Friday, July 23, 2010

Im 50 and Flammable! Among other things.

[x] - You like cheese.
[ ] - You hate peanuts.
[x] - You agree that this quiz is random.
[ ] - You have farted today.
[x] - You have choked on something.
[ ] - You are a writer.
[] - You smoke.
[x] - You like to swim.
[ ] - You have farted more than once today.
[x] - You like ice cream.

[x] - You have lied more than 10 times.
[ ] - You are an only child.
[ ] - You have more than 3 pets.
[x] - You prefer water to other drinks.
[ ] - You are an alcoholic.
[x] - You are under 20 years old.
[ ] - You are over 30 years old.
[ ] - You have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
[x] - You like jewelry.
[ ] - Your favorite music genre is rock.

[ ] - You weigh more than 140 lbs.
[x] - You like pirates.
[x] - You like anime.
[x] - You are a fangirl/fanboy of something.
[ ] - You take a prescription drug every day.
[ ] - You have a job.
[x] - You live with your parents.
[ ] - You like to eat eggs.
[ ] - You have a religion.
[x] - You dress stranger than other people.

[ ] - You have had diarrhea in the past 2 weeks.
[x] - You have eaten something odd before. (Venison, Alligator, rabbit, ostritch, emu, moose, bison, various fruits and vegies not native to the US D)
[ ] - You are bad at math.
[x] - You love electronics.
[x] - Someone/something has pissed you off in the past week.
[ ] - You cuss a lot.
[x] - You believe in aliens.
[x] - You play video games.
[ ] - You have low self-esteem.
[x] - You carry a purse.

[x] - You like flowers.
[ ] - You are bisexual or homosexual
[ ] - You are a Capricorn or a Scorpio.
[ ] - You have used tarot before.
[x] - You believe in ghosts.
[ ] - You think *The-Fun-Group is awesome.
[ ] - You like :dev:Fotus9:'s horoscopes better than *An-Unsure-Thing's.
[ ] - You thought today's funny saying was really funny.
[ ] - You have gotten one of the daily riddle's right.
[x] - You have gotten in/came close to being in a fist fight.

[x] - You like fire.
[ ] - You have fainted or passed out before.
[ ] - You have a high school diploma.
[x] - You live in America.
[ ] - You use hand sanitizer a lot.
[x] - You consider yourself a nerd.
[ ] - You have tried chewing tobacco.
[ ] - You are a conspiracy theorist.
[ ] - You sleep in the nude.
[ ] - You will tag people to do this.

[x] - You have imagined yourself being famous.
[x] - You own a stuffed animal.
[x] - You like watermelon.
[ ] - You live in Europe.
[ ] - You have a fetish for something.
[ ] - You fidget a lot.
[x] - You agree that this quiz has nothing to do with anything.
[ ] - You won't re-post this quiz.
[ ] - You have your own personal computer and don't share one.
[x] - You have a brother.

[x] - You can cook well.
[x] - You like to party.
[ ] - You are a bad dancer.
[ ] - You are a professional dancer.
[x] - You have crossed paths with a black cat.
[x] - You have a friend that you think is crazy.
[x] - You have under 10 good, close friends.
[ ] - You are anticipating your answer to this quiz.
[x] - You have run away from something.
[ ] - You have watched the movie: "X Men 3".

[x] - You like to mix soft drinks together.
[x] - You have done an odd experiment. (plenty)
[x] - People have stared at you oddly in public.
[x] - Your grandmother(s) are still alive.
[ ] - You have a step-mom or dad.
[ ] - You hate to be tagged.
[ ] - You have been a member to dA for under 3 months.
[ ] - You have a dA subscription.
[x] - Your hair is brown.
[x] - You love to eat candy.

[x] - You have dressed up for Halloween.
[x] - You love cats.
[x] - You have a quirky personality. (Or so I'm told)
[ ] - You are a coffee addict.
[ ] - You live near a body of water.
[x] - You have had a toothache.
[x] - You currently have to go to the bathroom.
[x] - You like reading others' answers to "What would you do?".
[x] - You use the term: "Epic Fail".

Find your score & re-post this titled as "I'm 50, and Flammable!". (Put your answer in the blank.)

0-25 = A spaceship.
26 = Corn.
27 = The Chosen One.
28 = A donkey.
29 = Flashlight.
30 = Weed.
31 = Stalker.
32 = Poodle.
33 = A turd.
34 = Pacifier.
35 = Chili.
36 = A continent.
37 = Bamboo.
38 = A Nissan Skyline.
39 = Pedophile.
40 = A rather large and smelly fish.
41 = Parachute.
42 = Mob of angry sheep.
43 = A clone of yourself.
44 = A mortified chocolate deer antler.
45 = Pincushion.
46 = Toilet seat.
47 = Ninja.
48 = Psycho passion fruit.
49 = Yellow snow.
50 = Flammable.
51 = A poison Easter basket.
52 = A dirty diaper.
53 = Mammary gland.
54 = A moose humping a guardrail.
55 = An illegal immigrant.
56 = Tofu.
57 = Microscopic testicle fuzz.
58 = Staple gun.
59 = Tail feather.
60 = A white rapper.
61 = A shotgun shell.
62 = Sexy as hell.
63 = A popcorn fart.
64 = A rusty, herpes infected needle.
65 = Fortune cookie.
66 = Barack Obama.
67 = Chinchilla.
68 = Weapon of mass destruction.
69 = An epic failure at everything.
70 = A semi-proportionate and anonymous fish scale.
71 = Naughty nymphomaniac.
72 = Bicycle tire.
73 = Sweat.
74 = The Bubonic Plague.
75 = Turkey.
76 = Amoeba.
77 = A lice-infected hobo.
78 = The ruler of all evil.
79 = Horny toad.
80 = Fairy Godmother.
81 = Tuba.
82 = Anorexic llama capillary.
83 = Moldy snot.
84 = Miley Cyrus wannabe.
85 = Doppelganger.
86 = Future porn star.
87 = Unnatural disaster.
88 = Statistical database.
89 = Genital lice.
90 = Rocket launcher.
91 = Ruby vomit.
92 = Maggot.
93 = Selfish antagonistic poofing cat.
94 = Pudding.
95 = A gravy train.
96 = Santa Claus.
97 = Paris Hilton's big toe.
98 = Decaying insect corpse.
99 = Blood bank.
100 = Freak of nature and humanity.

