somerthing real was when the bomber-dude made those explosives. She ran outside and pawed the air. Like a real dog. AND she falls asleep when someones taling to her. This may mean that she considers them her inferior, cuz she's a goddess and everythihng, and "origin of all that is good and mother to us all", as it says ingame. But I mean, Link has more personality than her! He gets mad when something bad happens, he smiles when something good happens. And he amkes those motions that the rest of us are making when something happens. The best example is Telma. In this cutscene, Telma (a bartender with HUGE boobs) gets close to Link and Link's eyes flash for a second.....there... and then he looks abck up to her. I'm telling ya, the rest of the people who played the game did to same thing. And another example is ojne early in teh game. When you meet Zelda for the first time, you don;t relaly know who this is, and so Link starts to growl. Hm. Suitable reastion.
Er yeah... Now things that TP could have that Okami ahs::
  • Humor. yes, at times TP is funy, but Oki has this... sublte humpr that gives it a little smile. Those charries, like the postman, the bomber-dude, even Sakuya, they're all so cute! They have this little crazy thing with them. But its good.
  • You actually feel as if you did something when you get rid of those cursed zones in the land. You see everythihg blossoming, the people getting back into people, and they are no longer statues... the animals return, the red spots are gone.... life is back. But there's a problem with this. The people, because of their desighn, don't really show any emotions. When the monsters attack, it seems as if this has no impact on anybody, even though it says "this is cursed, its ruining life... ladadada..." when truely, I don't want to help them. Now, I want to help Coro when he's stuck in his house with those Shadow Insects in TP. He's deathly afraid of that. So when I see him, back at his usual place near the fire, selling oil in jars, I actually feel good when I se that his face looks both releived and scared. This feeling isn't in Oki.
  • Yeah, but art. The graphics are amazing, but they bore your eyes after a while. But then, I ahvn't played the whole game. Maybe they get better.
That's mostly it for now. When I actually get farther in teh game I'll post more. ^^

And so, didn;'t I promise some vids of me and Alya?

I'm so sri, but we had a hugely packed schedule. It was paked, we bareky slept during the night. This was thje only biut I could record with her.

Alya loks so much better without the pony tail. I mean, seriosly. But yeah, she's one of my best friends. And yes, she's dresed and I'm in pajamas. I'm a baaaaaaaaaad girl. And we were just.. I don't remember what we were doing.


but I'm also here to advertise!!! I may have told you guys about this Zelda ONline Radio I listen to these days....... Iz called WZMR: World Zelda Music Radio.

Here's a promo for it::

This amkes me feel so..... geeky. But I'm proud to be a WZMR listener. ^^ Yeah. I'm listening to it right now.


And some Oki music::

Listen to the begining, and stop about..... 0:13. Then listen to THIS, from 3:19 all thw way to 3:22

Listen to it immediatly. One and then the other, and only those aprrts. They seem to be very sililar, eh?

they sound almost the same! But Okami ahs Japanese instruments while TP has either a trumpet or tons of violins, I'm not sure.

They're ya go.

but to be honsest, I'm siding with TP. The epic Midna thing and the Twilight and hte epicness of it is too much. I mean relaly.

And I'm currently sick, so .... yeah. Ta-chao


  1. Awesome! But I feel like I still don't know Alya's personality. Most probably cuz the video was about 30 secs of actual talking :) Anyway, u can tell me more about her, rite? Puppy dog eyes...

  2. Ok so.... *akhem* shes very active, shes not very keen on breaking the rules, but has a craving for adventure, is the outcast at her skl, thinks of me as her cousin, even though we arent, is very erandom, especially where we are alying in bed, in teh middle fo the night, and singing really randiom things to classical music. for example......

    "I shall poke your bely butto with a fishstick!
    "ammy died- of dehydration!- IIIIIIIsuuuuuun deflatd Her. eysyesyes... issun deflated ehrl........ issun deflated ehr...... uissun deflated her...........

    yeah. *looks away* shes also an artist, a fellow decliner, loves writing, drawing, dancing irish-like to TP songs (we did this on monday), and playing with animals. shes also very keen on exploring and breaking the rules.... iona subtle way. shwe is really afraid of dpoig bad things, but shell do it if our parents are ok with it.

    so yeah. did i say shes one of my best friends?? and that shes exactly a year and 4 hours younger than me????????????????

  3. wait a sec, you said she's not keen on breaking the rules, then that she is keen on breaking the rules, and only if your parents let you. Why would a parent let you break the rules??? :[

  4. "And more:: life is interesting. You just ahve to make it intereting. Dure, none of us have poweres, but we ahve talents. None of us know it. But we will. I'm sure. But then, some people are su0posd to have boring lives. Its the life you make for your self. I make my life intersint by breaking rules, by going all over teh internet searching things that intrest me, by talking and seeing what everyone else is doing. That's how interting my life is. It isn't full of action, but for now, I'klll wait until I have my own skateboard with the Triforce on the back til I atually go out and be who I want to be. ^^"

    Yeah so that's a quote by you... my question is.... who is "who I want to be"?

  5. WHAT DO YOU MEAN ISSUN DOESN'T REALLY DO ANYTHING? Well in the beggining of the game, yeah he doesn't do much. But inh the end he restore all your power after Electric Yami...oops. I shouldn't have ruined the epic part. It was so sweet, I cried. The look Ammy gave Issun when he left her....*starts crying* And Waka seperating the two.. Issun falling off the boat....ok... MAJOR SPOILER HERE! And on some of the major bosses he does give you hints.... *AHEM* THE RED WORDS AE FOR A REASON,SISTER!!! And she gets into Battle position when theres something freaky like the Priestess ghost or when she first meets Oki And he nearly mauls her; Dumbo! And she SO has personality Think about the end, The look on Ammy's face when issun falls off the boat; when Waka takes her to the Celestial Plain; When issun does bloom on her nose; When she runs into old man ishaku Ishaku says "Fine, ignore me. That's the Ammy I know" Her personality is the tendency to be ignorant. Sheesh! And for the 'feeling you need to save someone' Is around the time when you go into the northern lands, you have to see one of the werewolf guys that has owels on his shoulders. HE SHAKES LIKE A CRAZY MANIAC WHEN HE'S NERVOUS. And you really want to run and save issun and Ammy just does that! Except in Okami The main character's weakness is shown and fails and doing quests. While in TP Link is like a winner 100% all the way without any shown weakness. It's very demeaning since all of us are losers compared to him. The fact that Ammy has weakness and fails sometimes is a kind reminder that no one's perfect.
