Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Is Iso Coming Back?

You guys may or may nawt remmeber Iso, from [this]. Well, I have more and more thoughts about starting it. As a comic book. I dream about it at night. I made more of the plot, and I even starteed planning it out like a series on YT, only it'll neva eva become that, I'm sure of it. AAAAND I have a song (yes a SONG) that I made for it. A SONG.

So yes, I think I might start this. Might. It has so much promise, but I know I'm not capable of achieving this, becasue of those high standards I see in my head.

The way I see it is an Oha/Ginga Deshentu Weed style. Oha is an amazing animator and artist, and I wuv her style. GDW has a similar style, and both are totally amazing. And I see it in that style. The only problem is teh comic will be made by me, nawt thse awsome people, and the style will make me totqlly phail and give up.

To see a couple examples of teh style I se it in, lookie at this::

The middle part with teh running cat is sorta how I want it to look, but then a little of teh summer-ish look of GDW wud be nice too.

Yes, there's a theme song. And yes, tehre's a ton of blood and gore. But the backgrounds and style is amazing. Especially that scene when Smith was teaching the little pups how to fish. I was thinking of that style mixed with Oha and my character desighns and manga expressions and it would be amazing!

Only that I can't do any of that. So it remains a useless dream.

Anybody out there that wants to do this? Its all yours.

But.... then... if you're really interested here's how to story will go... so far. As said, this is just an idea. I only started modifying it like this until loik, 2 nights ago.


~Isotta Carlstien is from a wealthy family who lives in some land that I havn't made a name for or any geographical link to. Her father went out exploring, after a life of math at being an accountant, and her mother lives with her. But then there's some witch hunters and they corner her mom, who hides Iso under a bed. All of a sudden the hunters were froen in time and her mother had disappeared. And so, Iso packed, mourned, and headed out (much in teh same way of Tohru in Fruits Basket) who lives off of money stashed from the family lot and teh sold furniture. And so she heads out looking for a job. She stumbles across a town with an inn asking for help. She manages to score a job as a waitress and gets a couple friends which are orchard pickers (Lessie Helgs) and kitchen workers (Tina Kandel). As she finally gets a true childhood (playing ina "band" in teh market, gossiping in teh orchard, flirting with guys, etc.) there's news that teh witch-hunters are coming into this town too. And so.... um.... that's when teh story ahs multiple paths.

Path1:: they gallop in with wagons and horses, and tell everyone to form a line in teh town square and then Iso runs off, they run after her, she bonks her head into a tree, she dies. Yeah, or she gets knocked out, they capture her... she escapes, but this is relaly undeveloped.

Path2:: They continue in the town, but when Iso's going on an errand, they corner her, and she repels them with untold witch magic. As a rule, if a witch shows her magic she shares a soul or transforms or takes the place of an animal that's closest to her. Yeah. Now she's a purple kitty. Yay. Did I say her hair is purple? And then, everyone hears of this, Lessie and Tine forsake her with tears, and then the dudes capture her and um.... yeah. That's it so far. XP. Didja think that it'll get so far???

Path3:: She openly challenges the witchhunters, calling them glorified gypsies (hahah just amde that up) and then they steal her away, and so they make her their experiment cuz they're witches themselves (that's in every path, somehow) and they turn her into a cat (in every path), and ladeedada....

And so yeah. It's really undeveloped. XD. My bro votes for path 1, but I['m not sure if any of tehm are good enouph. And all of tehm have to have Iso turned into a cat and captured, and the withunters are actually witches themselves (i ahve no idea who ill make that happen) but so yeah.

Anybody intersted?? *holds post up like an "extra!extra!"* Dah see??? I phail with a ph.

So yeah. Tchao.