I tag:: The Trilingual Bookeater, BBJBJ, The Tenth Muse, ElisesPieces, The Evil Genius, Shrey G, Linky Linker, Shelko Star, and Dominating Cookies. I think that's everyone that I regularly talk to on Buzz and/or other places. :) And if you don't do this, I will personally eat you. Have a good day at the Ministry of Magic!

Now for the journal-part of this psot:

I had to put that thing up there. It is a measurement of epicness. And I'm Flammable! >:D

In am currently eating oatmeal and watermelon. it tastes good. At least teh watermelon does. But I have to eat this stupid outmeal and go do the dishes and laundry. Oh, boy.

About yesterday:

Yesterday, after I stopped Blogging adn whatnot, Grandma and I went to this awesome, Fashion-Square Mall-like place. Finally, a real mall!! I felt like at home, instead of those hot, horrible multiple-story plazas I tlaked about in earlier posts, this was a true mall. So, while we were there, I got a couple shirts (a soft lavender adn a bright rasberry pink), a dress (I know this sounds unlike me, wearingn a dress, but this dress is awesome. Im going to wear it on teh first dya of school. Youll all see it then), and leggings (black leggings, perfect for everything. i lvoe them!) The mall was gorgous, adn Grandma and I had some good bonding time. Now I know how to use the metro adn bus stations by myself! Although I cant go anywhere because my phone vaporized. But I know where it is and Ill get it soon. :)

And so, the real 'adventure' was today. I went by myself to teh movies (movies here are the same as going to teh computer to check email here) and I saw this strange female Indiana Jones-esque film, which was originally French. I saw teh film (review will be later), ate some icecream, and because I wanted to go drink some mineral sirup later, I walked around my local mall (where the movie theatre was located - along with a grocery store, food-court, and stuff like that) in circles until I ate my icecream, proceded to teh mineral-sirup, drank the new taste for today (it was this green... thing. i have no idea how it tasted, at first i thought it was alchahol but then i realized that alchahol tastes much worse (dont ask me how i know - read my previous posts from january)) and i went outside to drink it and headed home. now, ive already read the newspapers in english that grandma got me (rather intersting newspapers, actually) and i was aching to start HP3, in Russian (since ive already read 2 and 5). And also, I wanted more sirup. So I looked around the small bookstore (its very small, with only one wall of books) and oh wow! No HP. But tons of fantasy: I saw Twilight (Sumerki), Vampire Slaters (Ohotniki za Vampirami) and stuff like that. But no HP. There were fantasy books all right, but they werent apatazing enough. *eats a forkful of oatmeal* This stuff is disgusting.

So I drank the rest of my sirup and trudged abck to teh mall. To get more sirup. And I got the same sirup. And then i officially headed home. And I made some outmeal and watermelon. And I got teh compter and put it on teh kitchen table. And so, here I am now. :)

Ive promised a review, didnt I?

The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blac-Sec

Rather good movie. About this woman, in her 20s, whos an adventurer Indiana Jones-like in 1911, I think. But not really. She just happens to have tons of enemies. In teh movie, we only see her have a true Indie-style adventure when she tries to find this mummy of a dead doctor. She has this old-dude friend who can make dead things come alive, and he livens a 135 million year old pterodactyl egg. So theres a pterodactyl loose on the city. And so we find out that Adele wants this mummy to be alive again because her sister, who has a pin in her brain and is still somehow alive, is nearly dead and she wants the doctor dude to help her. Only her old-dude friend is captured, and so she uses the pterodactyl to save him. Oh yeah, adn then theres this other dude, whos in love with Adele, who helps her with the pterodactyl, and thers the president of france, who Adele jumped on to stop the pterodactyle from getting him. And so, this hunter-ddue shoots the pterodactyl, and in turn, the old-dude almsot dies. Then the pterodactyl dies. And the old-dude dies. But his spirit or something of the like lives on adn it made everything 2 kilometers away be living, and so the mummy-dude, who really isnt a doctor, goes and tries to wake other mummies, hoping that thers a doctor between them. And then they make Adeles sister healthy again, and nearly everyone lives happy. The lovey-dude falls with Adele's sister, adn I think they have something going on. Newspapers are talking about wakling mummies, and stuff like that. Adele goes on a trip at the end, for a vacation, on teh Titanic. And so, the credits begin. :)

God movie. Slightly disturbing at parts, but still good. The graphics fail majorly. The acting suffers at some points, adn some points in the storyline make no sense, but in all it was enjoyable. Enjoyable. The thing I loved most was the mood of the film. If you guys seen Sherlock Holmes 2009, its kinda the mood of that film: gray, moody, but not to that extent that Sherlock Holmes had. This moodyness had flowers and feathers. I need to make some fanart of this film. The characters are hilarious. :)

So, while you all are enjoying the rest of your summer vacation (which is quickly coming to a close - wow, time flies!), remember me, and imagine what this new dress looks like. Have fun commenting.

Sincerely, Calli
(Help old ladies across the road!!)

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