Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Warriors Ranting

Ive been rereading the Warrior Cats series lately, and Im just going to rant my thoughts here while I reread the forth book on BrowseInside. You know what I hate? The fact that the fourth book wasnt at Borders when I was buying the series. Because I am rereading it right now and it is amazing, full of suspicions about the main character, an old enemy, tough things...

Like the fact that Fireheart is now deputy.

By the way, spoilers beware. Oops.

Like, I only have the third and fifth books of the original arc, and in the third he BECOMES deputy and in the fifth he's settled in the role. I see Ive missed the fourth as a stepping stone between those two... periods. I love how awkward and stuttering and alhkeglkshgfhksn OOPS Fireheart is... How everyone both respects him because of his discoveries and kinda suspects him because his ceremony was a day late. Not only was it late, it was rushed. SO! His whole, like, deputyship is ruined by Bluestar's mistake. :D I love Bluestar's insanity. Especially how she was suuuuch a great, strong, beautiful character in the beginning, and she eroded to this frail, wounded, insane and delusional old mangy cat. Again, because I skipped over the fourth, I missed the stepping stone between 'delusional' and 'insane'. Idk what it is tho.


Like, I love the characters. Especially Lionblaze. Great character. He needs a bit more flaws and personal troubles though. Jayfeather is an interesting character, but his storyline is unfolding a bit too slow for my liking.

However, the storyline SUUUCKKKSSSS. Fireheart -- OOPS Firestar isnt this great hero, amazing warrior as us oldie fans know him as. He's getting old. Mousefur is an elder - Firestar is getting old too. For Pete's sake, the senior warriors were the youngest cats in the Clan when we first met them! Sandstorm, Dustpelt, Graystripe, and Firestar are all what remains of the warriors in the original arc who are still fufilling warrior duties. Thats... just so... ehlgtkhwskhrfleksghs

I hate it when I must accept that Firestar's reign as Clan leader will DIE.

Also - I could care less about the new things that the Clan are using. Like, wtf do they have so many characters whose names I dont even recall? Blossomnose, Bumblefeather -- who made this up?? Too many useless characters! Maybe ThunderClan was always supposed to be this size (after all, when the readers were first introduced to it it was suffering from underpopulation), but really? I wish they had a population problem again. I wish that a ton of the useless cats would die. Of course, some of them could be kept, but come on! I actually cared for Frostfur and Goldenflower and Willowpelt! I dont even remember the names of the warriors - THE WARRIORS - of the new series! DFGLKHFKEHF

I thought that the series was going back to it's roots when Jaypaw's (yeah, back when he was Jaypaw) story, on how he was investigating the Ancient Cats and the histories of the Clans and those cats who lived at the lake before them. That seemed like such a GREAT plotline! Imagine - blind medicine cat Jaypaw, searching for clues on cats that no living cat remembers! What a GREATTTT plotline wasted!

Also - forbidden love. Wth. It was amazing, touching, bawl-worthy when it happened between Graystripe and Silverstream. Now it's just -- REALLY DOVEPAW? REALLY? NALKGHLFKHLEKSH

Im glad she got away from that idiot in the end though.

Although I was starting to like his character.


That was for no reason. The new series SUCKS.

However, I read the prologue and the first four chapters of the new book, and the prologue sounds extremely interesting. How does the Tribe survive while implementing Clan ways of life? Patrols were something new to the Tribe cats, and I love how Stoneteller gives up on his ancestors. Great plotline there. XD

Another thing that jumped out at me -- I thought Spiderleg was dead. Actually, he wasnt. Whatevs. The new series sucks. ALSO. Why are the Clan cats constantly trying new things? Like, everyone present aprticipates in discussions on what should be done, while in the old series, this stuff went around in whispers, in places where no one except for the cat listening could hear. Like, all of a sudden Brackenfur and Dustpelt are the Clan's best builders? Since when did cats build stuff? *imagines anthro warriors * IT DOESNT WORK. Sure - cultures work. Clan rivalries work. Religions work. Phsycic powers work. BUT DUSTPELT THE BUIIILDER DOES. NOT. WORK.!

Now Im going to return to reading Rising Storm. Ill return soon.


Nyaaaaa Fireheart's misgivings about Bramblekit are so awesome. Since I know he will later become his mentor, his leader, his predesessor on the deputy throne-thing... NYAAA

I love how even though Tigerclaw's gone from the forest, Fireheart is scared of looking into the eyes of his son. NYA.

But then of course, he was also scared when Hawkfrost leaped out of RiverClan reeds. Because Hawkfrost and Tigerstar look so alike, nya.


Oh My GOOOOD I love Cinderpelt. I loved her before too. But I just love her SOOO much. And how she hass to lead Fireheart out of all his anxiety, since that's her duty as his best friend, how that Graystripe's gone. Oh boy. I love you Cinderpelt! Hahahhhahaha Fireheart cant cope with deputy duties... this is what I love about his character. He's so flawed. He's too impatient with everyone, has no sympathy when he doesnt want too, and has the unfortunatality (lol word!!) of being too curious so he find himself in all sorts of secrets and trouble and stuff. :D


1) The drawings for the chapters are so much better than the ones in the new series. So much better!
2) I still have to get in into my head that Yellowfang is alive.


nYAAA J'adore Fireheart. Hes just so funny. What a great main character. Hes so lovable. And adorable. And ferocious. The perfect main character. No wonder none of the books after his were as good (although the New Prophecy was decent because of Brambleclaw -- hes so cute!! He's like that hot shy guy in the corner who you just want to hug because hes so awkward!! NASAAAAA)

Yeha. Totally NASA.


God, he takes so much time to settle into his leadership duties. Like, he was issuing rapid-fire orders in Forest of Secrets and he was saying things without even looking at the cat and the cat would obey, but now NYASAA SOO AWKWARDDSSSS NYAAA FIREHEART NYA




B'aw. Runningwind is still alive. :'3 I forgot he was dead, he was such a minor character. But still he was cuuute in my mind's eye. And I remembered his name. I even made up a character sheet for him! :D But i still dont know the name of the modern ThunderClan warriors.


oMG I do no remember this part when I was reading it a couple years ago. OMGOMGOMGOMGOGM NYA. Fireheart is finally getting praised for his works! ABOUT FREAKING TIME!


My God. Mudclaw said 'Go home!"



Mmm! Ive realized another reason I dont like the new series! StarClan are showing themselves to be confused and disorganized and unholy, which is quite different from their image as the great warriors of the past. StarClan, in Fireheart's time, were impossible to reach, and only for the medicine cats and leaders to understand (which is why Fireheart is an exception). Now, it seems like everyone is getting dreams from them. Also. It seems nowadays that StarClan has nho freaking idea what it's doing, while in the old series we knew that they planned everything out before it happened - after all, they gave dreams to Rusty back when he was a kittypet.


D': The BrowseInside ended. I guess this is a sign I should go to sleep. Or check the net if there's a full copy of the book somewhere in cyberspace. Tchao monseirs.