Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I'm listening to "Sonic Adventure 2 Battle" music, and its "Escape from the city". Dang I'm bored. Finished all my HW, drawing on PS, wanting to urinate but holding it, updated my dA, bored...............

AAAAAAAAnd just to tell ya teh dictionary thing doesnt work. I tried it a million gazillion times adn it still refuses to work. That's why I removed it, but the post with the dictionary on it is tstill tehre, check it out.............

o yeah. gona go urinate. cant take it anymore.

-------after urination----------

oh eyah i ahve some nes!

i walked into a wall today. i eman, i was talking to alice and xtizzle and then all of a sudden i turned around and bam the wall sneaked up on me. the only ba thing was that i was kinda skip/jumping at the time, so yeah. the right side of my face still hurts, adn i ahve a couple red teny spots near my eye and on my cheek. When I hit it, nowe i understand waht stars are. i mean, i literally saw stars for a split second! it was weird.

and then yesterday i decided to bring this coffe cup thing to skl and i brought tea in it. i was in rhet and ther aranya was sitting at our table and then we jkust randomly stsarted talking about tea and av was spazzed so she wasnt there loik, half teh time. and then in english aranya sits a sit in front of me and we talkj aaloooooooooooot and she asked me if i had any more tea left, and i said no its now berry blast neked juice. note how i said "neked". i hate thier name. soooooooooooo much.

anyways now im seeing sunstripe's/sunni-chan's profile on dA. Ya mnow what, some of these so called famous YT warrior cats animators cant draw at ALL. I know i've been ranting on this for a klong time now, now as Richard Williams said, you must know how to draw before you make it (the drawing) move. i mean, allikat, darkeh, sunni, wavestorm, all of them, they just CANT draw at all. i eman rteally. just go and search "allikatnya" or "darkkokiri" or "sunstripe31" or "wavestorm101". i eman rlaly.

anyways..... im listening to MyOhMy. it amkews me think of zelda. i miss those days of zelda obsessivness............


now im kinda in between obsessions. its kinda hard for me.. since none of the things im into right now are really obsession-worthy. manga, tlk....... its just nawt the same as zelda.

i made up my mind. im gonna go wake up at 5 am again. to play tp. i need to play tp. i just ahve to. for my own well being. ya know what, ill start from the begining, to try to beat my record of 76 hours to finish teh game.

and then Xtizzles awesome bro Ian lended me his copy of NintendoPower Magazine adn it has loik, 5 pages dedicated to Zelda. and the first page hasa hufe "z" on it with a pic of TP link on epona (from da official pic). yeah. well......

im trying to be more on dA. I already posted one pic and updated my journal, and now im drawing calii yet again. i shud make more OCs. All i have is Calii, Luke, the rest of the Decs. *slams hand on forehead* DUH THE DECS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so dudes, u remmeber in Februrary I made this group with my friends on GoogleGroups as this sort-of wolf pack. well its only me, shelko, adn rosie. if u guys joined, i wud make myself mucho more active on there. come on dues, join the decs! ill do it if u guys join!

so everything is on the site........

please jion........ *puppy eyes*


  1. ha i couldnt choose on ur poll.. i put obama, simba, and toboe :D

  2. Nothing to comment on. And u shouldn't worry that my comment is "uninteresting" b/c this post is for ur own entertainment according to u, so stop complaining about bad comments.

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