Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rossiya (cont.) + Fandom

So, I believe Ive ended nthe alst post with me going first into the Haunted Walk at my summer camp in teh dead of night adn dragging the second girl in line by the hands because she went so slow.

Yes. So. We went in. We saw the camp managers, lords and ladies (we were supposed to call them that) dressed in ghastly costumes. I remmber this bride wearing dark makeup and bloodstains running out of the bushes and taking me by the hand and yelling "TAKE ME TO MY HUSBAND!!" As I was first, all teh "evil spirits" came to me first. Joy. There was also this head. This guy just came down the path, dressed in dementor-like robes (im not kidding), holding a cut-off head by a bandage. The head looked like something out of Partycity covered in red paint or ketchup, one of them. So, it came towards us at a steady limping pace, I just hopped around it to the other side, and kept on walking, but OMGGPS!! The other girls were staring at teh Headless Dude and backing off. What IDIOTS!! Cant they see its ketchup?? And so I resumed my waiting pose, looking annoyed while they backed away, farther adn farther away, until teh girl behind me skrted around the Headless Dude adn glomped me. Joy. -----

Grandma just ncalled adn told me to do teh laundry adn water the flowers. 30 mins...

---Im back!

So, as said above, she glomped me. I taught Russians how to glomp. But one of teh girls, Catlin (in teh camp we were supposed to use nicknames. I picked 'Caltra' and was called 'Koltra' for the first few days T-T.), kept on firing insults at the spirits. "What a pretty head you have!!" "I love your dress!!" "Are those blood stains real?" She kept the other scaredy-cats in line and marching through the forest. AND SO, we got to this little girl, just sitting on teh path, hugging a panda-bear and combing her pigtails. She sees us, reaches her hand out, and pleads, "Take me to my mommy..." Catlin, in return, yelled, "HOWBOUT I TAKE YOU TO JUVENILLE PRISON??" (of course, dont forget that all this dialogue was in Russian). It was awesome. I nearly fell down laughing. But we got through the trail, and then, we had to get back to our building and go to sleep. And so, we had to walk on a path where, by teh smell of it, horses walked. That was probobly teh scariest part of the trail.

Erm, now, since nothing much happened, I got sick, laddiedada, My aunt picked me up from teh dacha and had me revitalize at her apartment. Thats where I got in touch with a true touch of videogame nostalgia.

HP2 videogame for teh PC. I last played it when I was 7 years old. And now, this year, I played it again. Some random moments in teh game, while I was playing it, I had flashbacks to me, sitting on the bed, watching my aunt fighting orange snails with "rictusemptra" and "flipendo!!" When I saw the cutscene where Riddle finds Hagrid, I had this flashback where I sat and kept on walking through them during the cutsene (at that part, it shows Hagrid adn Riddle doing things, and you, as transparent Harry, can walk through them and around them adn stuff like that). Then, during the Rictusemptra Challengs (every time you learn a spell, you need to have a challenge to prove your worth), when I saw the first enemies, teh fire-farting six-legged spider-turtles, I gasped. Because of those things I cut my cheek with a nail 6 years before!! When I saw Peeves again, I centered my wand on him and "splurge"d to heart's delight. When I looked over the Chocolate cards Ive collected over the game, I have moments, "I remember that one!! Shes hat girl who found gillywater!! Thats the dude whos roof fell in because of that backfired spell!!" Moments of true bliss. I remember the boss fight with Aragog, when I knew not to open that chest with "alahomora" because I remembered there was a hidden gnome in there. At this moment in the game, I'm in the Chamber of Secrets, with no Wiggenweld Potions (health-restoring potions), with 3/4 of my lighting bolt filled up (the lifes in this game are called stamina and theyre measured with lightning bolts and if you collect enough cards, you get lightning bolts added on) so theres only 2 hits before I faint again. And Ive saved RIGHT AT THE WORST PART!! And teh door just locked behind me. And there are two, extremely fast snails in front of me, paired with 2 Large Cornish Pixies, which require 2 hits each. HELP ME. Im deathly afraid of those snails!! Theyre fast... I eman, once they see you, the snails chanrge, adn you 'faint'. And come back 2 steps away from the place you died. But the snails... Theres this place near it, its like a pit, but its closed. I remember it, somewhere deep in my memory, how to get past this part... but at this moment I cant understand it. I hate snails. But the memory... I remember Tanya (my aunt) got stuck on that part too.

And so, yesterday, continuing with the HPfandom, I spent most of the day on Mugglenet. Because I wasnt on there so much and decided to have some fun. And oh boy, I did. I listened to all teh former MuggleCasts (including the one at Infinitus, or whatever its called) and now I ahve this huge urge to run to Florida and sneak into WWoHP. I just have to. EEK!! When my parents have their next conference in Florida, Ill beg for them t take me there. Even though both my mom and my dad are fed up with HP. >.<>:D

In other news, since it changes every day, yesterday I went to a Japanese resteraunt with Grandma, and we ate sushi. And meso soup. If thats how you spell it. And the meso soup was delicious! Yum, the tofu, the kelp, it was all so delicious!! Once teh sushi came, I was an animal. I quickly snatched a simple kelp-covered small roll with my chopsticks, dipped it in soysauce, and proceded to teh next while Grandma only opened her napkin, complete with a fork and knife. I taught Grandma about the soy sauce and teh ginger thing and which rolls are my fav (those simple ones - with only the little fish, rice, and kelp covering). And we talked. Now, since Ive learned to do as teh Romans do, we fight much less. Once I get back home, then Ill do things my way. Plus, Grandma doesnt need all that stress of fighting me. Now were more like good friends. And I showed that by letting her do my hair (into braids!! Ew!!), buying me a pistachio-colored tunic (which I like, except for that disgusting color. it fits me very well, and its soft and comfortable. but the color is just plain disgusting!), and eating at least a little bit instead of nothing at dinnertime.

And one of the major things I hate about this summer: the heat. With a capital H. So its more like Heat. Its arid, hot, humid, and it feels like the atmosphere is determinded to squash you into a human-colored pulp. Its horrible. I sweat so much that its unbearable when Im outside. And the absolute worst part is that most of Moscow doesnt have an AC. Now that sucks eggs. This weather is sortof like AZ, so its not that hard on me. Im used to being outside for a little while, then diving back into teh well-conditioned oasis of a building. But NO!! Moscow isnt used to this type of weather, so no ACs are found!! So its even hotter inside than outside!! My Grands, on the other hand, are smart people, who have ACs in the kitchen and in the living room. So I DO have an AZ-like feeling. Except when I go out to the store and whatnot. To get mineral water with sirup. :) I almost forgot to tell you guys about that.

Because of teh heat, vendors are getting business. In teh old Soviet days, there were these machines for mineral water (bubbly water, carbonated water, but I call it mineral water) mixed with sirup. Now, there are tewo machines standing not far away from my building at a mini-mall called Ladya (which means nothing, its just a word). I fell in love with those machines. They are exactly like those in those old Soviet films adn cartoons! I just pay 10-20 Rubles (about 30-70 cents) and choose my mineral water with teh sirup I like. I love the lemon version, double sirup. its so good!!

And so, while I have time, I'll go, take a walk to the machines, take a look at the stores, adn head back, through teh heat, to my oasis.

Hnm. This post seems much more cheery than teh last post. Anyways, goodbye misters!!

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